Planetside 2 has taken drugs! [Massive rendering bug]

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by DoctorPC, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. DoctorPC

    Everything turns green, yellow, blue, black except lighting, even though it only works when everything is black. It looks like black&white movie, where black is replaced with whatever is the current theme color, except black renders everything as total black instead of having shades of gray with it. I have checked, nothing should have overheated. Changing Lighting settings did not help.
  2. Smagjus

    Your GPU is probably broken.
  3. Darth Zork

    Sounds like a GPU issue, how old is your GPU? (How long has it been in your PC?)
  4. DoctorPC

    GPU is about year old, and none other program is having issues. Even menus of Planetside 2 are fine, and when you log in the game, first few seconds look normal, that also happens when you change graphics settings. Also there is big chuhncs of ground not rendering at all. Im currently reinstalling the game, hope it helps.