Vote against Vanguard nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Loeffel, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Foxirus

    Yes, The resist shield would stop it from being a complete damage absorber preventing you from popping it at 20% for a guaranteed 6 seconds of life (if its a 1v1 fight with no other factors). Look at it like this: Resist shield = 6 seconds of 45% damage reduction. Standard shield = 6 seconds of complete immunity to damage. This example is based on a 1v1 tank fight. The resist shield would actually give you a slightly bit more of an advantage the more tanks you were taking hits from, But would not be enough to become overpowered.

    The resist shield is the only way to balance it.
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  2. Tcsisek

    before any one says they should nerf the vanguard you should take into consideration the mags ability to get to places no other land vehicle can get to, and the prowlers lockdown that makes infantry useless. the mag is more versatile and can dodge a lot of hits, prowler decimates infantry, so whats wrong with a slow moving, bad anti infantry tank being able to more efficiently deal with enemy armor. if so than the mag should not strafe, and the prowler would shoot as fast as a vanguard while said vanguard would lose its shield. Any good arguments, if so sure why not, any people who don't want to take their own advantages and destroy everyone else's, please go sit down and read a book instead of playing this game. the best solution is to make it directional in my opinion, but that will allow infantry that flank it to do major damage, but keep its anti tank job viable.
    again a good argument is welcomed by me, a random cry for nerfing isn't i do see the why you may be mad, but think how it would be if we take away you're advantages.

    thank you and sorry for any spelling.
  3. RenegadeHelios

    Still works for me. .-.
  4. vanu123

    Honestly in CQC a Prowler should beat out a Van.
    The problem is that it is used as a crutch. It is frustrating when I sneak behind a Vanguard with 2/2 AP/Saron Magrider with front armor and still somehow lose to him.
    The Magrider:
    - has the same speed as the van
    - is tied for weakest MBT armor
    - has the lowest DPS cannon
    - has the most drop
    - has the slowest projectile
    - it cant look up
    - Fixed turret
    - Flips all the time
    - somehow only runs over friendlies but not enemies
    - is the only MBT to be used as a hit and run raider style.
    - it has the worst/most boring ability (compared to being Artillery or an IWINBUTTON)
    + is agile
    + takes someone with high skill to use effectively
    + Can get places albeit not as nice as it used to be
    + Secondary guns (Saron and PPA) are decent
  5. vanu123

    Running away shows your backside...... it is a death trap either way. The only thing that MIGHT out DPS it is an AP 2/2 Prowler in CQB. Unless you have a squad of Lolpodders or Libs going after you there isn't hardly anything that can out DPS the shield. Poor magriders dont have a chance.
  6. teks

    Which is of course pending its own rather terrible nerf especially considering our main cannon doesn't pivot on an axis to handle flanking infantry.
    And now we swing right back around to the beginning. Why this whole thread is not worth anyone's time.
    • The lightning viper is being nerfed.
    • The vanguard enforcer is being nerfed.
    • The saron is being nerfed.
    • And the prowler HE and Heat are being nerfed.
    There are a couple honest threads protesting these nerfs as a whole, and generally they fall to the archives within 24 hours, while threads like these, with a title blatantly disregarding SOE guidelines against petitions, lives on and on and on consisting of pages upon pages of a few NC players trying to convince the entire community that their tank is the only tank which will be ruined by these nerfs.
    Well no, actually its pages of pages of stuff that's completely off topic followed by lots of debate over stats someone just conveniently made up to enforce their off topic point.

    Now what can I say. I'm no better. I still wish my own thread about calling the vanny nerf (swish) would die, and I have another thread focusing on the lightning, but at least that thread is interesting, creative, and even though it's one-sided it at least acknowledges that all of tanks are in a bad spot.

    Can't we create some more intelligent posts about MBTs that actually attempt to consider all three sides in an objective manner, accepting that its both OK and fun one side to be straight up better in certain situations or playstyles, and that the same tanks should also have real weaknesses that must be overcome or taken advantage of by the enemy.

