If vehicle FOV can't be altered for "balance" reasons, why can we change infantry FOV?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DemonCarb0n1cs, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. DemonCarb0n1cs

  2. DemonCarb0n1cs

  3. -NightWhisper-

    You might want to look into a new pair of shocks.
  4. DemonCarb0n1cs

    The point is to continue the bump until hopefully someone at SOE posts on this to give an explanation.
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  5. DemonCarb0n1cs

    The daily bump will continue until at least a moderator takes notice.
  6. DemonCarb0n1cs

    SOE, please answer the question in the thread title.
  7. DemonCarb0n1cs

  8. Pikachu

    Strange that they still let this one be after mod03 closed Vixen's infantry guide for being non-constructive. o_O
  9. Jawarisin

    You're lucky enough they give you a 3rd person mode.

    You don't want a tank to see in a 270 degree wide arc because the player has a huge screen and doesn't mind distortion. How the hell do you jump on that?

    I think you're
    1- New
    2- Mentally disturbed
    to say that low graphics actually help to see invisible things.
  10. DemonCarb0n1cs

    Alright, you missed several of the points made throughout the post. Let's start with the tank FOV. I mentioned a few times before, that having the low FOV would be understandable in a tank, though not agreeable. I can understand that having the confined view relates to viewing a camera's screen inside the tank. However, the FOV should be the same as infantry when in an aircraft or vehicle with windows; you're looking directly out the window, not through a screen. There's no reason the flash FOV should be that absurdly low when it is literally your character sitting on an ATV. Next, as posted in the original post, I have over 200 hours in this game. Here is all the information you need about me. The two reasons I have only 9+ hours since the original post is that I have taken interest in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and the recent Planetside mechanics are a bit of a turn-off (liberator spam, vehicle FOV, etc). Thirdly, if you don't believe me about the flash visibility differences, have a friend with a flash cloak turn it on and off in front of you while you mess with the graphics settings. Tell me this is not a broken mechanic contradicting what SOE's claim on FOV restriction is.
  11. Jawarisin

    Actually cloaking is way easier to see on medium, and that's an accepted facts.
    I personnaly have around 640 hours in this game, you can search me on your favorite stats website

    ~~~ The thing is all vehicles are part of a vehicle class. They aren't all separated. Therefore they share similar settings fom ground or air vehicles. I won't go in details about this, but see it this way. If you want to learn to code and break your head over that for SOE for free without actually adding any stress to the game, I'm sure they'd feel thankful.

    If you have trouble with the liberators, quite simply grab an ESF or a liberator yourself and go take it out. There is stuff I hate in this game, but it's all got a solution.
  12. DemonCarb0n1cs

    This appears to be the truth. Sadly, the FOV for two vehicles is appropriate, yet the FOV for five others is broken. 2:5 ratio of good FOV:bad FOV is not appropriate. It should be opposite.
  13. iccle

    This would hold true if it was 1914, modern tanks have 360 vision projected onto screens inside.

    "An advanced laser detection system from Al Technique Corporation (ATCOP) is present, the ATCOP LTS 1 laser threat warning system developed by Institute of Industrial Control Systems.[40] LTS 1 consists of a mast-mounted sensor and operator's control box, which includes a display showing threats 360 degrees around the tank."

    "The Commander's station is equipped with six periscopes which provide all round 360 degree view."

    "It includes an F/G band fire-control radar with four flat-panel antennas mounted on the vehicle, with a 360-degree field of view."

    I know ps2 is a game, just saying :)
  14. DemonCarb0n1cs

    It is for this reason that I mention it won't be agreeable. How many hundreds of years in the future is Planetside set in? At least let us bump up the FOV to 85.
  15. DrPapaPenguin

    You know, it IS a balance issue. People who don't suffer motion sickness have an immediate advantage over people who do.

    Honestly, FoV of 90 is considered standard "comfortable" zone, so it should be available in every FPS, otherwise "Motion sickness warning" should be included next to epilepsy warning.
  16. DemonCarb0n1cs

    A glaring issue; it's a surprise nobody has had a severe issue.
  17. MajiinBuu

    You can change fov.
    I keep mine at 45, just cuz
  18. DemonCarb0n1cs

    Do you play on a TV?
  19. MajiinBuu

    Laptop. Lower fov, better performance
  20. DemonCarb0n1cs

    Wow, you've played a lot for someone with a low framerate
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