The Game is Terribly Boring - Hit Lvl 99

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Defaceo, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. pnkdth

    I take random breaks, too much of anything is going to turn what you enjoy into a routine. Indeed, 2500 hours is a lot of time spent on one game. I haven't even got a BR90 yet(just a BR82/44/19 on different factions). Someone told me that BR80 is half-way or something like that.

    One thing that also made the game boring for me was when I costantly thought of how what loadout/class/vehicle I *should* spawn to be the most effective, essentially didn't play in the manner I enjoy playing. In MMORPG terms it'd be like rolling an DPS character even though I enjoy playing as the tank or healer. I'd get bored pretty quick then too.
  2. EliteEskimo

    Join an outfit and make friends with said outfit. Due to performance getting worse and worse since PU2 the only reason I even play anymore is my outfit and the players within it.
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  3. Pikachu

    Even the eskimo is playing less nowdays! :eek: About this performance getting worse, I used to think it was mudh but nowdays I keep wondering if it was not better at pu2. The first 64 version gave a boost too but any later version has had no noticeable effect besides worse stability.
  4. EvilKoala

    So you played a game that isn't fun for 54 days, 12 hours? Oook...
  5. EliteEskimo

    I'm taking 18 credits, 5 classes and 3 credits of independent study and am part of a student org and trying to look for jobs as I prepare to graduate in a few weeks. That being said this game has gotten noticeably worse for me since PU2. Strangely outside of battles my FPS has gotten noticeably better getting in the 27 range at times. However inside of battles my FPS is worse then when I started playing the game and worse then right after PU1. I used to be around 20 FPS in medium to big battles, and now medium sized battles I'll get around 14 or even less at times with horrible stuttering. It's basically unplayable, and it's getting hard for me to tank on the front lines like I love to do. I don't know what SOE has done to make things worse since PU1, but it certainly has effected my play experience negatively.
  6. Paragon Exile

    I think you have a bit much on your plate, don't you?
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  7. Kunavi

    I doubt just Hossin and continent lock will help...
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  8. Trebb

    Do this, but on hard mode:
    A) Spawn and sit on said turbo flash
    B) hit vehicle exit key, IMMEDIATELY hit turbo button
    C) listen to an empty vehicle making a turbo sound, hop on and try to hollllllld on tight! My record is 90 seconds of pure turbo fun
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  9. Peebuddy

    I recently hit Br 99 too, it takes a little over 1.2 million exp to get 100. It's a kinda daunting task at hand, I know once I'm 100 I'll be bored out of my mind but knowing how far I have to go is kinda taking the fun out of it.
  10. Dieter Perras

    Hits level 99 and says the game is boring, somehow I don't believe you o_O
  11. Beeman

    There's the whole ArmA franchise, which started all the way back in 2001(before planetside, unless I'm mistaken). I haven't really played ArmA 3 yet but ArmA 2 was loads of large world, modern combat fun. Very similar to Planetside but with lower player numbers per server. There were AI though, so battles were still really big. The gameplay was also FAR more complex and the learning curve will twist your mind inside-out at first. Still, very worthwhile franchise.

    Ugh, I'd been playing ArmA 2 for like a hundred hours before Battlefield 3 came out. Went to play that, thinking it would be like Battlefield 2 but better in every way or even better, like ArmA 2 with an actual modern, polished engine with properly mocapped animations and everything. That wasn't the case at all. Any time I tried to play, I'd see the jets floating by, completely defying gravity like flying saucers and it made my brain cry. I couldn't handle it DX

    Anyways, Hossin isn't going to be enough to spice up Planetside 2's gameplay. Continent locking might help, but it might also do nothing positive at all. What we really need is more players. Planetside 2 needs some aggressive advertising, even if it's just for a couple months. Aside from that, we need more depth. World of Tanks has seventy-something million players for a reason. Our vehicle combat makes me die on the inside after having played that for a few thousand matches. Or War Thunder for a couple hundred hours for proper air combat. Or ArmA for another couple hundred hours for proper tactical/logistical combined arms warfare.

    All of these games have immense playerbases in spite of their very complex, even complicated game mechanics. I feel like Planetside's developers are so afraid of scaring people off with complexity they're overlooking the fact that depth is what gamers want right now...and that's the only thing that'll truly make Planetside stand out as a proper MMOFPS.
  12. Defaceo

    NOW, FFS, NOW it is boring. Reading comprehension MOFos.
    I dragged from ~lvl 90, and now that I hit 99 I just can't log into it. SOE needs to update the game to add some interest to veterans. This has been pointed out by several Planetside youtubers.
  13. KnightCole

    ArmA2 is just weird. I tried to play it, its just a series of Cheating AI who never miss, always find me, no matter what...shoot as soon as I move to crouch mode even from 350m away.....Then the controls are very clunky, the various commands are just weird. Vehicles are weak as heck......wasnt a big fan at all.

    And what kinda depth? Cuz ArmA has depth but its to much. We have so much dept that we need to press 4 keys just to get in a vehicle, and use 20 while in the thing to make it work. Hearts of Iron? I know that is a Board game type thing but it has so much depth that we are practically forced to worry about every eyelet on each individual soldier's boots, both left and right.....

    World of Tanks? It has 70 million players cuz its free and Russian. It gets the Russian playerbase....they have alot of players. They have lost a heap of players as well. That game, I couldnt stomach it even from day 1....its why Ive totally quit after just 4500 some battles....The RNG, the terrible playerbase...just am not a fan of that game either.

    Warthunder, so far its pretty ****. Its 10x worse then world of tanks and at the rate its going is shaping up to be far, far worse. It has Russian bias worse then any bias in any game ive seen to date. THey deliberately keep releasing Russian tanks with no damage models. They give Russians shells they never had in tiers where the Germans cannot even hope to compete. The Germans all have magical OHK spots on all their tanks. Panthers are gun hits Tiger driver slits are auto ammo rack kills.....And Warthunder claims to be realistic? Pppfftt....

    Realism would see a penetration...YOUR DEAD. As it is, you have to fire and fire and fire and fire and fire and HOPE the guy dies.......

    Men of War has some nice tank warfare. Smaller and older game, small maps and short ranges....but Men of War...that is a fun game.

    Planetside 2 is fun sometimes, but it is missing something, and it has stuff that makes it alot less fun then it should be. Just as long as we dont get PS1 gunplay..
  14. PlatoonLeaderG

    Log in and start killing bad guys......still dont understand what more you guys need.The game has already too much that make other FPS look like babies.
  15. Pikachu

    There's no "too much" in a TR soldier.
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  16. Niller

    Not in Denmark, that is for sure.
  17. RIctavius

    You know .... Mundane labour in this game would make all the burned out people people very happy to do mining jobs :p
  18. EvilKoala

    So don't log in.. You got 1300ish hours of enjoyment out of it. Walk away.. Give it a year or two and come back later. Whining on the forums isn't going to make them release content any faster.
  19. Appalachian

    Why do you care? And how hard is it to figure out they were speaking of being bored NOW instead of the whole time? I certainly would be after that much time played. You aren't too quick on the draw.....
  20. EvilKoala

    He's complaining that the game is boring now and not before, when nothing has fundamentally changed. Thus the game is not boring. He is bored of the game. How hard is it to see the logical fallacy? And expecting SOE to cater to players with 1300+ hours of playtime is unrealistic. Such players will always consume content faster than it can be created. Can I stop here, or do you still need help connecting the dots?