Medics Tier 5 Tool or Revive Grenades first?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Indulg3, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. The Rogue Wolf

    Unless you're consistently finding yourself in zerg vs. zerg situations in enclosed areas, you won't often be getting many revives with that grenade- and as others have said, unless you're packing a grenade bandoleer, you're going to find yourself needing to resupply too often. The medic gun is more multisituational.
  2. NoInstructions

    Haha triage before c4.

    mfw, I have max triage.

    Don't buy the first level of triage until last, buy more into it if you want to waste certs. I did it as a joke and talk about how you should max triage first if you want to be MLG.
  3. Planetdoge

    Get the tool fully certed first.

    This is coming from someone who certed the revive grenade before med tool 5.
  4. DevDevBooday

    You cant get more than 10 with one grenade.
  5. ShinBreaker

    Most useless guide ever. Triage is the most useless passive cert in this game :/
  6. Liquidrider

    Upgrade Medic Revive Tool first. There are several reasons why, but the biggest to me is because revive grenades cost resources, there for the upgrade can be useless if you don't have any.
  7. bPostal

    What's worse? Having 20 people die and two or three rez grenades pop up or having 20 people die and NO rez grenades go off? There's no such thing as a wasted rez grenade.
  8. Paragon Exile

    It must've been observer bias on my part, but I've seen Youtube videos of them picking up more than 10 people.
  9. that_darn_lurker

    Medic tool all the way. You'll get more consistent XP. Nades can be overthrown, but sometimes you do hit the jackpot
  10. SiosDashcR

    Infantry Resources.
  11. Paragon Exile

    Which refill in no time at all.

    I keep my stockpile of 40 up at all times, alongside C4, Medic syringes, tank mines, concussion grenades etc... You just need to be smart when using them.
  12. bPostal

    Running low on resources sucks but it's still better than losing a base or a foothold because the medics are playing selfishly.

    As long as you're not throwing them at groups of guys who're going to get mowed down the instant they come back up it's still a win/win.
  13. SiosDashcR

    Depends how often you use the others.

    I use the tank mines every time I get a vehicle kill, which is often.

    I also get C4 kills often against MAXes (or lose them due to delayed detonation).

    AV Grenades are spammed into heavily infested and reinforced rooms that have a ton of MAXes.

    Frag Grenades follow up once the MAXes are down.
  14. Paragon Exile

    Understandable, but more often than not in my experience it's better to be reserved with your equipment use. You're better than me though, so I may be wrong.
  15. SiosDashcR

    I am reserved, but only with certain equipment.

    - C4s, because if I'm not driving, I'm Light Assault - I use liberally.
    - AVGs are used ONLY when MAXes are chilling at a door way and paired with Grenade Bandolier.
    - Frag Grenades are used during regular battles but paired with Grenade Bandolier ONLY if there's an infestation of enemies.
    - Revive Grenades are used with caution but paired with Revive Grenades. I usually throw them out ONLY if there are no other notable Medics running around and ONLY if the amount of total body counts are at 5. I would Medic Tool otherwise (rather, I would get more points playing a Light Assault unless there are literally no Medics on the field or if I'm doing bad aiming-wise, forcing me to play support).
    - Tank Mines are used whilst driving or if there are a plethora of vehicles coming to the next base. By then I would re-deploy to the next base usually a minute prior to the current base being captured, setting down mines in odd spots with Utility Pouch (which allows placement of 4 mines at a time). They are also used when creating land mines where I'd lure them in as a decoy.
    - Claymores.. Rarely used because the Infantry Resource cost: XP ratio is garbage.

    As you can see, if I use my equipment - It's to a heavy extent. I find myself running out of infantry resources almost always (but also find myself gaining in all that XP as a result).

    One Revive Grenade, the Infantry Resource cost: XP ratio, unless timed and thrown in the RIGHT situations - Is not worth over a maxed out Medic Tool. Take this from a guy who has a 427 SPM with the Medic class. If you had TWO Revive Grenades, believe it or not - That makes that much more of a difference and then it'll be worth certing into. But if you can't cert into the Revive Grenade AND the Grenade Bandolier, then get the maxed out Medic tool.

    Keep in mind that Revive Grenades being thrown factor in the following: range, obstacles and delay (probably more but w/e).
    There is a noticeable delay when you throw your grenade over long distances. To even start the animation to chuck the Revive Grenade, that already wastes about a good second. Another second or a few more as the grenade travels, then the additional delay for when the grenade activates.

    By then, usually someone would've already beaten you to the punch by reviving some of the infantry on the ground. So what may have seemed like a body count of over 10 people, with the other Medics that would be there and reviving them faster than you could throw your nade, you'll be netting in less XP per infantry resource.

    Note that this is only my view of the situation. Whenever I play, I consider my investments in most actions I perform (whether it's wise to use something or not and when).
  16. ILoveLucy

    Don't listen to anyone in this thread, they are all wrong.

    Buy a pony.
    • Up x 1
  17. JibbaJabba

    Most useless guide EVARSESS!!!!!1111!!1!!1.

    Hyperbole much?

    Triage does indeed suck. That's kinda why the "guide" says not to max it out right at the end. Derp.

    Try posting your own guide there, Mr. Positive. It would be more helpful to the OP that your tiny impotent fist of rage.
  18. Bruno Puntz Jones


    If you want to play medic, max the tool out. Now. It is your first and only priority. Do it before you put certs into anything else. Until the tool is at max rank, the medic is only half a class.

    After that, yeah, rez grenades are neat, but the big payoffs from them are few and far between.

    Rez grenades also are a bit of a waste until you have grenade bando rank 2 so you can bring three of them. Having three of them means you can use them whenever they might be useful, rather than holding out and hoping for that big score, but then never actually using it because there may be a slightly more perfect moment in . . . wait, wat, oh I'm dead again.
  19. JibbaJabba

    A very good argument Bruno.

    I'm going to stick with my original advice, but I'm not married to my opinion. The OP would be wise to weigh yours as well.
