Specialized Loadouts...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gualty, May 6, 2014.

  1. gualty

    Do you have yours?
    Do you consider them "cert worthy" even if they are strictly situational?

    I wait too much to try them, but yesterday i got a HA with AV grenades/grenade bandolier maxed out and it was fun (and effective) as hell, expecially in some situations with a key building/room heavily guarded by enemy maxes.

    Which one are your preferred ones?
    Do you have some extra loadout that proves to be highly effective in some case?
  2. z1967

    Trac 5 burst with silencer and foregrip (because i am an idiot lol. Laser or even flashlight is better)
    TX-2 with a silencer and laser for when I run out of ammo
    C4 because I can and it is really nice to have.
    Grenade bandolier or ammo pouch
    Frags for bouncing lols.

    Farm your way to an auraxium with one of the worst weapons IN THE GAME! Only advantage is it can to 2 burst kill within 30m, if all the bullets actually manage to hit the head hitbox. But it conserves ammo nicely and the Tx-2 is great for when you inevitably run out of ammo.

    EDIT: Also great for when people question how good you are with the game. Saying "I aruaxed [insert burst variant here]" is synonymous with "I am a psychopathic murder with the ability to use even the cruddiest weapons effectively." Trust me, I totally know this from experience... totes...
  3. Prudentia

    hm, lets see
    Light Assault: Pulsar C, JJ, Ammobelt: for biolabs, sitting on very top of the SCU: not worth it
    Light Assault: Pandora w/ flashlight, Underboss w/ flashlight, AP: Infil hunting the easy way: not worth it
    Heavy Assault: Flare w/ ext mags, deci, Nade bandolier, AV nades: Demoman, explosives every where and no need to ever bother with reloading the primary: Yes so much worth it
    Engineer: Solstice SF w/UBGL, stickies, C4, AI Turret: not so much situational, but a loadout with stuff that i hate like the plaque but is my designated setup for serious squadplay: kinda worth it

    Do vehics also count?
    Scythe w/ PPA and Rocketpods. for Lib/Galaxy combat: maybe
    Galaxy w/ Stealth. for sneaky drops during serious squadplay: yes

    Edit: forgot if they are worth it
  4. Bl4ckVoid

    Lasher for every zerg fight to turn them into a slaughter :D
  5. bPostal

    My only really specialized loadout is HA with grenade bandolier and AV grenades. Because **** MAXes, I'll peg 'em around a corner.
  6. Bankrotas

    Emm. My heavy is specialized and Engie that meant to kill sundies. That's all.
  7. DaninTexas

    These days I roll with only 2 kits

    TMG-50 -> 3x Red dot -> Foregrip -> Comp
    Resist Shield
    Extra Missiles
    2xResto Packs

    Jag -> 3x Red Dot -> Adv Laser -> Silencer
    Jump Jets
    Extra Ammo
  8. footjam

    I think you need to specialize to excel at any encounter:

    Long Range Engagement - Ursa 4x scope, Annihilator, Rocket Belt, Regen Kit
    Base Entry - NS-15M NV scope, Deci, Nanoweave, Med Kit
    Ant-Max Crash - Lasher, AV Grenade Belt, Decimator, Flak, C4

    Towers - Jump Jets, Nova NV scope, Smoke Grenade, Adrenline Pump, C4
    Pilot - Drifters, C4, Serpent, X-Bow
    Base Assault - Serpent, Jump Jets, Frag, Adrenline Pump

    Sundy Killer! - Scythe with Ejection Seat, Maxed Out utility pouch(5 mines or 4 C4), Solstice-SF with Smoke Launcher, Sticky Grenades
    Base Defense - VX67, Flak, Sticky Grenade, AI Turret

    You get the idea.
  9. Groucho Marxist

    My heavy has a load out revolving around taking down vehicles almost exclusively. It's usually either a long range LMG/Battle Rifle, crossbow with explosive bolts, Annihilator/Striker, C4, and AV grenade with NMG and Munitions Pouch.
  10. EViLMinD

    Specialized loadouts are my specialty. Got too many to list, but some of my favs are

