Scheduled Maintenance April 16th, 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Apr 15, 2014.

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  1. Llamar

    Hopefully the absence of updates the past few weeks means this one will work a lot better.
  2. Simferion

    The delayed loading has no good effect. I spawned at a sundy and it wasn't still rendered when I spawned.
  3. bronybuscus

    When will Physx particles be reimplemented? I am tired of waiting, and that is one of the main reasons I play PS2.
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  4. Galeocerdo7

    Please tell me that you will add the 2x Reflex Sight to all the other carbines, some don't have it and it is a great short-mid range scope. Thanks!
  5. tZonkD

    • Performance has dropped somewhat for me, not a big hit but still noticeable in larger fights.
    • Loading times are longer.
    • I get a loading screen on every respawn, every single one. This is really not OK.
    • Stability seem much improved for me, not a single crash this session. Great work there!
    • The nerf to vipers AI capabilities seems over the top.
    • Harasser still feels too fragile for a fighting vehicle, turbo does not seem as buffed as stated.
    • The lynx feel very TR, nice one (haven't tested the other new carbines yet).
    • MAX deploy "buff" is a nice idea, but .5 secs really don't change much. Its still 99.5% a burster max only option.
    • Duster is still a waste of time, spur too =/.
    • Vulcan change is not very noticeable (and it still has clash badly with the prowlers es util).
  6. Yosarian

    love the update, still some issues, we drop podded a squad into raven's and half our squad crashed to desktop, but love the changes to TR weapons, they feel good again
  7. Grandtech

    Changed the Sarron HRB to do even less damage to Infantry. Fo shizzle? If you can bloody hit a soldier with the damn gun you should get the kill, its like trying to hit a black marble with a 1inch pipe. Sure you can do it..... eventually, but then do it three more times. Common guys.
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  8. Yosarian

    mmmm yes cry more *drinks tears of the recently nerfed* mmmm so salty and sweet
  9. Yosarian

    The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence...of bugs.
  10. Princess Celestia

    Not really tears, I play all three, but my TR as the first to max and godmode gets boring after a while.
  11. NCDaniel

    What is up with the long loading times?
  12. Librux

    Hey SOE i see u must have taken the 64 bit client off. I have a Tip DONT BOTHER WITH IT ANYMORE LEAVE THE GAME AS 32 bit please so none of this stupid crashes happen again.
  13. Spaceifornia

    I second this, any ETA on it?
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  14. Yosarian

    I'm just giving you **** Princess, the NC were OP for a lil bit and on waterson they were rocking 40% server pop 90% of the time it was kinda lame for us, I'm just laughing because I told them a nerf was coming and to enjoy it while it lasted.
  15. Terran Devils

    Why is it that every time I do a major update on planetside 2 that I can not load my character profile. The game will update itself and when I go to select my character, the loading will go to 80-95% and no further. Why does this occur, it is the second time now?
  16. Yosarian

    I could be wrong on this but if your talking about your ps2 players profile try logging into your toon then logging out then check it.
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  17. Pathogenic

    The delayed loading is awful, and I've been crashing more after this patch than I have been in weeks.
  18. Klypto

    How large is large scale? If you guys need data on bigger fights, server clash does 96v96+ battles from time to time on PTS. There is one scheduled for this Saturday, but because it was such short notice most of Waterson's competitive outfits will most likely not be participating.
  19. Terran Devils

  20. Badname707

    Really? I can't see that infantryman 400m away?! SO UNREALISTIC. I'M MAD AND STUFF, GRR!
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