[Petition] We are tired from being test subjects of your 64 bit client!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sobdude, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. Sobdude

    Please, let us play on 32bit client or make some kind an option to choose version!
  2. Umrtvovacz

  3. doombro

    I can't agree with you here. If they manage to get this running successfully, we'll be seeing some pretty good performance improvements for a lot of people. They can't get this stuff finished if they can't get it tested. Not enough people show up on the PTS to test it well enough.
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  4. Nexium

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  5. Stormsinger

    This topic will most likely be deleted due to [petition] in the title, as SOE doesn't appear to like them. The link on how to force 32 bit clients should stick around there, I suggest a PSA with that link instead
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  6. khai

    Been said before all this could be solved with a toggle switch in the options of the loader let the individual decide if they want to use the 64bit client. since some people are getting improved gameplay with the 64bit client and others can't play because of it. And anyone with a 32bit OS that selects 64bit deserves what they get.
  7. Sobdude

    They will NOT ! It is clearly visible right now! NEVER!
  8. kadney

    Then swing your butt over to the PTS to make it rock stable before they bring it to the live server. They went fine in small-scale tests but they simply can't test it without us on the PTS. So, either go to the PTS and let them wipe out the last bugs or stay patient till they fixed the issues on the live servers.
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  9. MasonSTL

    Totally heard a 4 year olds voice when I read this
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  10. Klypto

    I've only crashed while switching continents.

    So far the rest has been pretty great.
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  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    well, as long as they dont care about the results they obtain from the test servers, the people on live servers gonna remain their primary test subjects
  12. Ronin Oni

    It should be optional.

    I want 64 bit... BADLY. Enough that I'll deal with some crashes just to give them more data to work with to find the problem (though if I crash twice in an hour I'd like to swap back to 32 bit for stability)

    Those who can run 64bit w/o crashing should be allowed to benefit from it. Anyone having issues should be able to opt for 32bit and their crashes from 64bit will help SOE find the problems.

    Win Win Win.
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  13. Ronin Oni

    They do care. 64bit wasn't having any problems on test.

    The increased player count of Live (because not enough people show up for test on PTS) is what is causing problems that they're trying to solve.

    Which is why, as I said, they should make it optional. Hell, make us opt in for 64bit with 32bit as default until they've sorted out all the problems (and STILL leave the option to run 32bit just in case)
  14. Phyr

    Who is "we"?
  15. Wobberjockey

    because if at first you fail, you can never ever succeed
    -Thomas Edison
  16. Badname707

    Nope, I don't mind at all. A bit of crashing until they get the bugs kinked out is a small price to pay for what's gonna be a pretty decent performance increase. It's not like its anything we aren't used to already.
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  17. Stormsinger

    Creating software that will run on EVERYthing universally is hard.
    Not, "I think i'm going to walk to the fridge and make a sandwhich" hard, but rather
    "I think i'm going to attempt to genetically engineer wheat to grow into a sandwhich all on it's own" hard
    If any of your experiments start calling you 'Seamore', run. Also, come join the VS, we have a position for you in one of our Amerish Biolabs.

    ... Well, not quite that hard, but you get the point.
    They need a larger hardware sample size, complete with error logs, to make this as compatible as they possibly can. If you want their stuff to run on your computer, send them crash reports, go play on test, contact support... they can tell you how to do either.

    Coming to the forums and whining about it lets people know you are angry, horray, you are in good company
    Going to SOE and giving them the data they need is much more constructive.
  18. Flashtirade

    It seems they've fixed the 97% problem (at least for me), so I've no problems with it so far. In fact, once they work out the kinks, this could be a big step towards another O:MFG.
  19. Hibiki54

    Actually, 64bit had a lot of problems on PTS. They just ignored our reports as usual. If you were in the Connery vs Cobalt server smash, you should know what I am talking about.
  20. PlatoonLeaderG

    I was having 10 crashes in 2 hours

    I m having 10 crashes in 2 hours

    Who cares nothing changed for me.
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