This game needs Mantle.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AdamPA1006, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. AdamPA1006

    Crazy CPU limited. I have a 4770K and 290X and get FPS drops into the 30s in the massive fights. Everyone gets FPS drops in the huge fights, mainly being CPU limited. Mantle has shown that in online FPS, CPU heavy games like BF4, substantial gains can be made.
    • Up x 2
  2. Loui5D

    I have a 2500K + 290x and never drop below 80 fps.
  3. AdamPA1006

    Is something wrong on my end then? I always wondered. What can I do?
  4. Loui5D

    What CC version are you running? i had a problem with one of the beta's which forced my gpu to always be in "overdrive mode" so i would always get reduced performance.

    Also try replacing the gfx settings in the useroptions.ini file with these:

  5. PurpleOtter

  6. Zotamedu

    Yes this game could really use Mantle. Problem is they made it with Nvidia and Mantle is still in beta and is only available for AMD partners. I really doubt it would work out making the game both AMD and Nvidia optimized at the same time. So that will not happen. It's also Sony and it will be released on the PS4 which has its own low level API that is roughly based on the one for PS3. Had it been for the Xbone which uses a low level API that is rather similar to Mantle it would maybe be possible.

    So if we are being realistic here, only way this will work out is if Microsoft implements the low level stuff they have promised for DX12 and than SOE then ports PS2 to DX12. You'll still need new hardware and the devs will need to do quite a bit of work but that's the only possible way. Also, it will not be released until 2015 so it's at least a year away.
  7. Hatesphere

    no game needs "mantle" or anything like it. anything that forces a player to switch to a specific chip set is a bad idea. what is this the 90s?
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    i wouldn't be so sure on that. even microsoft and nvidia themselves have admitted that directx and geforce drivers are nowhere near efficient as they make them out to be. so even if mantle is just amd's attempt to gain additional market share by forcing a new api onto consumers, they've pretty much made microsoft/nvidia get off their lazy bums and start optimizing their api/drivers more.

    that said, competition in the rigid api "market" (if you could call it that way) was badly needed because competition fuels innovation which is usually good for us users. after amd has released mantle, other market participants now try to optimize their software at last. nobody is forced to buy an amd card as long as nvidia is able to defy amd by releasing their own "mantle"
  9. Hatesphere

    mantle needs to be programed from the ground up for each game doesnt it? its sort of like straight to metal programing for graphics. if nvidia makes their own version we will get games that pick one or the other and then use directX to fill in the gap giving likely much worse performance. competition is good, but this is the wrong kind IMO.
  10. Konstantinn

    What a genius idea, why didn't the professional programmers who designed PS2 and the game engine think of that! Brilliant!

    Nevermind that Mantle is still in beta, and didn't even exist when they started this project. Those are just boring details.

    It surely must be as easy as answering a pop up "Switch to mantle y/n?".

    While on the subject of doing completely impractical, insanely difficult, and ridiculously time/effort consuming things, maybe re-code the whole Forgelight engine in pure Assembler? Who needs those silly shortcuts C provides, they only create overhead! Assembler really lets you get under the hood just like Mantle! It must be true, "Mantle is easiest to describe as a graphics API similar to OpenGL or DirectX but without the overhead."as seen from this quote from 2nd paragraph of this article. The website even has a very appropriate name!
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    as i lack indepth knowledge regarding these technical things i can't really say how mantle works nor can i foresee how things will turn out in the end.

    however, i am fairly optimistic that we consumers can mostly benefit from this development. for instance, mantle has brought huge performance improvements in battlefield4 for amd card users. at least some players have posted their benchmark results in the battlelog forums and indeed the new api has brought a 20-100% increase in (stable) frames per second across all affected users. imagine something similar in planetside2 once they give it a more efficient api, it would be awesome as hell
  12. Wobberjockey

    people so quickly forget that PS2 started around late 2009. back then 32 bit Win XP was the dominant installed OS on steam, and that dx10 was just being announced.

    but yea, HOW DARE the devs not program for DX 11!!! or 12!

    why isn't this game DX13 compatible yet!?!
  13. Aldaris

    Er, in late 2009 we had DX11 :p
  14. AdamPA1006

    From everything we have seen and heard from developers, Mantle is not that hard to implement and doesnt require that many man hours comparatively. I'm not talking about semi accurate old speculation. That was before Mantle launched, and we can see that it can provide great gains in CPU limited situations. Why would you not want this for PS2...
  15. Radiant Stranger

    When I read that title I thought of something completly different.
    The ability to jump to a ledge, grab it with your hands and pull yourself up (referred to as "mantle" or "mantling" whenever I come across it)
    We need that too :)
  16. Maelthra

    Forget Mantle. Let's get started on DIrectX 12.
  17. Octiceps

    And what, wait 2-3 years for the fruits of their labor? No thanks. I'll gladly take a proper DX11 version when they launch PS2 on PS4 later this year.