Quantum Dawn [DAWN]

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by DaMann22, May 23, 2013.

  1. Wewere

    I just sent an app early this morning and I am still waiting for a reply...
  2. DaMann22

    Yes I got it Wewere and approved. Thanks for taking the time to apply and comment on our recruiting thread. I'll be on later tonight and this weekend. I'll see you on the battlefield.
  3. DaMann22

    Nice ops lately. Join us and check out our streams at twitch.tv/quantum_dawn
  4. DaMann22

    Titanfall stream will be going live tonight once the game unlocks. come join at twitch.tv/quantum_dawn
  5. DaMann22

    Congrats to stallion83 with his 1 million+ gamerscore. Still doesn't beat Quantum Dawn.
  6. Phantazm

    Join Quantum Dawn on Wednesday nights for wild hump day action! Now with 150% more ham!
  7. DaMann22

    Searching for the right outfit? Then look no further because we are the one. Come join us TODAY!!!
  8. DaMann22

    My hands smell like....mildew?
  9. BeastingOnYah

  10. DaMann22

    Thanks beasting. Keep up the bump work
  11. DaMann22

    Starting a new Dawn Enterprise. In a couple months time, we will be the talk of the server
  12. DaMann22

    Great operations tonight. Certainly feel like we made a presence with whoever we fought. Join us now because we are working our way into the upper echelon of outfits on this server.
  13. DaMann22

    Ok this first week has gone very smoothly. When we are on point we have some of the best infantry tactics on this server. However its time to work on combined arms.
  14. DaMann22

    We need more views. HELP US OUT PEOPLE. And mods thanks for not locking this thread as I think I have bumped it nearly 200 times now.
  15. DaMann22

    It is great to see that we get a dozen or so views a day however that needs to translate to applications. Join Quantum Dawn and this will become the last outfit you join. You will enjoy our casual nature during all times, EXCEPT for our Dawn Ops. That is when we throw our smiles out the sundy and hit the waypoint like a bat out of hell. Join and you decide which side of the gun you care to be on, behind us, against us, OR along side us.
  16. DaMann22

    I'm back, still need more people to help bump. Ill have to make a post on QuantumDawn.com. Come join us!!!
  17. AndreDoc

    Hi, what is a bump?
    • Up x 1
  18. DaMann22

    I dont know, maybe its a baby.
    • Up x 1
  19. MisterTwister22

    Free bump for DAWN! Goodluck DaMann22
    • Up x 1
  20. DaMann22

    Thanks MisterTwister22. Could use as many as possible.
    Hey this is post number 300. I bet I have 275 of those. But It helps show our commitment to Quantum Dawn. Thank you to everyone who has posted in this thread. Here's to another 300