what happend to common sense...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sekone, May 5, 2014.

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  1. Tommyp2006

    something most pilots don't realize, not everyone wants to be forced to fly all the time.
  2. Arch

    What happened to common sense.....

    This is the internetz, there is no common sense here.

    As for your rant, Libs themselves are fine, but the AA options need a slight buff against them, but not against ESF's. There in lies the problem, how to buff AA without making them OP against ESF's. Personally, id just lower the libs resistance to Flak damage slightly and see how it works out.
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  3. Codex561

    They already made it, they just don't release it.
  4. DrPapaPenguin

    Common sense never showed up for work.
  5. DaninTexas

    I can't wait till they do.
  6. Paisty

    And that is exactly how the present aircraft issues got out of control. Pilots whined "I cannot farm 48+ fights without people shooting me down"

    SOE's response, "AA is a deterrent and not meant to shoot down aircraft" Every g2a system nerfed to uselessness.

    Infantry gets farmed, many people leave. Any fight less than 48+ is farmed by two or more libs + misc other aircraft and the ground vehicles and infantry have no way to defend themselves.

    Pilots whined, infantry is fleeing the game. Enjoy playing with yourself.
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  7. DG-MOD-02

    Please keep posts respectful and constructive as suggested within the SOE Forum Guidelines. Thank you!
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