Those VS and TR who complain about NC Weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrHous3, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. DrHous3

    I got annoyed after alot of TR and VS players complain on how 200 damage weapons are easy to use and how they can out damage most weapons down range.

    Heres the evidence to show how both VS and TR can outdamage NC weapons in close quarters. (sure its not 100% accurate, but it does closely model my point)

    Statistical numbers used for the 'Best Scenario' clause at range, and worst at short range which would create a median of sorts

    Conclusion of findings.
    - NC weapons that outdamage at range, do so by 0.1 seconds while loosing a 0.5 seconds difference in close quarters.
    -Most TR and VS weapons have a better TTK at close quaters and at range.
    - 3 weapons that the NC have that outshine both the TR and VS (the anomolies -> GD75, Gauss Rifle S and the Anchor)
    -Everywhere else, NC is is outdamaged by both TR and VS.

    New Conglomerate is Hard mode...

    Sources for data
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  2. Goretzu

    Nice job. :cool:
  3. DrHous3

    Got revision to do, doing this instead...
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  4. DrHous3

    I have also added a 100% accuracy sheet in sheet 2 to show that with equal accuracy, NC suffers at range and close range (basically boo boo)
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  5. Waffle Fartsparkle

    5 weapons if you count the Phoenix and Gauss SAW.
  6. DrHous3

    Gauss SAW's TTK isnt that great when accuracy is in play...

    Pheonix is awesome :)
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  7. Kaegix

    Just another classic example of "the grass is always greener on the other side"

    The factions are balanced for the most part, don't claim NC is "hard mode" just because some people complained. Because they will always complain. Always.
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  8. Snow Sheltie

    The small arms between all the factions are even when you look at their stats. What you cannot look at is the effects of latency on these guns. Lag causes weapons with a higher rate of fire to out-dps a weapon with a lower rate of fire. This is because latency gives a chance of a chunk of data may be lost during transfer. If that data chunk contained a damage indicator to hurt the receiving player then no damage is done even though there should've been. If the weapon is spouting 800 rounds a minute, that lost data chunk doesn't really matter because there's many more that will take its place. If the weapon is shooting much slower at 550 rounds a minute, that lost data chunk can become the difference between winning and losing.
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  9. DrHous3

    I prefer NC and Love it.. but its just alot people stake remarks/statements that are wrong about the 'out performace' of NC guns compared to that of thier own.

    In fact, in order to compete with TR/VS LMGS and Carbines - we need to spend 1000certs (anchor and GD7f)
  10. DrHous3

    I agree with this too, but this is not easy to model for me, unless i was given the average data lost in the average latency between x-y hours... then i could also conslude out of a no of bullets needed to TTK, x would not be registered, thus turning the actual ttk so such,,,
  11. TheBloodEagle

    Who's even complaining about NC infantry weapons? 200dmg tier weapons are a great playstyle for NC and I'm glad they have that faction difference. Anyone who ******* & moans about it is just a baby.

    It's ******* nuts when I think back to the early days after Launch how every NC complained about their guns sucking and are underpowered and everyone was bashing TR as EZ Mode. 80% of the posts wanted TR guns instead of high damage ones. Forumside is a massive rollercoaster for sure.
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  12. Cinnamon

    Interesting idea but it would make more sense if we also knew the average engagement range in the game and the average engagement range for particular weapons. We don't really know if it's an apples/oranges comparison.

    To double check I plugged some average values into a spreadsheet I have for testing and didn't get the same results due to using a different calculation that includes headshots and calculates ttk excluding the first shot since that is "instant." This is only for 10m since that is less complicated by burst fire requirements for weapons.

    T9 CARV: 29% of mag fired on average for 2.16 second ttk.
    Onion: 48% of mag fired on average for 1.84 second ttk.
    God SAW: 19% of mag fired on average for 2.16 second ttk.

    So SAW is exactly balanced with Carv on average for 10m using this calc. How odd.
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  13. Goretzu

    That explains it then. :D

    There's been a big upswing recently in people claiming NC weapons are somehow "overperforming".

    There's absolutely nothing to suggest this is really true from the actual in-game data, but this is a nice addition to that.

    Personally I'd say the game is currently as balanced as it has ever been.
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  14. DrHous3

    Like i said, there are more variabls to take into account to actually throw the model to represent the pop effectivly, this was just a crunch for me, as for headshot, its still a variable and constant for all factions, ie

    10m + av hs acc + hshot damage multiplies values

    Gauss Saw: 2.8s
    Onion: 2.1s
    Turkey Carver: 1.9s

    there has been alot of threads saying that TR/VS want 200 damage weapons because they are op compared to 143 high ROF weapons, this was meant tot disapprove that..
  15. Cinnamon

    Well, my model gave me very close results to the figure that DA put on their weapons pages so I'm inclined to think that their model is closer to what I think is happening in game to yours.

    So I'll just pull examples from there I guess.

    Reaper DMR: 1.55s
    Cycler TRV: 1.66s
    CME: 1.81s
  16. Quiiliitiila

    I know it's strange, but I've always thought NC weapon's recoil much easier to control than VS ones and even some TR. It must have something to do with the low RoF.

    That being said, I love my plasma far to much to switch sides :D
  17. Atis

    Nice try but many ppl have NC twink and can check how hard mode they are. Hint: they aren't. I like NC guns better than VS, even with more expirience with vanu's ones.
    While small arms in general are more or less balanced, NC got most complete arsenal. Someone posted here charts for AR usage, which showed that NC had many popular ARs for many situations, most VS stuck with HV45 (which is not that versatile), and TR had like 1,5 popular ARs. Its not game-breaking but kind of annoying.
  18. Bankrotas

    My guess: flinch was rof based and most people were stunlocked by high rate of fire on other factions. NC had to invest and sometimes a lot to get competitive.
  19. Bruno Puntz Jones

    In practice the 200 damage weapons may be easier for bad players to get more shots on target with because of the glacial rate of fire. Slower ROF means less cumulative recoil to control, because the per-shot recoil does not scale up by so much as to overwhelm the fact that fewer shots are being fired. The result can be that you get better applied damage, regardless of the numbers on paper. The higher ROF weapons have higher TTK, but you also have to be better at recoil control to get the needed number of shots on target.

    To the extent that the weapons are overperforming at all, it's only because in the hands of a poor player they give a little bit more chance of getting a kill. That also means that in the hands of an experienced player, when used at their most effective range, they can be downright dominant over the alternatives. But a good player will kill a ****** player no matter what they're shooting.

    The real difference is whether you know what the weapon's strengths are and play to them, rather than what the gun is capable of in some ******** pen and paper theorycrafting shootout.
  20. Darthjackn

    Well we have to remeber each faction weapons are better for different ranges NC medium to long range, TR close to medium range, and VS the more all arounder ranges.