Mark Tuttle Reveals Why All Access is Awesome

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. GoodFight

    It has been explained before that simply buying SC is not a realizable transaction. While the fake money (SC) is unused, the real money is in Limbo. Yes, you don't have your real money, but also SOE can't claim your real money as profit.... until you convert their fake money (SC) into some other pixel candy.

    It's an accounting nightmare, the reason for the gaffs and 5 or 6 threads on this over the last few months, culminating in today's SOE-wide "extensive" maintenance to fix the accounting problem.

    IANAA, but a non-SOE accountant explained the mess (accumulated, unspent) SC was causing. Sorry, no link. It's on one of the PS2 threads in here in Official News and Announcements, though.

    That being said, keeping your SC as SC won't be really hurting SOE. They'll just stack it up with the other tiny piles they are already tracking.

    On another topic: IMO, it was really poor judgement to make even the tiniest of PS2 game updates today....because people seem to think this downtime is only about PS2 when it wasn't.
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  2. SternLX

    Wow.. some seriously impatient people in here.

    Me? I'm going to use my shiny new All Access Pass to go play some DCUO since they're up and working... and it's been awhile. :p
  3. OneShotDeal

    I am a big fan of that game and for that reason, I was willing and happy to pay my regular fee to get the premium membership. One year ago, many things in my life have changed (new house, new job, kids,... the common things of life), and I stopped playing for many months.

    I came back in PS2 recently and, even if I lost a lot of certs for not playing all that time, I was happy to see all those SC in my account and I was pleased to restart again with fresh new weapons (I didn't stop to pay my membership). This kind of situation will no longer be possible. I'm not really sure this obligation of reclaiming the SC is very fair.
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  4. faykid

    So, isn't today also the "once every two weeks" patch day? Is one maintenance going to transit into the next? It is well over 20 hours that servers been down. So they might as well use that time to patch the game while they are at it.
  5. MIchaelortech

    How is this supposed to be better then the “station pass” that I've been using since 2004?

    We already had “all access” now it seems they simply want to limit your ability to get bonus station cash.
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  6. MIchaelortech

    I don't think it effects the station cash that is already in your account, it just will not grant you the bonus 500 cash a month anymore (which you are paying for BTW), unless you claim it. Saying that this has to do with accounting is a bunch of BS, this is about causing folks to forget to claim it.
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  7. oklacoe

    more optimizations would be nice. bugs and glitches are not really serious unless it makes it an unfair advantage. i miss when games had funny errors, it made gaming that much more fun :D. so yeah optimizations and compatibility patches or updates. :D game is great just lagg to hell when i go to a medium/large scale battle and i get murdered like nothing xD but ty for a great game and i trust you all that you are working hard on perfecting the game as much as possible. sincerely your ps2 players xD if any agree with me that is lol
  8. Rhumald

    Somethine to actually play Forum Side for? Sweet!
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  9. RyanEBruce420

    Who here on PS2 even wanted/needed this all access pass? I know i sure didnt. Im fine paying $15 a month for PS2 premium. SOE is just trying to get more cash at once.
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  10. P3STILENCE1973

    They should freeze boost timers ANYTIME you are not playing the boosted character.
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  11. P3STILENCE1973

    Will H1Z1 be an All Access game? That might make a difference. As of now. I only play PS2, but might consider H1Z1.
  12. MichaelS

    They should at least hand out one day boosts of whatever ppl have equipped right now.
  13. Geist817

    while its nice, most of us will only ever play 1 of the games at a time seriously, and eq1 is just old as hell (while great its just too old) eq2 is well im sorry to say a massive turd (confusing stats,terrible balance, and feels nothing like the eq world its set in aside from some things look sorta the same in some rare places, some of the most resent content is just blatent copies of eq1 loved areas) so in short this change is just to hope people expore their other offerings and hopefully get hooked and spend cash on them too...
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  14. Salvo18

    I agree. There is no positive way to spin that. It's basically "We don't want to give you your Station cash, so here's a way for it to expire so you might not get it if you get busy in life. PLEASE don't claim your free station cash, and instead, just buy it on top of your regular membership."

    As if not giving you your 500 monthly station cash if you didn't have an active, recurring subscription weren't bad enough, now this. I used a game card to get a membership, and didn't get my monthly station cash. Then I was informed by customer service that you need a recurring sub to get that 500 monthly SC. A recurring sub that I can't get with a $15 game card...

    That said, I paid that $15 and got the membership as a trial to see if SOE would treat its new members right. They failed that test, so I guess I won't be resubscribing.
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  15. Nitish Sharma

    We played as TR there,not VS,'We' as in most players of all faction on Briggs
  16. GoodFight

    Except that as part of today's switchover you no longer need to be a recurring member to get the 500SC....
  17. GoodFight

    OK, let us consider what you're replying to: "It's not like the VS was already underpopped by 40% anyway"

    So, VS. Underpopped. You come in as TR. Therefore....
  18. Nitish Sharma

    I think he was being sarcastic,I saw VS being more pop there around 40% when I played,he believed I played VS there...
  19. Alopix

    I do not want to receive marketing material as a prerequisite for obtaining part of a service I paid for. Email spam is not a feature. Any "offers" that are actually relevant in game need to be in game.
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  20. spike4379

    what kind of an idiot would want to opt in? i mean really those emails are basically useless, i agree with you 110% but as per usual some conflict junkie will try to cause an argument
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