M3 Pounder HEG Why does it to so much dmg vs Ai?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jaktrobot, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. jaktrobot

    Make ur screen shake, they even gibb my vs max, do u guys think its ballanced?
  2. Dibola

    Dude, the blast radius sucks. Even though it may do good damage it's hard to land a direct shot on infantry unless you're good at aiming. They're fine.
  3. Pikachu

    Don't they do less AI damage than their regular damage? The change at PU2.
  4. St0mpy

    um, because comet?
  5. Paperlamp

    It does the lowest damage per shot, so it does the most per mag. Falcons only need one volley(one shot from each arm) to kill non-flak infantry, so if Pounders didn't at least have an extra kill per mag they'd kind of suck relatively as they require more uptime on a target as well as having a harder to aim projectile due to their drop.
  6. IamDH


    I just made a great realization
  7. Pikachu

    Unnerf falcon.