Cant login at server briggs

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by qwertyuiop´´, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. qwertyuiop´´

    Hi today I tried to log in at the game I press play and after that the game close without any notification can someone tell me why Briggs always have problems and why we still having them if SOE "Repair" the issues,
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  2. qwertyuiop´´

    Hello I have seen the server was failing and the uptades still not working maybe they do something but the problem still.I think SOE have to give at Briggs players a option to change of server because a client of the game have the right to play and today I log in a intermediately the game close
  3. wazzuuppp

    I've had trouble logging for the last month. Just sits there "Logging In" for any server over 30mins then crashes...guess I'll go spend my money on another game ingame cash system and game that acutally works sorry to say :(
  4. DrunkenSkull01

    I was able to login almost instantly, logged out, logged back in, logged out to change some graphics settings, logged back in, logged back out to change another setting in the graphics, this is the point at which I killed my client it seems... I pressed the play button and remembered something I forgot to change in the settings and pressed the settings button while the play button was cycling my login.. this killed it and I am no longer able to log in.. server is the AU one... briggs iirc

    Game is now stuck at character selection screen with the play button cycling endlessly.

    I have verified game assets with the splash screen, tried to log in and succeded within 2 minutes :)
    Also noticed game only loads to 9% before getting dumped into character selection screen, so I'm not sure if this is symptomatic of the problem.
  5. Mililanious

    I have also been stuck at character selection screen with the play button cycling endlessly but this is happening for all servers. I have tried to create another character as well with the same result when I hit login (crash to desktop - no error).

    When I am loading in from the launchpad I notice my progress bar only goes to about 9% and then dumps me in the character selection screen. I don't see the bar reach 100% like I usually do. Any suggestions?
  6. Smagjus

    You guys really keep your eyes and ears shut, don't you? The problems are persistent for one month now. Abandon the server.
  7. Mililanious

  8. qwertyuiop´´

    Well we kwon the server is failing and after the uptades the problem still existing so what we can do? Change of server? But how? SOE need to add an option for us (Briggs players) :) To change to an alternative server because we cant play
  9. DrunkenSkull01

    I found verifying the game assets in the splash screen helped, I also read in another post that someone was able to get past the login by alt-tabbing out and back in when It says loading.. I also tried this... It worked but Im not sure which one of the things I did fixed it.. perhapse a combination of the two?
  10. Miskaton

    Server population is more or less capped at 400, so all you can do is login mid-afternoon when pop is low and stay online or else persist with attempting to login for as long as it takes.
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  11. BoganHunter

    earlier today i could log in and now that it's 9pm local the server must be full. I have noticed the login time stretches out the further you get into peak periods. Usually I can alt-tab and continue with work stuff but now the client crashes to desktop.

    It's interesting that SOE's server status page claims that the population in Briggs is "LOW".

    creating a new character in any other server works fine. Has anyone tried lodging a support ticket for a character transfer to another server (even though Briggs is the only AU server)?
  12. sterling carter

    Everyone, i suggest going to Connery (US West). I know grinding on a new character isn't fair nor fun, but many of the people with this problem have already made the change making it very populated at all times and all around a better experience! I also suggest push SOE to make this official, to eliminate the Briggs server in all and/or compensate either Certs or full character swaps. Consolidating servers and making them bigger and better has been a topic for sometime and this is one opportunity for us the players to step in and try to make this a better game for everyone!
  13. qwertyuiop´´

    I will try that method I see it works
  14. qwertyuiop´´

    We was thinking bout an option to change server because with our characters have stuff, guns, certifications and we don't want to start again with that
  15. qwertyuiop´´

    Check my last reply to
    sterling carter

    We need to change the server with our player data
  16. Rebus

    With regards to changing server, while it might seam a solution, believe me, you will get little enjoyment playing on a server where your ping is around 300 against players with a ping around 40. If Briggs dies or is killed, as thats what SOE seem to be doing, then the game for Pacific region players dies and it will probably just be the first.
  17. qwertyuiop´´

    Maybe is happening that but I need to change server Im playing in Mexico and I want to play in some USA servers but I want my phrophile data I dont want to start from 0 and about the ping How I can check it? :)
  18. sterling carter

    I feel the ping wont be a issue, I live in the US(Midwest) but i work night shifts so i play on the briggs server because its populated when i'm going to be on. I suffer no problems at all, so i would have to imagine that vise versa with people in asia and australia connecting to a server in the US. I am however not one who knows much about server networking. I want briggs to stay up but with the recent problems and SOEs, and i dont want to say it but for lack of better words, failure at fixing the problem, i think people taking the initiative to fix their own problem would go along ways.
  19. JumbaJuice

    US to AUS server isn't bad, AUS to US server is death.
  20. sterling carter

    ahh thats a shame, was hoping it would work out the same