It is way to easy to run over friendlies in a Harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ronjahn, May 3, 2014.

  1. ronjahn

    So lately I have been using my harasser to support friendly infantry pushes. It has been very effective and fun for me to roll a fury or kobalt harasser slowly in close quarters with friendly infantry. Having the infantry support seems to help my harasser survive longer and overall it feels great to be helping the team and actually make an impact on fights. Here's the problem:

    Every tiny movement sucks a friendly under my tires. It is way to easy to run over friendly infantry. The collision hit box seems to be three or so feet wider than the actual vehicle.

    I end up with weapons lock almost every time. I have a lot of time in a harasser and consider myself a good driver, but it is impossible for me to get within 5 feet of a friendly without damaging them. But heaven forbid I try to run over an enemy in an open field, because most likely I end up with a c4 on me even though I clearly ran them over.

    Can the amount of damage a harasser causes to friendly infantry be adjusted or can the time it takes to become weapons locked as a result of this reduced?

    I'm tired or being accused of griefing when the fact is I am actually trying my hardest to help.
  2. Flag

    I'm sorry, what?

    *ahemn* sorry for that, but this is pure gold to me as a VS.
    Ok, tell you what.

    I'll try to explain how this works (and why the magrider murders so many friendlies).

    Hit detection is client side. Notably, it's done on the victim's side of the connection.
    This means that what you see on your end isn't the accurate situation, rather where the victim will be, on your screen, a bit into the future is where you'll have to assume they are.
    I'm not saying this is easy, but it has the interesting side effect that as long as they're sprinting you can actually drive "over" them on your end without actually hitting their character.

    It's somewhat counter-intuitive, I know. But you just have to deal with it and adapt accordingly.
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  3. isaidhi3

  4. dstock

    1) Drive further in front of them. Easiest way to get roadkills is to aim behind, where they just were, friendly or enemy. Counter this by giving them more lead time to run straight before they would run into your Harasser.

    2) Minimize hand-brake usage around friendlies. As soon as the tail starts to slip, you're going to start killing people.

    3) Get a Horn and Lumifiber. Yah, it's an expensive investment, but some people do actually hear the horn and move out of the way.

    4) Don't respond when you get hate-tells. They just give up eventually, lol.

    5) Switch seats with the gunner when you get the final warning. Switch back in 5 minutes.

    I've got a ton of time in the Harasser, and I've only been weapon-locked once while driving it.

    EDIT: ****-wave, I got my first enemy roadkill in a Magrider last week, lol.
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  5. Flag

    Opposite. In front of them, or where they're going to be in the time it takes the packets being sent from their end to yours (their ping + yours + some leeway).
    Get all the swag! :) Although there are times when it's best not to use it.
    Always respond to hate tells. If it's friendlies, you can tell them that you're sorry. If it's enemies..... :cool: r/ps2ragetells

    And if you've never TKed with the Mag... You can't have been driving it very often. :p
  6. MajiinBuu

    Why are you driving within 5 feet of friendlies? You can drive alongside them, but don't swerve in between them like they're traffic cones :p
    Weapons lock system sucks. If you scrape along an AMS and crush 20 friendlies you will get a warning, but if you nudge a friendly every few seconds you will be punished for your "extreme disregard."
  7. dstock

    No no, I meant, I've TK'd plenty of VS driving my Mag. I got my first roadkill on an enemy player.

    Also, the first bit, I realize now that what I wrote is not what I meant, you are correct, lol.
  8. TTex11

    Last night I caught a distracted Magrider with my AP Lightning and got him to heavy smoking. He did the inevitable turn and magburn to safety...

    ...and swept right over a whole line of his own guys, mowing them down like grass. It was epic.
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  9. oberchingus

    Which horn would you recommend?

    I notice that scarring the bejesus out of people with my demonic horn isn't giving me the results I'm looking for...from friendlies that is.
  10. dstock

    The other people I play with all agree the demon horn is the funniest/most troll-worthy, but the standard NS-A horn has the best effect for getting friendlies out of the way. I think it's because it has three different tones, so there's some variety = more likely to notice it.

    Just my opinion.
  11. Flag

    The default one is nice for the job.
    All the "festive" ones are just too weird/silly to scare anyone.
  12. Goodkat

    The Magrider rolls so many vanu, they should add a cert line where Magrider can regen from friendly vanu blood/nanites (vampire like).
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  13. RaidsRUs

    As TR, I'll actually support anything that gives VS an incentive to actually try to plow through their own infantry in a magrider.