just me or aiming messed in this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CaoCao7, May 5, 2014.

  1. Aquilae

    it's three main things. one that's been repeatedly mentioned is that yeah, the exact center of your screen is always your 'real' crosshair no matter what your actual crosshairs are doing, and only overlay sights (that remove the model of the gun and cover the whole screen, like nightvision or sniper scopes) stay true

    the second thing is that unlike a practically every other FPS, you still get an expanding 'cone of fire' WHILE you're ADS. it's basically the same as when you hipfire continuously and the area expands, except it's not shown to while ADS. the cone is much smaller when you ADS, but it's still there.

    and third, the bullet velocity in this game is on average extremely slow compared to many other games that use 'physical' bullets that travel.

    so for most encounters:
    normal FPS shooting at guy a little ways away:
    aim, control your recoil
    PS2 shooting at a guy a little ways away:
    aim, control your recoil, lead the target, pray to the RNG god that the bullets go to the right place in the cone-of-fire (or burst fire and hamper your damage output, and deal with drastically higher recoil from the first-shot-recoil-multiplier).
  2. claiminglight

    I've noticed the same problem as OP. Put me in any other shooter and I can dead nuts aim at the head of a moving target. But in this game, for whatever reason, I can't seem to quickly aim at even a stationary target. I move my mouse to where it 'needs to be' - and it doesn't end up where I expect.

    I've begun to suspect that the turning radius of your character changes speeds depending on the distance you're trying to turn. It exponentially increases to allow for quick 180s-- but really screws up finely tuned reaction fire.
  3. Kitakami

    Turn off mouse acceleration if you haven't already, and enable Raw Mouse Input in PS2. Press Alt+F when in game to check your frame-rate for hitching. Hitching will screw up your aim every time.
  4. Plunutsud pls

    Due to the massive scale of this game, TTK is longer than other shooters.

    You might also be experiencing input lag, I've had this problem myself, fixed by updating GPU drivers.

    Other than that, the guns in this game feel fine. You just have to get used to them.

    Sorry, but this isn't CoD or BF.
  5. HerpTheDerp


  6. Zorlox

    you might get used to it eventually. I never have and i've put close to 500 hours into the game. there's definitely something that feels off and it has nothing to do with TTK or net/pc lag, at least not on the players end.
  7. maudibe

    I agree completely with the OP. Unlike other games this one is B.S. when I cant follow a guy running with my sight picture. That a guy can run faster than my scope will follow is B.S. This happens alot with LA's flying up or sideways, the gun just wont follow them fast enough to get the hits. Then throw in the depressed action because of getting hit and it's horrible. Include the shake you get when being explosive spamed and again youcant aim. I've seen guys aim down sights while ADSing and hit me easier than I can hip fire aim on them, and forget it if I tried aiming down sights i would definitely lag behind and lose the encounter. It's like I'm wading in molassus when i'm shooting, which is NOT like other FPS games.
    Or how about when that lib is directly over you, it can shoot you but you cant shoot it. What your back wont bend that last little bit to get a true overhead shot? Same with anti air guns.
    How about explosives that only kill the enemy and not the friendlys? You are standing right next to an enemy and a tank round kills you, what, the enemy wouldn't die also? Or how come you can drop a tank mine and it blows up but everyone standing right on top of it doesn't die? Every other explosive kills enemys but tank mines? The little rules are complete B.S. If tankers want to spam areas EVERYONE DIES. thats realistic.
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  8. Skooma Lord

    I think they should reduce or remove the cone of fire when aiming down sights to encourage aiming and allow slower rate of fire weapons to be more effective at longer ranges. I think they put the cone of fire in while aiming down sights to encourage burst firing weapons but I would much rather have a little more recoil on my weapons just to have the bullets go where I am aiming. Right now in my opinion open-field firefights would be much better and and make more people want to aim instead of just spraying away.

    Maybe the grip attachment should reduce ADS COF.

    Also they should of had fixed the misaligned scopes and made the holographic sights actually behave like real life ones by now. Those are the some of most important things in an FPS and it is still not fixed.
  9. HerpTheDerp

    There are sliders for scoped and aimed sensitivity in options. Move them.
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  10. Kunavi

    Your problem is that this is the bastard child of UT2004 and Red Alert. GL with that.
  11. Moz

    I have to be honnest, I stopped reading there.