Awareness implant + Deathscreen= exact position given away!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarkAntony, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Phyr

    It turns out he was in the spawn room the whole time!
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  2. Inex

    I'm not sure if it was 'decided' so much as 'empirical evidence after implementation shows that Infs were whining about nothing'.

    Which brings up a good point: This thread is an Inf whine thread and has managed to make it to the second page without a pile on echo chamber spam of "I'll leave the game if this goes live!"

    Who are you people, and what have you done with Forumside?
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  3. libbmaster

    To be fair, markAnthony is doing a pretty good job of carrying this by himself.
  4. MarkAntony

    What evidence? It is pretty much impossible to prove either side of that argument. Unless you ask if the guy found you using that situational awareness crutch. Then you'd have to get enough guys to reply to something like that etc.
    Thank you. Anybody know how to get SnipersUnion on the horn?!?
  5. Phyr

    As it happens, there have been at least 2 threads, about a month apart, asking that exact question, with 3-4 pages of replies each. The consensus was most people ignore it completely, and of the few who have used it, even they claim to ignore it most of the time.
  6. Inex

    Do you remember the Infiltrator's argument against the killmap? End of sniping! I'll never be able to play again! SOE, y u do dis?!?

    And it didn't happen. People kept playing. A few fringe playstyles got hit, and nothing of value was lost.

    But speaking of playstyles,
    I have my doubts. Let's review your objections so far
    Not wanting to use a suppressor fits in with long range sniping, so that's fine. Certainly means you aren't using an SMG. :)

    But worrying about the rest of the outfit? Be real here, if Infiltrators could dependably drag two squads of players off into the hills every time they got a headshot the subforum would be drowning in Pied Piper videos. The outfit isn't going to chase you down, they aren't going to storm line of tanks just to take you down, and they have better things to do than switching to Inf en-mass just to counter-snipe you.

    So if you're worried about the rest of the outfit, that means you're somewhere they can reach. Inside enemy lines somewhere. And you can't move very far, or walking a 20-39 meters to the next hill wouldn't be such a problem. Makes sense if you're inside the enemy base. You need to stick to a hide and hope you aren't found. Lastly, you need to be sniping from an area that's going to be really affected by the difference between a cone indicating where the shot came from, and a pinpoint line.

    That means you're sniping from somewhere close, and probably vertical. If I had to guess, you're very worried that the resources you spend on an ESF getting to the top of a tower are in a lot of danger when people can immediately realize that the shot didn't come from that distant hill; it came from about 3m behind them. And since that would put the shooter in the spawn room, they must be on the roof. From there it's 20 seconds until your camp is interrupted by a pump action shotgun. Makes sense with the suppressor too. You don't need to worry about your minimap ping, as there's so many red dots all over the place nobody can tell where yours is.

    So whether it's the fact your arguments don't actually apply to long range sniping, or you're 'secretly' trying to defend being a rafter-ghost, I can't see any merit in your argument against the awareness implant.
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  7. iller

    I think it matters for light assaults .... and sometimes for infiltrators that are sniping within the 200m range from a really really coveted Sniping poistion. But any EXPERIENCED players are already going to know exactly where those coveted sniping nests are ahead of time or atleast be able to figure out how to get to them pretty quickly after respawning.

    The automatic spotting itself however will only be an issue for infiltrators running the Straight-Pull bolt. Every other infiltrator eventually learns to cloak between EVERY single shot just to clear themselves of any possible spotted status.
  8. Imij

    Use a suppressor. You know, that attachment infils should use but rarely do because it's useless. Drop a suppressor on your sniper rifle and learn to lead a little bit more, stop complaining.

    This is actually the worst implant they're trying to implement because it can be completely countered by putting an attachment on a weapon. The second worst is the one that autospots for doing damage to people. So if you're lazy and can't press "Q" it might be good for you/your team. However, using either of those directly limits your power in the game. They're good for new players, and useless for everyone else. The other implants are infinitely better.
  9. Tuco

    ^^^The idiot's argument.

    I like Dr Oz. He always ends his show with a "eat this every day, after every meal, or before going to bed, etc." If you were to take his advice you would weigh 50 metric tons.

