HA shield reduction

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Republisher, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Republisher

    Not really sure where to look this up so I'll just ask...

    Do all HA shields prevent 2 head shots from the vandal/HSR1 or semi auto?

    Seems like sometimes they can live though 2 head shots, might just be lag, but I've seen it a lot even when I hear both head dings.

    Just wondering what the **** is going on there.
  2. Ripshaft

    Been awhile since I've done some spectre runs but I'm pretty sure they all have always been able to allow them to survive 2 headshots. I barely notice since nanoweave used to give everyone that ability, and if you had resist (which used to stack) you could live through like 3-4 headshots.
  3. salembeats

    If they're in close range, use a Commissioner! There isn't a single HA shield out there that can survive 1800 damage.
  4. Republisher

    Still, not really sure if I got an answer there... I'm not asking what weapon to use, I'm asking if one of the shields actually prevents a 2-shot head kill from the HSR1 // Vandal // Semi auto sniper at well within 2 shot-head kill range.

    One guy said "maybe" which is not an answer and using the Commissioner is not an answer either.

    Does anybody actually know what the shields prevent?
  5. iller

    I don't think now's the time to ask. The long term reality is all that matters here.

    The last overhaul they promised has been rescinded which means they're still putting off the coming changes, or tweaking them in some way that might also change how the shield "protects" once there's a real delay to activating it. If there are specifics you NEED to know right NOW though that only apply to the very short term details of how the shield works, then just ASK someone in-game to help you test it in an unpopulated hex. (seriously, that's a lot faster than waiting for an answer on the forums).
  6. Republisher

    "I don't know" would have sufficed.

    Again, does anybody know... would seem to be relevant information.
  7. iller

    But I do know. And I just told you based on update history. You're looking at this all wrong.
    You'll realize that AFTER the actual update goes through.
  8. Erendil

    Yes. All 3 HA Shields can absorb enough damage to require 3 headshots from a Vandal/HSR-1.

    HA's default NMG Shield and Adren Shield both absorb ~607 damage when fully charged. A single headshot at point blank from a Vandal/HSR1 does 668 damage, so almost the entire 1st shot gets absorbed by the shield. Thus 3 headshots would be needed.

    HA's Resist Shield absorbs 45% of each shot from a Vandal/HSR-1, so each point blank headshot would do (334 * 2) * .55 = 367 damage, meaning 3 headshots are needed.

    A good review of how each of the Shields work can be found here (I'm pretty sure it's still accurate, minus the bugs he mentions):

    FWIW you can also find data on all weapons here (I filtered it to just show Scout Rifles for you): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLWc&type=view&gid=12&f=true&colid0=17&filterstr0=SCOUT RIFLE&sortcolid=16&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250
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  9. LordMatt XLVIII

    Wrel saves the day again.