We see more and more suspicious lags on Ceres

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Santondouah, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Santondouah

    Video I took of the phenomenon:

    I see ~1 per day minimum
  2. QueenVanuCeres

    Personally i see more and more people stick in the floor. I already see the same situation today too.

    (Mon doigt sent bon merci).
  3. Alzir

    Suspicious lag? I'd say that was quite conclusively lag.
  4. TheBlazing

    Don't jump to conclusions... Your clientside view may be completely different from your target's view and what's actually going on on the server.

    For example, while flying my Scythe, I once found a Liberator sitting perfectly still and unloaded 14 photon pods into it. It then proceeded to teleport hundreds of meters away, smoking, and retreat to his own territory, while I realized that what he saw was probably a Scythe shooting teleporting photon rockets that hit him every time despite being fired in another direction and hundreds of meters away, or even worse, he may just have seen 3/4 of his health disappear with no idea of how it happened. In both cases, I could have come across as a cheater while it was just the server lagging as hell as usual (my ping is usually 85-150 ms).
  5. tigerchips

  6. Santondouah

    I'm not the kind that say everybody cheats in PS2. But such hacks actually exist and were used at CS 1.6 time for instance.