What setting lets you see infiltrators?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skyfaun, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Skyfaun

    I'd really like to know, as cloaked infiltrators simply do not render for me. I have had a friend test it out, he was easily able to shoot me at any point, even when crouched and unmoving and haven broken line of sight. But I am unable to see him when he is literally standing in front of me, unless he sprints. So I have heard some suggestions, like turning on ambient occlusion or motion blur, but nothing seems to help. So what is it really? Or is it just that infiltrators don't render on nvidia cards?
  2. Cinnamon

    Medium or higher on main setting. Other settings like effects or motion blur do not affect it, it's in one of the "hidden" settings that can only be changed by setting the overall quality.
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  3. Spiritualised

    Even on medium settings, I was finding it a struggle to see infs. I had to settle on high. I would rather play on low as I cant stand all the glare from the lighting. Given a choice between dieing from infs, or sore eyes from the glare, Ill settled for sore eyes.
  4. NCDaniel

  5. SenEvason

    I run medium on everything and it's laughably easy to see them.
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  6. Nanomorph

    I have Vsync on, everything on high, shadows off, flora off, everything else off (motion blur, smoothing, etc.)

    I can see Infils fine when they are moving - sprinting or not.

    You're not supposed to be able to see them without darklight when they're in deep cloak (crouched & motionless with no visible head & weapon bug).
  7. Paragon Exile

    That would kill my eyes
  8. Spiritualised

    Infs have never meant to be 100% invisible. Its not how cloak works.
  9. Nanomorph

    I've been stared at by dozens of different players at close range while in deep cloak.

    They never noticed me.

    If that's not invisibility, I don't know what is.
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  10. Corporate Thug

    I feel your pain OP. I played on low until OMFG and always got surprised by infiltrators, but after I decided to give up my FPS gain and play on higher settings to see those buggers. I recently tried to play on low again for better frames but after seeing an infiltrator disappear right in front of me while he was running away, I turned them back up. Despite the FPS gain, lower settings also makes it smoother and everyone moves at the same speed for me(I see super strafing even when it says I have 70+FPS)...Hopefully they fix the visibility.
  11. Nanomorph

    Works fine for me without all the shadows and grass to distract from enemies.

    Also makes it easier to see at night and inside bases.
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  12. Spiritualised

    Then you are doing it right. If you move, its over though. Often infs will be seen heading for their fav little spots settle down and wonder why they get a cap in their *****.
  13. IamDH

    These are the settings:

    Very low

    I think the answer is clear.

    Seriously tho, Medium or higher lets you see them like glass statues (if thats what you were looking for)
  14. Spiritualised

    I run pretty much the same settings as you except, vsync off, textures ultra, shadows ultra. I have no issues seeing infs. The only time its a problem is on medium to low. Like I said I just hate the glare but I would rather see infs than not at all.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    GraphicQuality needs to be medium or high for them to be a shimmer.
    If this is on low, then they are that invisible shadow.

    You are far better off running GraphicQuality medium, turning shadows and flora off, and putting effects, terrain, models, and particles on low, than you are running on GraphicQuality Low.
  16. Spiritualised

    I would rather play with the settings youve listed but theres just too many infiltrators about. Its so much easier on the eyes. Glare and shine in games these days seems to be the definition of "great" graphics
  17. Skyfaun

    What is the 'main setting'? if I set "overall quality" to medium, then I cannot set individual qualities, and the game runs like ***. Do you mean the "graphics quality" setting?
  18. Skyfaun

    But there is no Ultra for graphics quality... hmm
  19. dreamcast87

    With Ultra settings I can make out the BLUR of their movement from 50 - 70 meters away depending on the terrain sometimes they disappear into the background sometimes they're easy for me to spot. Against green terrain i do notice them easier, pure snow and pure desert terrain they are pretty hard to spot if it's a mixture like snow/desert and rocks/bushes it's easier.
  20. Spiritualised

    Set overall quality to custom then set your other options. There are only 3 other settings that define ultra in game and thats, textures , shadows, particles.