Anyone else seriously bored with this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Desann, May 9, 2014.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    The lack of new content is due to the nerfbabies. The devs have wasted an enormous amount of time appeasing the weaklings.

    Stop crying for endless selfserving "balance" and play the game. Let the devs focus on something other than boosting your ego. Anyone who doesn't oppose the nerfbabies at every opportunity is just as guilty as the nerfbabies for the lack of new content.
  2. Pikachu

    Please give examples of nerfs you think were unneeded.
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  3. Beeman

    The good thing about games back then, though, was that the level of content, polish and core mechanics were all solid enough that they could stand on their own without much additional content. I played Day of Defeat for hundreds of hours way back when and the only time we got new content for it was when some modder would make a ridiculous map(anyone remember legoland?).

    As it stands, Planetside 2's level of content and core mechanics aren't solid enough or complete enough by today's standards of game design to make this game sustain a sizeable playerbase for another eight to ten years. That's what SOE wants to happen, though so they're going to have to get their butts in gear and start layering solid, deep mechanics onto what we've got right now.
  4. EnsignPistol

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind fewer weapons and vehicles if it meant trimming down the game to give everything a clear, fun to play purpose for being in the game. Another thing I worry about at times I''ve dubbed the Tyranny of Stuff: adding new content to the game, usually easily introduced stuff like weapons, cosmetics, etc., without paying much attention to subtle but perhaps more important gameplay factors such as base layout, squad and objective dynamics and the role of each unit type in combined arms warfare. To an extent adding new toys to the game is inevitable due to the free to play business model needing shiny new things for people to spend money on, but the temptation to focus on monetizing the game over the game itself is strong, and its easy for designers to lose focus and create something utterly incoherent and insubstantial because of that.

    Of course it's entirely possible to have a game with lots of little content options that still plays tight and feels well thought-out. Again, though, a lot of that comes down to having a strong design philosophy for what you want the game to be and sticking to it, making sure everything you add to the game works back to your core philosophy in some way. I'm sure Planetside 2 has dev team guys with plenty of creative vision for what the game can be. That's the sort of thing I want to hear about and give feedback on the most, not so much news about new gun X or new vehicle Y by itself. Let's hear about why those are coming into the game as well.
  5. Pikachu

    Higby said in that interview thing that those vehicles we have seen on pictures are nothing but concept art so far. Things the art team comes up that is considered worthy of not throwing away. Things that might become real some day.
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  6. TheFamilyGhost

    All of them.

    That may sound unreasonable, but think of it as a gamer, and not a nerfbaby. Do you know your weapons are capable of killing? Yes. Will they be the best choice in every situation? No. Solution? For the weapon you choose make sure you deploy it in the most advantageous way, or prepare to accept defeat.
  7. Pikachu

    This I agree with much. Releasing a half finished game.
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  8. Pikachu

    Daaayum! You're sounding like smokemaker now. o_O
  9. TheFamilyGhost

    I don't know what a smokemaker is.

    However, I will believe that by your response, you would rather have challenges softened than figure out how to deal with them. In that case, you are as much to blame for the lack of content as those that won't oppose you.
  10. Pikachu

    Some yes. Not all challenges are fun, just causes annoyance.
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  11. TheFamilyGhost

    You'll feel differently after you've played long enough.

    One day, the same old thing will bore you. Then, if you still want to be a gamer, you'll want the hard stuff.
  12. Udnknome

    The cause of the boredom is that every fight is the same/ is repetitive (i.e. infiltrate base, destroy gens, cap points, spawn camp). Hopefully they'll one day figure out a creative way to implement logistics or base resources to make the battles fresh from time to time.

    I get bored, log off for a couple months and come back for about 2-3 weeks. Get bored and start the process over.

    At least hossin will be out next month (or month after) also the resource update is coming too.
  13. Pikachu

    Smokemaker is a forumsider who is known for being against all nerfing and has no interest in teamwork.
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  14. Levtech

    It is not lacking in new content, it is lacking in meta and progression. They could push out 20 new weapons and in a month you'd be back to this state. We need more achievements, more ranks, special items for progressing, and always a goal to work towards. By the end of this year (if everything goes as planned) we'll probably have quite a bit more meta and hopefully more progression stuff. If you have been playing since beta you should probably take a few month break and come back to play another faction and it'll be fresh for you.
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  15. Phyr

    "I played X for years without getting bored" is kind of a moot argument. I played Runescape for 4 years and WOW for 4 years, but I was a teen with no real income to speak of, and limited hardware, I didn't have as many choices back then. Now, I can play anything and everything, but value my time far more. It's not about killing time like it was in my teens, it's about enjoying my time, so I bounce between games a lot more.

