Why are the NC on Connery SO TERRIBLE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Theghostwad, May 2, 2014.

  1. Theghostwad

    Seriously, honestly question.

    First of, I'm not that good, I can't carry - but a good decision makes all the difference with command. NC on connery can't make good decisions. They don't understand ...well hardly anything!

    I've got 6 characters, all 3 factions are both Connery and Waterson.

    THe NC on connery are just bad, everything from poor leadership, bad . And it's not just barely worse off, it's significantly worse then my other 5 characters.

    How can these guys improve? I mean the excel losing alert...why why why. I can barely stand to play this character anymore.
  2. Akeita

    Who are you asking/talking to ?
    You got 6 character, ever tried to join a good outfit other than zerg like ADK and 666th ?
    Poor leadership, "give me a god damn reason why I should listen to you ?" Would be always a good answer to a guy that came from nowhere and request peoples to follow his orders.
    Yes, we're just that bad, please delete your character so our pop might drop and we can get those pop bonus.
  3. Theghostwad

    ADK is probably one of the worst gaming organization on that has ever existed. 'Lets win by thinking good thoughts'... yeah that's really smart.
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  4. HadesR

    Why ? Because a lot of NC don't care about alerts ..

    IE: The Indar alert that just finished .. If you noticed a lot of NC stayed and held a cut off Biolab .. The majority of the rest (myself included ) continued to fight TR when VS were back capping us to the victory ..

    Why ? Because the fights were fun ..

    To many people are to hooked up on " Alerts " as if they mean anything ..
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  5. KenDelta

    Because all the good/L33T/MLG/PRO people in Connery are in the VS side.

    And just because Connery NC don't attend alerts that doesn't make them bad , now owning 3 territories only globally is what makes a faction-in-that-server bad.
  6. Yoinkzorz

    TR retreat!!
  7. RenegadeHelios

    I was gonna say... I'm normally a Waterson NC player, but a friend of mine just starting playing ps2, and he went NC Connery, so I made an alt.

    My first impression was that I watched as I squadded up with the guy, we headed out, (all I had was my cyclone that I picked up with sc during a sale on my LA, he was playing medic with standard gear, etc) and we dropped in over a fight where it was 24-48 with NC 80% pop, an they were losing.

    That was depressing to begin with, but what was worse is that us two people, one of which hasn't played the game before, and both of us with stock gear managed to take back all the points by ourselves against a squad of mid to high grade players, while the rest of the NC were getting spawned camped by two Maggies.

    Most pitiful showing of NC players I've ever seen.

    Haven't seen anything like that on Waterson, ever. Not sure what's up with Connery.
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  8. Pikachu

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  9. Archlyte

    It's true. Which NC MLG outfits are on Connery? There was Recursion, but I haven't seen them lately. I saw Recursive Recursion which someone said is where the 00 guys go to play their TR characters.

    What is the ratio of NC pro-level players to the other two factions? Anyone know?

    And the average NC player or squad achieves almost nothing. In the last 8 squads/platoons I joined only two had anyone in the squad that actually communicated. In one squad I was in the SL refused to place waypoints or drop beacons, but would communicate where he wanted the squad to go. wtf

    Add to this a horrible lack of awareness of tactics particular to the game such as: guarding gens, maintain security on a point, and placing sundies so that they are not the point element of the vehicle formation and in plain sight(fire) of enemies.

    It's bad.
  10. Krayus_Korianis

    I was just in the last Connery Alert on my NC. I was repairing and healing! Cert machine if I ever did see one. I also pulled whatever was needed and I also put in Region Chat what was going down, like the VS Sunderer going through The Palisade and then we got a big ol' swarm of VS moving through.
  11. Krayus_Korianis

    Yea, I can play a game with a friend and we can own VS and NC... But playing with some pug's and bam, wtf happened.
  12. GoEErs

    Perhaps we are in a state of flux. Today was my first day on Connery as NC. It was not bad or good. I put myself into some bad situations and wasn't able to recover from some of them with bad Nanoweave and hardly any certs to get utilities. Not to mention engaging other players outside of my primary weapons max damage range. I lost a lot of 1v1 because I was impatient. I'm quite certain I will fare better tomorrow.

    I did notice that players weren't supporting the Max's as they should. I ended up getting killed numerous times from trying to support two Max's and seeing one drop without a single Medic going over to heal them even with me yelling in prox for someone to get their *** over to the Max and heal them so I could use my repair tool on them. That needs addressed immediately.

    Also, I saw a lot of TK'ing. I mean a lot. It mattered not where I went. Some players spent more time chasing each other than focusing on the task at hand. And by a lot of little squeaky voices on chat I'm going to go out on a limb and say they were of the younger variety of player. I admonished them to stream some of that energy into killing the enemy but they told me to F off. So I did and went about my business watching them jump and hop around while they randomly shot other players and each other.

    During my whole time of playing today, around 4 hours, I only received one squad invite. The SL didn't even have a Beacon. I immediately left the squad and redeployed. No sense getting involved with them.

    OK. Maybe there are some issues. It's going to take some work but it's not insurmountable. I really didn't want to be overbearing and start yelling at everyone. As a BR 3 not many players would have listened anyway. The little squeaky dudes didn't and I guess I don't blame them.
  13. Badname707

    Same reason Connery VS are terrible. Something about hordes of uncoordinated zerg does things to people
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