[Suggestion] "Sarge, someone's stole all the bloody Flashes"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NikkoJT, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. NikkoJT

    Reduce Flash cooldown and resource costs significantly. Make it so that literally anyone can use them once spawned, regardless of spawner faction and faction of other occupants. FoF for XP and griefing depends on last driver. Simples.

    Infiltrators get something to do (see title). Mobility (and ~Flash physics~) become cheaper. The Flash gets a unique twist. Flash races errywhere.

  2. IamDH

    "Sarge, they stole the male infiltrator clothes"

    A great idea i had heard from someone was to make the resource cost depend on the loadout. If you were to use a weapon or not, cloak ect
  3. NinjaTurtle

    Dynamic resource costs would be incredible, too much coding and time means it is very unlikely to happen though at least that is the answer that was given on an FNO a few months back :(
  4. NoctD

    Sarge: "Kill all them filthy infiltrators, we don't need them or their wimpy Flashes. PULL TANKS!!! CHARGEEEE!!!"
  5. IamDH

    Only for the flash (and harasser if possible) because these are the transport vehicles. Doesn't have to be done for everything
  6. NikkoJT

    Dynamic costs are also a good idea, but I wanted to include a general cost/cooldown decrease so you're not overly inconvenienced if a friendly wanders off with your Flash while you're resupplying.