What setting lets you see infiltrators?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skyfaun, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Spiritualised

    You can also go into your user options file, if you have a strong enough PC and set render quality much higher
  2. IamDH

    Sorry for the confusion. Set the graphics option to medium or higher

    Overall quality will be custom
  3. DrPapaPenguin

    I see them when my eyes are set to "Bloodshot".
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  4. Ronin Oni

    You're a bad person.

    You can run on high but turn shadows and flora off? That's just cheesy
  5. Nanomorph

    pls :(

    Who needs eye candy like shadows & flora in a competitive shooter?

    I only need to know one thing: where they are

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  6. Ronin Oni

    It's not eye candy... it's CONCEALMENT that you disable.

    Frankly it shouldn't even be a bloody option.
  7. Nanomorph

    Yes that's exactly why I switch shadows and flora off.

    Just show me the enemy and leave the eye candy for VR.
  8. Skyfaun

    I tried to test this but none of the infiltrators i killed were even cloaked. Noob infiltrators... not helping.
  9. Ronin Oni


    It's a bloody gameplay asset.

    I HATE the fact they made this optional. It's dumb because people abuse the hell out of it like YOU.
  10. Skyfaun

    If varied terrain makes it easier to see infils, should't flora actually make them easier to see too?
    Personally, I like it, and it's never tall enough to actually hide in.
  11. Nanomorph

    Report me ;)
  12. Dieter Perras

    Lol dude have you ever even played on low settings? They were completely invisible for me on those settings.

    As for my response, just uping the graphical settings to medium seems to work.
  13. IamDH

    It was a joke but it seems no one understood it. I listed all the graphics then "MLG"

    This is my real answer
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  14. Jogido

    Are you joking? seriously just checking
  15. Ronin Oni

    I wish it was reportable :(

    It's inane that they allow people to turn it off.

    Player/vehicle shadows? No problem Terrain/trees/building/etc shadows? MUST HAVE.

    Flora? MUST HAVE

    If I'm HIDING behind a bush or in a shadow but I'm in plain open daylight to my enemy because of a bloody setting, THAT'S JUST DUMBTARDED

    If I only got to change one thing in PS2, this would be it: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?posts/2661539/

    I don't mind reducing the fidelity, or removing the harder to track/render player driven dynamic shadows... if someone has a PoS machine then they can have PoS visuals...

    Flat out removal is broken though, and most of the people who turn it off do it for advantage, not performance.
  16. Ronin Oni

    Whyt would you think I'm joking?

    You think it's fair that I think I'm hiding but to some % of players who jack up their game for the biggest advantage I'm sitting in plain view?????

    Are YOU joking?
  17. Nanomorph

    Flora settings don't seem to affect bushes and trees, I still run into bush wookies every now and then.

    I haven't tried downgrading terrain settings from high, though.

    That would probably be too ugly to look at.

    I like a good balance of visual efficiency (no shadows, no grass, no motion blur, no adaptive occlusion) and visual quality.

    btw if you can't beat them, join them. ;)
  18. Jogido

    Just checking because you are reacting so dramatically.

    It's a normal and allowed setting within the in-game interface. It's not jacking up the game.

    Is it fair? Not really, but unfortunately certain things can't be forced due to performance issues. Certainly the mechanics can be improved to work around this. For example, I always felt that having the "predator" effect should only happen with dashing....so a careful infil can maintain stealth at all graphical settings.
  19. kadney

    Graphics quality on medium and you should be fine. Everything else can stay on low.
  20. baka

    To extend that -- set your RenderQuality to 1.41 for 2x supersampling and 1.73 for 3x.... if you want a slideshow that might crash all but the beefiest GPUS, try 2.00!
    I would LOVE it if SOE would add those settings to the slider so we can changed them without restarting. Make the slider go from 75 to 100, then have 3 stops above.
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