PLZ rollback to 32bit!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Necaris Omnis, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Necaris Omnis

    I crash everytime i start to have fun. Then my mag is gone no certs left and the fight is over.
    It is also double xp weekend for me as member but i cant play longer then 10-20 minutes witout crashing.
    Or give as the option to choose wich client we want. And plz dont tell me its just a very small number of players when i hear about crashing in game over and over.
    I normaly dont rage but i realy wanted to make somthing of the double xp weekend.
    I dont think its the best time to "test" somthing like this at a double xp weekend.
    • Up x 1
  2. TheHolyDuck

    Totaly agree with him... im also a paying member and im pretty disapointed i cant take full use of the double xp weekend :(. At least give us the option to chose which client we want.
  3. Nasher

    It won't help. I forced the game to use 32bit but it still crashes just the same. Something other than the exe must be causing it.
  4. Necaris Omnis

    I crash almost everytime i change class. Start a big battle or randowm i dont know why. Most of the time the sound keeps playing as the game would run in the background or it loops. I always have to close the task by myself.
  5. NoctD

    Its beyond broken.
  6. Nexium

    Worst patch yet. This game was more stable in beta - that's not an exaggeration.
  7. Li3ber87

    I've been having game breaking fps drops and extra crashes this patch too. I definitely think it's the god awful 64 bit client. Test more please soe, don't be in such a rush to get this out. Noone is excited about and we'd prefer it if you just stopped breaking the game so @#$% much
  8. Merlock

    Crashes twice in 5 minutes now, **** u SOE you can't make anything good, give us 32 bit before forcing us to use a unstable 64 bit

    I paid alot for this game, what are you doing with my money?