Best Scythe Loadout to Kill Libs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verviedi, May 7, 2014.

  1. Verviedi

    What's the best Loadout to kill libs? I have all of the noseguns and lolpods, so setting up a Loadout should not be a chore.
    I'm interested in strategies and load outs to kill Libs. I have no mic nor Voice Synth, so I cannot play with a squad.
  2. Volccis

    Standard = Default Nose Gun, AB Pods, Fire Suppression, Hover and Auto Repair.

    As a Scythe this should be extremely easy task to do. Just remember to stay in hover mode even if they are shooting at you. You can even look directly into the Tankbuster and the moment he shoots you have to evade. Also evade everytime he shoots with Dalton and if he uses Shredder then evade all the time.

    The biggest mistake against Liberator is to not stay in hover mode because then you are predictable and easier to hit. Just dont fear to face a Liberator when it shoots, the odds are in your favor that they will miss if you know how to fly.

    Edit: About evading Tankbuster. Evade to sides because Liberator cannot yaw that quickly and rolling + pitching takes too long.
  3. reydelchicken

    As above poster said, the default nosegun works great.
    If you're NC, then the airhammer can work great if you can fly well enough to be able to stay close to the lib without dying.

    Another loadout that I've seen people do great with is default nosegun/rotary + rocketpods.

    Ideally you should try to fly in a way that you face the top of the lib if possibly, if it's not possible it's better to stay behind it. Try to avoid the front or bottom of the lib as you risk getting gibbed very quickly.
    Other things to keep in mind is to never fly under a lib if they're flying at you, either go above it, or fly beside it, going under with AB can sometimes work, but if you're close a dalton will be able to instantly take you out if the gunner reacts in time.

    In general it's much better to keep your distance from the lib, it'll be harder for them to hit you than it is for you to hit them.
  4. Verviedi

    My current lib killer layout is Antares and Lolpods.
  5. Govedo13

    As liberator gunner I noticed that some ESFs using rockedpods against the liberator make huge mistake by trying to hit more then once or twice at the same time. They focus on their aiming sitting still and got killed in the process.
    Even the best Liberator crews have no chance if you keep distance because you have ton of time to evade before anything hits you.
  6. HLM

    I think the key is to never stop moving. Especially now since the liberator update, they have a lot more angles they can hit you from.
    It's probably better to miss a bunch of shots while making yourself a hard target to hit, than taking the time to aim and getting gibbed in the process.
    I find coyotes can work pretty well since you can fire them off in their general direction and do a nice bit of damage, while still moving around erratically.

    Main thing is to keep moving, and never fly in a straight line.
    I look at these videos of even the pros taking on good Liberators and hovering there right under the Liberator staring into the barrel of the Dalton. All I can do is wonder how they didn't die. If I give any of the Libs on my server even a split second of a chance, I'll be insta-gibbed before I even know what happened.
  7. Botji

    The quick damage from the hailstorm with A2A missiles works fairly well for me.

    But if you are flying I dont see any reason at all not to fly a Lib yourself even if you do it alone... TB with some ammo certs and you can 1 clip Liberators and with just a tiny ammount of practice you can switch between seats, fly with a Dalton and kill tanks/Sunderers and rear Walker to ward off enemy ESF while you fly back to allies.

    It feels great to come flying with your super stealth engines and take down the enemy Libs with one or two bursts from the TB compared to the sometimes minute long fights you can end up in if you try the same with an ESF.

    Im kinda hoping the TB is getting nerfed soon, not against ground because while I still think ground vehicles have little to say against air its not because of the TB, the TB puts the Lib at risk so its fine to do massive damage but against air the TB doesnt really put the Lib at risk and its silly that it takes down a Lib/Galaxy as fast as it does... but thats the best way to do it right now.

    all you have to do to beat a lib is keep your distance and hit shift every 5secs while aiming lol. oh you dont even have to worry about running out of afterburner anymore thanks to soe.

    best loadout for killing libs is default nosegun,ab pods,hover and nanites.
  9. Ruvan

    Any combination of weapons with a Saron Laser Cannon will work. Saron Laser Cannon with lolpods is fastest but is also the highest risk versus reward. Saron Laser Cannon with External AB is lowest risk but slowest.
  10. Levtech

    3 words to help you in fighting libs and picking right stuff to fight them

  11. Planetdoge

    If you don't mind sharing the sugar, having a partner Scythe should make it easier to kill Libs. Both with Sarons and either lolpods or AB tanks should work. But what do I know. lol
  12. Dreadnaut

    Pick any nose gun and afterburner pods.

    That and skill == win every time.

    Seat time is what is going to get you those wins.