VS Missile Hack or Capability I don't know about?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrMilitaryDude, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. MrMilitaryDude

    So over the last week I have been sitting back sniping and watching what appears to be a hack or a really cool weapon capability that the VS have. I have seen it happen repeatedly when it does happen and I have observed about 3 different instances of it happening over the last week.

    Best way to describe what I'm seeing their missiles do is to think of the guided bullets flying around corners/buildings in the movie Blade Runner.

    So, out of the VS shielded spawn room comes flying a missile heading to go straight past a building. It then, and very cool to watch, circles the building by doing a 180 degree turn and then flies on to perfectly strike a vehicle that is in NO WAY visible to the VS spawn room (and usually at a different elevation). And they would shoot multiple missiles in this fashion until the vehicle blows up. And from my vantage point, it circled around the sides of the building (not over it), and it's path was a perfect arc. There was no way someone was "wiping it" around the building with such a steady flight path and with how closely it was circling around those buildings. I've tried guiding them around buildings before and it's not pretty and almost never works.

    Since I mainly play TR, does the VS have an infantry missile weapon that is able to lock onto targets that are not visible to them and circle buildings/obstacles so it hits its target? Is there a way to target a vehicle via the mini-map that may be visible to other team members? If so, how do you do that???

    Maybe I need to play more VS if they have such a cool weapon capability...

    Oh, the next time I see it I will try to take video of it. I have to figure out how to do that too.
  2. IrishKnight

    It was probably a lock on, lock ons do funny things.
    P.S. 180 degrees would be heading back to the spawn room, 90 degrees is what you're looking for.
    • Up x 2

    Nope all missiles are carbon copies of the other ES one with diferent tracers and graphics.
    All stats are the same.
    Lockons are annoying and the ability for them to sometimes ignore terrain is frustrating. But it is not a VS trait but a trait of all lockons.
  4. HadesR

    All I could think of from what you describe is AV turret ..

    If it was NC i would say the Nix :p
  5. SongOfDiscord

    If you are talking about a 'missile' like the default S1 the Heavy Assault has (the teal blob) then you are talking about the VS empire specific ground to air lock on launcher.

    If you are talking a missile more like a rocket then you are looking at the NS Annihilator, or the NS engineer AV turret. All factions have access to these weapons.
  6. Tentakewls

    It was me, I'm just that good.
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  7. MrMilitaryDude

    IrishKnight - how did you attach a picture? When I try it wants a url. I have a jpg on my computer that shows exactly what I'm talking about.
  8. IrishKnight

    BBCODE Baby, (Begin Bracket)img]www.ExampleLINK.com[/img]
    tinypic.com if you need to upload an image.
  9. MrMilitaryDude

    Thanks for the info and the website! LOL

    Here's what I mean:

    It's just too perfect of an arc around that building and dropping elevation at the same time.

  10. voxmachina

    Were the missiles making high pitched whining sounds?
  11. MrMilitaryDude

    Yes. They were like a ball of purple energy with a smoke trail (that also gave away their trajectory). So with the number of times I've seen this I don't think it was a graphics glitch on my end.
  12. voxmachina

    That's the NC Phoenix. Ravens are similar but can't pull god turns.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    ^ Hes not talking about NC, hes talking about VS.
  14. AzureKnight

    If you were fighting blues, it was probably a Phoenix.

    But... I will say with how the lockons are, it could have been a convenient thing... Like maybe that tank was ahead, it got locked on to and fired at, the missile leads the target and the tanker reverses at the same time the rocket is fired. So the missile first goes to the trajectory of the tank going forward, but then corrects and goes to the trajectory of the tank driving backwards which could cause a curve.

    Either that or maybe you were having a graphical or clientside glitch and it just did that wonky sort of thing.
  15. MrMilitaryDude

    It was a parked sunderer that was in that location for a few of minutes before any missiles started flying it's way. It's just really weird that over the last week I've seen this happen in about 3 different engagements with multiple missiles in each engagement. I've never seen it before and I've been playing since around the beginning of December.

    I'll load up my VS character and go into VR training to see if I can some how duplicate it.

    Anyways, I just wanted to bring it up incase it is a hack. Hopefully it's just some darn good shooting...
  16. voxmachina

    The dude's in here talking about a hacking missile making a high pitched sound and people still think it's VS...
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  17. MasonSTL

    That was the phoenix, an NC weapon. You said it was a purple orb with smoke behind it and it made a stretching sound, and from the picture you have it has a path that a phoenix could maneuver. Other than the purple color, which the blue could look like depending on your monitor settings, that is the phoenix. Go to VR as NC and check it out.

    EDIT: was it this?
  18. MrMilitaryDude

    1. I apologize to the VS. It was the NC. I could have sworn we were fighting the VS the other night. I'm just getting old I guess...

    2. Voxmachina & MasonSTL are correct. It was the NC Phoenix.

    3. Holy crap is that missile cam handy!!!! I now see how they were doing it. By having a vehicle spotted on the mini-map, they can fire off one of those missiles and guide it with the camera view around the building and hit the target every time. The AV-turret missiles are not the same and fly too fast to guide around an object with any accuracy.

    THANK YOU so much for helping me solve this!

    TR has some good fire power. VS has no bullet drop. NC has cool toys like a missile cam. It makes it hard for me to decide which one should be my primary faction...
  19. AzureKnight

    Be aware that ES weapons like the Phoenix generally suck by themselves. That is to say, you need to coordinate people to use them effectively. In large conflicts, you're lucky if you can finish off some heavily damaged vehicles. Regardless, they are fun trolling weapons. Scare people away with them with ease
  20. Peter Daniel

    It's the super OP shoot from spawn NC lancher. All is well.