    My current addiction is Factorio.
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  16. Locke

    It's been so long I've basically given up any hope that this game will get the sort of content to match the original vision. One year on and there is still only 3 maps. The things that differentiate this from being "battleside" are the much larger scale and the persistent faction warfare. Certainly the scale exists but really the "wargame" aspect is sadly lacking in complexity especially post lattice.

    SOE seem to talk a good game to pull people in but dont really deliver the majority of the features. I'm quite curious about whether this "emergent AI" they promise for Everquest will actually be in at launch or will be the "space/naval battles" of Planetside.
  17. Beeman

    Emergent AI isn't technology they're creating themselves. They're getting that tech from elsewhere, just like the voxel tech that Landmark uses and EQN will use. So that's kind of an irrelevent statement. I mean, the voxel tech is already more than they anticipated and told us it would be so why should we expect the opposite for EmergentAI?

    That said, the Landmark devs are doing everything right in terms of transparency. The Planetside 2 devs need to pay attention to them and start having regular dev streams and QnAs on twitter, reddit, forums, streams and everywhere in-between. Then on top of that direct fanservice, they can host their in-development streams, player studio videos and the crazy friday night ops stuff.
  18. Blackinvictus

    I still enjoy the game, and there is nothing like the large scale 3 faction PVP of it not seen since DAOC RVR years ago.

    When it gets old for me, which it does sometimes, there are many other games to play (that I have bought and scarcely played thanks mostly to this game over the last year and a half, lol) , so I get off for a bit and come back.

    OP being that high a battle rank doesn't likely need the certs and has everything he wants I would think. Have to make your own "meta" so to speak.

    For example, I like a maxed out Racer/Radar/stealth/Ab reaver lately. See if I can slip in unseen, light up the map for the troops etc. Doesn't net me a lot of certs, but hellaciously challenging seeing what I can pull off/how close I can get without being seen (sometimes I can hover right under a zerg on a bridge), fliying through trees, or getting away from the big predators that happen to spot me. Like my own mini-game eh.

    Unfortunately, until this game progresses more and gets more meta, for now, you are going to have to think outside of the box and make your own fun, or play something else for a bit. :(
  19. Ronin Oni

    You can but they should be common enough to not make it really worth it unless you're lazy or want to run top end implants (not much better) 24/7
  20. rumblepit

    I love this game, or what it has the potential to be I should say...Its a unfinished product that was rushed out the door for god knows what reason.A quick buck if I had to guess... It still lacks what made planetside 1 what it was.The lack of meta and content is killing this game. Its a pointless massive death match, and it gets old fast. I have played since beta, took a long break and tried to come back,and I always followed the updates and forums just to see if things changed... They made a lot of changes to the bases to prevent air and armor spam,,, this was good , but the rest was a fing waste if you ask me.

    Im going to rant a bit so bare with me.NOBODY GIVES A FOCK ABOUT NEW WEAPONS, CAMO,HELMETS ,DECALS,HOOD ORNAMENTS and all that other BS. Just stop with that shet already ,we dont need anymore trash enough is enough...... CONTENT is what we need.If soe had put more resources into creating more content instead of creating ways to make a quick buck this game would be thriving ,not dying....Hell ill even say if they had gone this route to begin with they may have had a game with the a population the size WOW in its prime.10 million + people playing this game... I truly believe this.... But No, and this is what we are left with.

    I still play from time to time .I get back into the game for a few weeks and I love it, then I slowly play less and less until nothing. When I first started I played this game for 8 months nonstop. Now i cant even get threw a month.... Its very sad...

    Dose anyone still play ps1? Because even as outdated as it is, its 10x the game this is.

    PS: When star citizen comes out ,and companies like SOE see how a public funded ,unrushed ,and finished game can become a massive success things will change.All companies will take their time and get it right and make money hand over fist .The last 8 to 10 years of online gaming has been plagued by rushed and unfinished games and its because of the money that can be made off them.They make big promises and put out a shet product.Im sure its not SOE's fault.Some smuck in a suit somewhere that has never played a video game in his life loaned them the money and they had to play by his rules .... NOT FINISHED????TOUGH WHERES MY MONEY.RELEASE THE GAME... and here we are.....I look forward to to the end of this **** ,and im very happy to see public funded games on the rise.