Striker,lockdown -> suck

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlatoonLeaderG, May 13, 2014.

  1. PlatoonLeaderG

    Just a little rant.
    I was gonna include marauder and vulcan too but i dont have enough time.
    "8 - State of the Striker
    The Striker is in a tough spot as a weapon. It's basically the opposite of what we want out of a great feeling gun in PS2, or at least it was before it got over-nerfed. That is, when you're playing against them it's impossible to deal with, when you're using one personally they're unsatisfying. We will have some buffs for the Striker in the April update, stay tuned"

    April uptade:
    T2 Striker
    • Max projectile speed increased from 100 meters per second to 125

    All ranks of TR MAX Lockdown now deploy and undeploy faster (Again, Nanites. Stop questioning why.)
    • Deploy times reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 seconds

    The patch didnt fix anything.I still didnt forget about the striker promises and i would never forget!
    Tr have the most broken abilities and weapons and the dev team cant even bother of fixing them....
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  2. Tommyp2006

    Most of the April "big balance patch" was just some small tweaks within the range of 1-5%, a revamp of the lynx, 1 new carbine per faction, and an attachment for the MCG. Not much for an infantry update or a big TR revamp like it was talked up. The biggest and most important changes were in the vehicle section, and they still often missed the things that have the largest issues, or didn't hit them hard enough, like the Canister needing a buff/rework.

    I don't know what most people expect for big updates that are talked up for more than a month in advance, but I would expect bigger changes myself.
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  3. Ronin Oni

    Both those changes have helped.

    Buff's and Nerf's shouldn't be massive swinging changes.

    "Most broken abilities"? ZOE would like a word with you.

    Striker still needs more. I'd reduce it's Lock Time half a second and speed up reload by .5-1 second. Lock-Down transition could maybe be sped up to 1.5 second transition time but 2 seconds does feel better (you realize that was a 20% speed up right?) Considering the amount of fire power lockdown lets you kick out, it needs some disadvantage... if you could instantly change in and out (or fast enough to "react to any threats" at least) then it'd be pretty ridiculous. It gives like a 40% increase in DPS at rank 4. That's cray cray.
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  4. Pikachu

    I thought of it as just a nerf patch. Nerfing prowler guns, basilisk and auto repair. o_O
  5. Fenrisk

    Lockdown i can live with but the striker is terrible.

    Grounder and Annihilator are just so much better then the striker right now. Striker has 200m less range then all other lock on's, the worst lock on mechanic out of the 3 and weaker DPS. I seriously question the judgement of the devs when they create a faction specific weapon that's far weaker then it's NS version.
  6. FishMcCool

    In my dream PS2, ES equipment should provide an exclusive edge to its faction. I'd start by removing the Annihilator from the game, refunding certs/SCs, and grant exclusive access to the simultaneous air/ground lock-on to the Striker. Not sure about the numbers tweaking afterwards to buff it into relevantness, but that would be a start.
  7. PlatoonLeaderG

    Striker doesnt need more,it need a big change.

    Staying as a lock on it doesnt work and it will never work as long as NS lock ons exist.
    Striker will either be either an overpower ES(because it will be better than the current NS lock ons) or it will be underpower(because it cannot be better than NS lock ons)

    I hoped the developers understand that and thats what i believed on Higbys quote.Thats why i put it there because the developers either
    1)dont have the resources to make a massive change
    2)dont want to make a change(bias)
    3)dont understand what the problem with striker is(again bias because they should test TR as they do with the other factions)

    I wasnt simply asking for a buff on either lockdown or Striker what i was asking is why those failures(that cant be balanced or work at all) be changed to something else.
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  8. GhostAvatar

    Striker doesn't need fixing. It needs to be thrown on the junk heap. It is too far gone to be saved with any kind of stat tweaks. Just scrap it already and start over from scratch with a whole new concept.
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  9. TotalNoob

    TR just generally suck altogether. I've invested far too much time and money in this game to start over just because Higby want's to play on ezmode every time he logs in to his NC.

    It was fun while it lasted but too many things are broken with little chance it seems of ever getting fixed.

    Time to move on if you've any sense.
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  10. iccle

    Exactly this, you do not get an NS lancer, or Pheonix
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  11. IamDH

    Well, balance usually means nerf when it comes to planetside