How often do you actually see 48+ other players in this game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bruno Puntz Jones, May 5, 2014.

  1. z1967

    Pretty sure it is higher than 20 because I have seen far more than just 20 people all in one location. Namely warpgate parties and when -frombriggs was a thing :|
  2. TheShrapnelKing

    If a zerg attacks across open terrain and they're within the draw distance I've seen upwards of a hundred at once.
  3. kokocabana85

    I don't believe there is any culling going on. You should never be able to see 48+ on your screen at one time simply because everyone's moving and each sector is big. There's always ppl in tanks sitting outside a base, air vehicles flying overhead, cloakers hiding up in the hills sniping. And don't forget there's always people who have died and are waiting to respawn.
  4. Phyr

    • Up x 2
  5. Astriania

    Fight in a major facility that two factions have decided they really want, particularly at the tech plant or amp station main room (where there's decent sightlines and places people park out). I've probably seen 48+ on a tech plant balcony, never mind looking the other way too.
  6. Llaf

    Every day, because Connery.
  7. pencap75

    It may be my imagination, but with the 64bit client, I see alot more infantry rendered, and less infantry popping up from nowhere. So when zergs clash, I am seeing 48+.
  8. kokocabana85

    I was addressing his issue of standing in one spot and trying to count players in his FOV.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    The smart libs already left, there was not enough farm there, just a spawn camp. ;)