NC is the NO BULLET DROP empire (not VS)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Peter Daniel, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Vixxing

    Phaseshift also has a 0.8 non cloaked chargeup and slowest projectile in game... good luck with that in a sniperduel...
  2. andy_m

    I though I should clarify my earlier post regarding the OHK range of the Longshot.

    This is taken from an official SOE post on December 17th:-

    • NC EM4 Longshot, TR RAMS .50M, and VS Parallax
      • Long reload improved from 6.0 to 5.575 seconds
      • Short reload improved 5.0 to 4.72 seconds
      • Max damage changed from 800 to 700
      • Min damage changed to from 550 at 100 meters to 400 at 400 meters
      • 1-shot headshot until 300 meters
    As far as I am aware there have been no further BASR changes.
  3. RubberFur

    #1: Its a Railgun...a Hyper-Kinetic Energized Slug/Shard, God I hope it always spot on.
    #2: Your talking AP Shells right? their drop starts at 180m, however, If I were firing a 145mm Cannon, I'd expect not to miss my mark at 179m.
    #3: Ravens have a drop, once you fire if you don't guide they will plummet.
  4. Taemien

    OP is complaining about Ravens.

    Do we need to say more? I mean yeah.. they are good... but wait till this guy gets a face full of falcons. The rage will be inmeasurable.
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  5. Hosp

    I'm confused, this most recent patch nerfed NC most...buffed VS a bit, TR alot...and he's still complaining about NC?

  6. Darthjackn

    almost all NC weapons have bullet drop except for the ravens and the railjack in render distance.
  7. Revanmug

    1- That wasn't my point nor the OP's point (if he had any).

    2- The Phaseshift has a velocity of 550m/s. CQC bolt action have a velocity of 500m/s. Several weapon in the game have sub 500m/s velocity. You are dumb.

    3- I don't need luck for "sniperduel." Unlike the majority of the playerbase, I can aim which is more than enough to kill the majority of snipers.
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  8. Vixxing

    If you decloak to fire your Phaseshift you will be killed b4 you fire by any half decent boltaction sniper... (im guessing you only shoot at engineer with turrets or AFK ppl)
  9. Revanmug


    I don't shoot AV turret user. Too much wasted time moving around to avoid the broken turret hitbox.


    Those poor AFK players never stood a chance!
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  10. DashRendar

    And it was OP as hell.

    But it was unique... and VS need something unique like that again.
  11. Bankrotas

    And they did more damage in ranges where it mattered too, but stupid VS still whined to change it.
  12. minhalexus

    This was a troll post.
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  13. Vixxing

    Thats not Phaseshift... im saying Phaseshift sucks, i got nothing against a Longshot... (got 2600 kills with Parallax so...)
  14. Revanmug

    And I never actually comment on the quality of the Phaseshift. I didn't even write my colourful thoughts on the Railgun. You are the one that used incorrect statment on the weapon itself. Stop backpedaling.
  15. Vixxing

    You said PS is the only sniper without drop, i said "well it also got 0.8 second chargeup and slow projectiles" i didnt say dick about Longshot...
  16. Revanmug

    I doubt "slowest in the game" has the same meaning as "slow."

    Backpedaler confirmed.
  17. iller

    your HSR gives me the giggles everytime I look at it. ... why do you prefer shooting everything twice?
  18. Vixxing

    For a long range sniper rifle WITH chargeup delay its ridicoulusly slow... a railjack user will hit you in the head, drink some coffe and take a pee before you hit the position he was 1 minute earlier..
  19. Revanmug

    It does make me laugh considering it's one of the worse ratio in that leaderboard. I love it. It also used to be worse. Several reasons.

    1- Used that sniper since it got release. With the old NW, I was more often than not aiming for the upper torso. I much prefer a sure hit that require a follow up than aiming at a much smaller target that might require a second shot anyway. I don't have much problem making follow shot anyway. This is of course not the case anymore but when you already have 14k kills with a certain weapon, it's hard to change its stats. Also, getting better with time etc...

    2- Same reason for people in movement at longer distance.

    3- I play aggressively (too much probably) with a bolt action and often find myself in 20m firefight taking potshot at whatever is in my LOS. This usely mean that in my rush to kill people, I might miss someone's head just just hit his upper torso. It would be pointless to aim for his head, a smaller target, when he is not going to survive the next body shot. That's assuming he isn't a HA that is poping his overshield or that I'm finishing him with a pistol/knife

    4- I shouldn't be missing people's head with a 8X around 20m in range. The simplest reason is often the best.

    Come on, just admit it that you were wrong. It's not that hard.

    Also, charge up and delay aren't the same thing. Phaseshift is a charge up only as there is no delay. It fire when you fire.

    Railgun has a fire Delay. A delay long enough that a T3 sniper would hit you before the Railgun would. I guess you didn't know that because you wouldn't focus on the Railgun for your exagerate and stupid example.
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  20. Stigma

    Yes, for the most part no-drop is a fairly useless feature on most guns, but for pete's sake if you are going to make arguments like this then at least get your facts straight because this sounds like argumentation straight out of bizarro-world.

    NC is the NO BULLET DROP faction:
    • perfect sniper = 1 hit kill (headshot) with no bullet drop (all BASR are capable of 1shot-headshots so that's not even an argument for anything. Secondly the new NC sniper HAS bulletdrop - the same amount as all the other BASR's. It suffers less from it due to a higher velocity obviously, but saying that it has no bulletdrop is just wrong).
    • tank shells that hit the crosshair (same as TR) (All vehicles have had their parallax convergence issues removed entirely for a long time now and projectiles now fire from the camera center. The magrider is no exception. I can only speculate that what you are talking about is that the magrider has lower velocity than the other tanks? ... If you want to make THAT argument then go ahead, but otherwise again this point is just wrong)
    • Max AV have no bullet drop (and are laser guided) (All TR and MAX weapons have bulletdrop. The only "exception" is the ravens which are laserguided and it would be logically impossible to include bulletdrop on a laserguided weapon. On the other hand every single VS MAX weapon has no-drop. How you can you even make this complaint with a straight face? ... seriously!)
    Basically NC have no bullet drop in what matters...
    Really? How can you even say that when the NC does not have a single weapon with no-drop? (TR too for that matter). Unless you want to make to make some crazy argument that laser guided or lockon weapons should be counted as no-drop weapons I challenge you to come up with even a single example. You have to have reality-distorting abilities to rival a young-earth creationist to even make a point like that.

    VS have no bullet drop in all that doesn't.
    This is perhaps the only reasonable thing you've said in this entire post. For the most part no-drop is not a very useful ability to have. Most weapons are effective only at ranges where bulletdrop is negligible anyway, and the few specialized weapons where it would have been truly useful (such as in snipers) they have made exceptions to the trait because it was deemed to be overpowered for those types of guns (and probably right so). If you had made a post where you made a case for why no-drop as a VS trait is not very useful and could have been replaced by something better for the game as a whole then then you might have been worth listening too, but instead we got this list of whines about things that aren't even correct to begin with...