    If we were to take this idiotic advice, "don't stand still, don't park there, don't fly there, don't do this" there would be no game to play.
  10. Rift23

    How is it useless? Without suppressor you have tanks/ESFs with radar hunting you plus That Guy you pissed off who's now running around with his LA-shotgun looking for revenge in addition to random folks who see the dot. With suppressor, you can hide in the middle of a zerg and snipe people (got BCP this way once on one of the rare occasions he left his MAX/prowler).
  11. MarkAntony

    Like that is gonna matter. Or are you telling me you cloak in the fraction of a second between you shooting and the bullet killing your target. Cause if you're not, all the cloaking in the world isn't gonna help you. Exact position already given away.

    Yeah since leading sprinting targets was so easy without a suppressor. So great I now have to put an attachment on a weapon with massive downsides because of another situational awareness crutch.
  12. iller

    I don't know where you're getting this from. It's not how the mechanics work.

    Even if you cloaked as the bullet left the chamber, and it kills your target, they're still going to get the same exact DeathScreen HUD showing a narrow red cone towards your direction. And if they have a Mic, they're still going to transmit that information to anyone nearby willing to listen to it. BUT, as long as you cloak within 1 second of either making a Kill, or being Spotted, then you are no longer "Spotted" or even on the Radar to any of their allies. I spot constantly out of sheer habit while counter-sniping, yet "constant-cloakers" completely counter that spotting advantage every time. Again, being spotted is not a real issue to most infiltrators. The entire basis of the infiltrator class is like ALL spy classes; You're only-as-good as your opponents-are-unaware. You could have every mechanical advantage in the world and never show up on radar/D.S., but some twitch fiend who knows the terrain or base strategy will still have ways to easily beat you AND your ambush plans every single time.

    But it does greatly marginalize Light Assaults who are trying to use longer range precise weapons (or the lulzbow)
  13. Canno

    Just wanted to point out a stalker cloaker can't have a sniper rifle (you replied to someone talking about stalker cloaker).

    With a suppressor you'll still have tanks and ESFs with radar hunting you. Suppressor just makes actually killing someone more difficult than the suppressor is worth. Much easier to deal with some LA with a shotgun thinking he can actually find me and not the over-the-top reduction a suppressor gives a sniper rifle.

    By hiding in the middle of a zerg I hope you mean a friendly zerg because an enemy one is sure to have at least one vehicle with radar.

    Then again, I have sat on an enemy tank sniping people without the tank crew cluing in.
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  14. Whatupwidat

    I love hearing infiltrators moan about being killed - just get killed like the rest of us, respawn and move to a different position, and stop thinking about your precious KDR ;P
  15. Vaphell

    while you are running in a straight line to the meatgrinder with a shotgun in your hands, sniping from the flanks usually means significant time investment to get into a viable position the long way around (sniping from the back even more so) and usually there will be no medics around, who would patch you up so you can continue farming with no downtime. Deaths are actually very punishing to snipers when it comes to spm, not so much to other classes. No **** snipers have high kdr and it's not like they break records of xp gains which is what gets you certs.
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  16. Whatupwidat

    I like that you talk to me as if I've never played as a sniper ever on the game :p

    I play as a sniper I rake in points using motion detection darts and grabbing headshot bonus XP. So really, cry me a river :D
  17. MarkAntony

    I'm sorry but I don't think we are talking about the same thing. I am talking about the fact that when you sniper OHK someone with an awareness implant he will always be told your exact position. Just like in the vid I posted. No cone. Straight line to you.
    No amount of cloaking is gonna help with that. Again unless you can cloak in between firing your killing shot and him getting killed. You'd need a makro to do that.

    Wow. If you can get as much points sniping as playing, let's say, medic then you must either be the best sniper ever or a lousy infantry player with any other class. Or both.
  18. iller

    You're over-valuing that split second where you'd show up as a red dot on their Radar screen.
    That radar dot disappears again the instant you cloak. The better players don't even need to see your "Dot". End of discussion.
  19. MarkAntony

    We don't seem to be talking about the same thing.
    So at this point I need to ask: Did you even read my post? Or are they that hard to understand?
    You know of the new feature called the deathscreen right? The one with the map in the top left corner. If the guy who kills you is not spotted it shows a cone of where he is. Bad enough but whatever. But if the guy is spotted it shows you the exact position where he is. for as long as you want to see it.
  20. MostlyClueless

    If you're not using a Suppressor this was already true. If you are this doesn't affect you. Nothing has really changed.