    Engineer - "Saboteur": munitions belt (5 tank mines, 4 c4 or 3 proxy mines), suppressed NS-11c, crossbow w/ sensor darts
    Infiltrator - "Long Ranger": adren pump, hunter cloak, basr, suppressed Rebel, darts, medical syringes x4
    Infiltrator - "Sentinel": stalker cloak, nano armor, Cyclone, Underboss, motion spotter, betties x2
    CM - "Grenadier": grenade bandolier, res/heal grenades x4, Sweeper w/ slugs
    HA - "Rocketeer": munitions belt, any rocket launcher, GD-22s
    Vanguard - "Mauler" (infantry killer): HE cannon w/ thermal, Canister w/ thermal, proxy radar, rival chassis, shield.
    Harasser - "Hillbilly": Canister w/ thermal, surger chassis, auto-repair, fire suppression
    Liberator - "Spam and Scram": Duster w/ thermal, comp armor, afterburner, racer chassis, hyena tailgun
    Reaver - "Creeper": Airhammer w/ thermal, stealth, scout radar, dog fighting chassis, ext afterburner tanks
    Flash - "Scout": Scout radar, stealth, racer chassis, kobalt w/ thermal
  11. dstock

    Engineer "MAX Killer": AT Mines, Munitions pouch, sticky grenades. Plant mines in doorway, spam rounds and call-outs, huck sticky at mines when MAX comes in.

    Harasser "AA": FS/NAR or Stealth/Ranger

    Harasser "Pizzaboy": Smoke/Prox Radar/Bulldog

    None of these are generally effective, but they each excel at their intended role.
  12. Ronin Oni

    PPA + Rockets for gal/lib hunting????


    Try Hailstorm or Saron w/ A2Am.

    Far better.

    Also, I just can't see using PPA with anything but maxed out Fuel....
  13. DrPapaPenguin

    I call my MCG loadout for my HA "Rip and Tear". That's as far as I got to personalising :p
  14. TheShrapnelKing

    The most specialized I've ever gotten is my Biolab HA loadout: Jackhammer w/ extended mags, default rocket launcher, ACS, stun grenades, nanite mesh shield. It's basically just a CQB HA loadout, except Biolabs are the only place a Jackhammer ever feels appropriate to carry around everywhere.
  15. Trudriban

    Drifter jets, C-4, shotgun of choice, but primary-ing with a crossbow for the range.

    I am the Fairy from Hell
  16. Llaf

    MAX Hunter -

    Automatic Shotgun
    NS Decimator
    Concussion Grenade
    Resist Shield
    Advanced Shield Capacitor

    Body Farmer -

    (Primary Weapon Irrelevant)
    Medical Applicator 6!!!
    Flak Armor
    Max AOE Heal
    Revive Grenade

    The Elusive Mid-Range NC MAX

    Raven x2
    Aegis Shield
    Flak Armor
  17. Prudentia

    PPA+Rocketpods vs Saron+A2AM
    Fun CQC vs boring long range plinking
    One clip kills on libs vs a long time annoying someone
    Challenge vs easymode

    where is the reason to use saron+A2AM?????

    PPA w/ Fuel, Radar, Stealth is my A2G loadout, but you can't pull that if there are libs flying overhead (flying below a dalton lib is never a good idea) so i either pull my Sologalaxy, my Solo lib or my "Heavy Anti Air" Scythe.
  18. Ronin Oni

    well I'll try it I guess... I don't even have A2Am on my Scythe (Moss only) but I was thinking of picking it up... if this actually works well enough I may have 900 certs to spend on something else instead :p

    And yeah, that PPA G2A build is hella fun... not worth engaging armor really but I do harass them a bit if they're taking fire from other friendlies as it adds to their confusion and the small amount of damage the PPA does to them may swing the fight in favor of my ally. Mostly I just hunt infantry with it.

    Solo Gal? You mean the RamWhale? Can't imagine using any weapons on it effectively solo... so you must use it to just ram right?
  19. Prudentia

    I'm just gonna take this vid from my friend Shintyx, cause i learned from him most of the thinks i can do. The usual attempt is to level out the Gal with a nice flight route that leads next to an enemy ESF and than kill it with 2 shots from the bulldog. (i recommend always aligning guns 2/4/5 to the front, so whenever you switch to the gun you look in the same direction you were in the cockpit and have an easier time finding the enemy)
  20. IamDH

    of your teammates