Upgrade Now Button

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Ultramarine

    Why have I seen none of these ads? Does avast really work that well at blocking odd connections?
  2. blag

    The answer is no, I am not going to even consider premium until the game has some of the features that should have been in it near the beginning of its launch like server transfers.

    Yes I know you need to make money from this game. But if you someone to pay for it, try finishing the bits of it you said you'd have ready months ago. Like server transfers.
    • Up x 1
  3. Carnage

    This needs to go away in all of your games, Comon in EQ the play button takes me 10 seconds to find cause the upgrade button is right where play should be for christ sake. Im really on the edge SOE stop this **** or your going to loose subscribers like me that have been paying your salaries for well over 10 years
  4. Being@RT

    Does Upgrade Now button still load instantly while Deploy only shows up after a bit of delay?
  5. RyanBurnsRed

    I like how it's bigger and brighter than the Deploy button.
    You know, I was going to spend some money on SC awhile ago so I can get some camos and other things. But seeing as I'm treated like a freeloader despite spending over $100 on this game, I think I'll take my money elsewhere.

    I'll still play, don't get me wrong, but I'm not spending a single dime until that button is removed or replaced with something less intrusive.
  6. CzechErface

    Oh my god that signature! You made my ******* day.