[Suggestion] Light Assault Anti Vehicle Grenade launcher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Niller, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Niller

    Light Assault Anti Vehicle Grenade launcher
    Hi all, this will properly be my longest post on the forums, concerning an idea of mine. My English is far from perfect and I will make multiple errors throughout this post. I really want to share this idea with you people of the PS2 forums and I hope we can discuss your opinions about this idea, I also hope that there haven't been other post about the exact same thing as well because then it is not really my idea anymore.

    The Idea

    My idea is, as stated in the title, an grenade launcher for the Light Assault class (LA). This grenade launcher would not function as the already existing under slung grenade launchers but more as a Heavy Assaults rocket launcher, as it would not be fired mounted under you weapon, rather it would be a grenade launcher you need to equip using the "123..." keys, like when you take out a rocket launcher as a HA. You will still be able to use the under slung grenade launcher that the "s" versions of some weapons have access to.

    The grenade that this launcher fires will be heavily geared towards dealing damage to armor/max units (so it would be an AV vehicle weapon), therefore it would not be able to OHK infantry and its splash damage would be very low, if even existing. The grenade itself will fly in an arc, like the current under barrel grenade launchers do, therefore making them less viable at range as I find the LA best suited for cqc combat and that should not be changed around. This grenade launcher would also deal LESS damage to vehicles than default rocket launchers.

    This is kind of what I imagining it should look like.

    Why should LA have access to a grenade launcher?

    From what I have noticed around the forums and from looking at outfits play LA is not really used for a whole lot other than placing down squad beacons. This also has something to do with LA being more of a "lonewolf" class but also here I think it is struggling. LA might be one of the weakest classes (I am not 100% sure about this, I am really sorry if I am wrong) and it is missing, as the only class, a tool slot item (except for MAX units).

    It is the second/other assault class in the game but it is far from as versatile as the HA due to lack of AV capabilities, it should have access to a non C4 anti vehicle weapon. It would make it a harder choice which assault class you pick when needing to deal with large forces of combined arms attacking your base, as you can now use LA instead of only HA, that is when you fight on the frontlines though and not sitting on top of a mountain with the AV turret as Engineer.

    This could also prevent the upcoming nerf to the HA shields, they could just give LA this AV weapon and make it a more viable class, therefore more people should switch away from HA, making it a less of a spammed class that it is today and then no need a for a HA shield nerf. The assault classes should BOTH be the best at killing "stuff".

    It will certainly make more people choose LA over HA when dealing with armour/infantry, it would not make LA more spammed than HA though it would just make it able to compete a little better in the AV department.

    LA do have access to C4 though, which is a good AV option, but it does cost a 100 infantry resources pr. use, and all classes can already use it (except infiltrator)

    I think it would make sense that LA was using a light weight anti vehicle weapon when HA is using a heavy weight AV weapon, this GL should be designed to be really light.
    LA was kind of left out when the other classes got their tool slots.

    What can a LA with a grenade launcher bring to the table?

    LA will now be a more viable class to use in squad play, you can now as a squad leader designate a couple of guys to be on AV duty flying behind armour and killing it with their GLs, it requires a little bit of better teamwork and be a bit risky, but would be highly effective if the squad mates could pull it off. They could also make a couple of guys fly on top of a building shooting down at the armour while a couple of friendly HAs shoot at the armour from the direction the LA/the squad came from. That is just a couple of tactics that LA could be useful in if it had a AV GL.

    It would also be a useful tool for random zergling, who would only choose HA due to it being a more useful class at dealing with armour. This will make people who like to play alone choose class more wisely when they need to fight vehicles.

    The GL will also be more of a high risk/high reward weapon when used in the open field where there are not a whole lot of buildings to stand on, so using your jumpjets and creating unique routes will be a necessary.
    This will also make it easier for the devs. to create exciting new content for the LA updates, instead of just a new boring carbine they could add a completely new type of GL that works in an unique way compared to the one that I am referring to in this post.

    What will HA then have over LA then?

    The HAs rocket launchers will still have the best range and the most damage. The LA GL will have less damage (maybe half but I do not know what would be the appropriate damage) and it will have much more limited range. Also remember that HA have access to a overshield and an LMG + the basic infantry equipment, so I am sure it will not be useless because of this weapon.

    What about the tank drivers? They already have to deal with hordes AV infantry

    While that is true I hope this makes some of the already AV playing infantry choose LA as a viable class, therefore it will mostly just be the people who already main LA that will be a problem. But this weapon should not be stronger than a RL, and defiantly not the same range, but it would make it harder to driver into bases where LAs are hiding on the roofs. I personally think they should buff the AOE of tank weapons a little bit but since that is properly not going to happen, I then suggest this grenade launcher to not deal so much damage that it is a COMPLETE game changer.

    MAX Spam

    I don't know about you but I am a bit tired of always meeting those pesky MAX units. The GL will be rather useful at killing them, making LA more of a MAX hunter than they already are, it wont deal more damage to a MAX than a RL would do though.

    All in all

    I think a light weight anti vehicle grenade launcher (LWAVGL) just what LA needs making it a more viable class to choose when fighting zergs and enemies that are using armour and infantry both when you play in a squad and when you play for yourself. This would also add the missing tool slot of the LA, and make it a "complete" class, without destroying its lore to much (being light weight).

    I hope you like my idea, if not please tell me why, if you did please tell me about what could be different. Otherwise I encourage you to start discussing this subject. Please tell me if I have made some huge error in this post, as mentioned in the beginning this is my longest post to date, and English is only my second language.

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  2. Niller

    I just realized that this was properly not the best text type to use. :confused:
  3. khai

    More of a recoilless rifle then a grenade launcher maybe, no splash just penetration so it can't be used on mass to suppress infantry and short ranged. have it replace c4 slot. Sure would add some variety.
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    I'm for it but it has to replace the C4 slot
  5. M2_Bradley

    No.I want my C4.And even if you do take away my C4 for a recoil-less rifle,we still need a tool for the LA...
  6. Niller

    Just remember guy HA also have access to both C4 and a RL

    But yeah maybe C4 and a grenade launcher would be to much I am not really sure.
  7. Montey

    I'd just like to say, the number 1 cause of death to my MBTs is C4 from a Light Assault. Light Assaults are also contantly dropping C4 on my sunderers, but at least there it takes more than 1 LA. No way should a LA be able to use both C4 and the grenade launcher at the same time. Fine if you go back to a supply point and ditch the launcher before you can use C4 again.
  8. RubiksCubix

    For the record, I really like this idea. It would really fit my play-style and the role of the light assault. As a sunderer driver I understand full well the effect that this would have on game-play.

    The idea behind this weapon should be that it takes 3-6 light assaults to easily kill a tank or sunderer-- a single light assault should only be able to deter vehicle movement as opposed to being effective against tanks like rocket launchers are.
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  9. TheMish

    NO. Heavy Assaults are the tank busters of the bunch(Excluding Max)

    Light Assaults are built to slaughter troops, not go and fight tanks. It's already ******** that c4 can take out tanks, or at least isn't deployed like an ammo pack.

    What you're asking is making the HA and LA less unique. Eventually it's gonna go from a grenade launcher, to a rocket launcher or some other crazy ****.

    Maybe for AI purposes, sure. Why not even a stronger but heavier version to the HA too, but definently not for anti-vehicles purposes.
  10. Niller

    I have also been thinking about giving the sundy a GL resistance on when deployed, so it wont take damage from LA GLs.
  11. Niller

  12. Koliup

    HA are built to slaughter troops too, mate. And if you're getting killed regularly by C4 fairies, then you're at fault. It's not the LA's problem if you don't have a gunner, and don't know how to stay away from overhangs or keep moving.

    The key thing about this suggestion, IMO, is that the GL offers a close-range anti-tank/max solution to LAs, while keeping the longer range one (RLs) in the realm of HAs. Which is nice.
    It should also be kept in mind that a GL is not going to have the destructive power of C4. If you're getting hit by a GL (in a tank), you'll be able to flee. Unlike C4, where you die. This fulfills an important role in granting the LA vehicle-deterrent capabilities. It also grants them some decent anti-MAX abilities. Again, without the 'die immediately no save' effect of C4, but some decent range to promote keeping smart, on both sides of the fighting.
    I would however like to suggest that the GL come in both AI and AT varieties. For helping their team destroy groups of enemy campers. If you've played LA in a biolab without enemy LAs harassing you, you know what I mean.

    I would suggest an ammo loadout of 1/3. One in the chamber, three reloads. Four shots is a decent number. It gives the LA enough to threaten vehicles, kill one or more MAXes, and (with AI) break up one or more enemy clusters.
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  13. TheMish

    There's a reason they're called light assaults. They aren't armed to the teeth. Their job is to flank and kill, not storm in like brutes and spray bullets everywhere like HA's. That also includes not firing brutal heavy weaponry like rockets and grenades.
  14. Koliup

    You're mostly right; they aren't armed to the teeth, and their job is to flank and kill. That's why a GL is a great fit, instead of giving them LMGs (can you imagine? lol). They can use it to flank into a sweet position and pop off some nades at idiots who are standing still/in a group.
    I really don't see what the issue is. It'll give LAs a way to contribute to the fight moreso, and it won't be OP against vehicles (except in teams), as it will require more time and effort than C4. It'll also give people a reason to run LA, or just to look out for them. They go from clay pigeon to feathered grenadier. (although I would like to state that for the record the GL should probably not be fireable while jetpacking. or at least have **** accuracy when doing so)
  15. TheMish

    It would be crazy overpowered simply due to the Light Assault's ability to get around. They can sit in places the HA can only get to with drop podding or dropping out of a Galaxy. A HA pretty much has to fight everyone head to head, the LA has the luxury of getting around their targets and enjoying their short moment of confusion as they all get shot and killed. A grenade launcher would just make it ridiculous because we already have it, it's on some carbines, and it's already pretty deadly, but now imagine having it as a deadlier weapon, it wouldn't end well.

    On top of that, it would make the LA a Max buster, which isn't fair for Maxes anymore because they're already pathetically weak as it is, so to even give LA's more anti-Max capabilities would just be a kick to the balls.

    Unless the Max is drastically buffed, and the LA gets a single shot grenade launcher when that happens, I will never accept it as a reasonable idea.

    Maybe an anti max grenade.
    No more anti vehicle weapons.
    Infantry already is too powerful vs tanks.
  17. Koliup

    Again, with the implementation of LA GLs, people would be aware of the threat they pose, and thus be more capable/willing to actually deal with them. And it grants them a method to actually help assault, aside from getting high up, and then turning into a clay pigeon.

    LAs are already superb max busters due to C4. A GL would provide MAXes more of a chance to fight back if it were used, as it wouldn't be killing them in one hit, unlike C4.
  18. TheMish

    People already are willing to deal with LA's, because they are a problem, they sit on buildings, radio towers, ammo towers, etc. Then they spam grenades, smoke grenades, or fire away.

    And I doubt people wouldn't use their c4 if they had a grenade launcher. Just because I have a rocket launcher on my HA doesn't mean I don't use grenades.
  19. Niller

    Exactly how I imagined this weapon.
  20. Niller

    Well, my idea was about a lightweight grenade launcher/low damage and range. In my mind it would fit great with the LA loadout.