    Or, at the very least, we should all agree that none of these nerfs are good, and just put the faction-specific stuff behind us so we can all collectively whine together in unison. Like those stray cats outside that my girlfriend feeds at night even though I tell her not to. I know when I'm not outside the door those cats are fighting each other over scraps, but the second I'm there its just one united shriek.
    Those cats forget their differences to whine together, and that's what we should do. Whine...together...Until higby opens the door and throws a nerf brick at us, because he can't sleep over it.
  7. bonkfire

    NO, whether your for or against vanguard nerf. Balance should never and will never be dictated by voting.
    it will be by the age old rule of forumside. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
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  8. Flag

    Lies, the magburner, while the worst ES utility in actual power, is the most fun one.
    SOE don't police visit this sub-forum, unless called for with the report button.
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  9. Van Dax

    reported for slander.
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  10. Shockwave44

    You are wrong about so many things it hurts. It's clear you've never played in a prowler or magrider before.

    What places can it get to that an ESF and libertor can't get to? What's the magrider going to do when it gets to this magical place? Use it's pathetic main canon to lob projectiles?

    That is the most generic, baseless comment I have ever read. Do all infantry players all of a sudden lose the ability to shoot back?

    Dodge hits from where?

    50m? No.

    300m? Most of the time.

    Liberators and ESFs decimate infantry. If you have enough of something, it will decimate infantry. One prowler will not decimate infantry.

    A tank with the fastest projectile velocity in the game which does the most damage. You left that part out. The vanguard and magrider move at the same exact speed.

    As for infantry, don't use AP rounds and grab a secondary gunner. Problem solved.

    Um no.

    No again. It seems you have reached your thought capacity for the day so I'll use simple words. The vanguard has a god mode shield.

    God mode.



    Do you know what god mode means? It means you don't take damage. So you're equating not taking damage to strafing and shooting slightly faster.

    Go play TR or VS and fight a vanguard, then you can talk. Right now, you have no business commenting in this thread.

    That's not what you should be apologizing for. All you did was repeat what other players have said over the past year. You have no idea what you are talking about.
  11. RadarX

    You'd be very surprised where we visit (Yes I've been watching this thread).
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  12. bonkfire

    ctrl f soe
  13. Flag

    I won't lie, this is in fact a big surprise.

    That said, it's a shame you seem to prefer to stay "hidden" most of the time.
  14. vanu123

    Agreed, they just nerf armor again and again while further limiting where we can go IE Esimir walls.
  15. RadarX

    The topics in this section of the forums are very very detailed and specific concerns. I make no secret of the fact I do not make design decisions and these types of responses require one. My job is to know what you guys are saying and the best way is to lurk.

    If you remember the Upgrade Now feedback a few weeks ago I responded to most of those threads because that's in my wheelhouse. My point however is we may not post, but we are certainly around.
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  16. teks

    <ridiculous troll post edited before radar can see it>

    Hum hum, so, those vanguards..and the enforcer...uhh. What does it have over the halberd if it was to be nerfed?
  17. Alarox

    Always watching. Always waiting.
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  18. Lucidius134

    I think the problem partly ties in with tanks not having much of a role period. Like, what's the ultimate ground pounder? Air. What's the ultimate Anti-air? Air. What's the ultimate infantry suppression? Air. What has more staying power? Air.

    The only ground vehicle with solid roles are skyguards and sunderers. There are plenty of other options for countering armor out there aside from tanks and infantry.

    Maybe that's why people are so scattered when discussing tanks?
  19. Flag

    I suppose that's fair.

    I can understand that the time of the game designers is valuable, but is there a reason for why there seems to be more interaction through reddit than SOE's own forums?

    While a lack of an answer would be annoying/disappointing, I would understand the reluctance you may have to make a comment on the matter.
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  20. Alarox

    Here's my full opinion on the three Vanguard changes:
    1.) Shield duration changes.
    2.) Enforcer changes.
    3.) Canister changes.


    1.) This does not address the concerns of the people who have complaints about the shield, while simultaneously reducing its effectiveness in all situations. Ones that people didn't have issue with. To address their concerns a fundamental redesign of the shield would need to take place.

    2.) The reload speed increase and the decrease shots/magazine reduce the AV DPS slightly, and increase the likelihood of having to reload while in combat. The ammo reserve size change reduces the maximum it can hold by 20% meaning you'll run out of ammo a bit sooner. These changes don't do much beyond making the weapon more annoying to use.

    In PU02 it received a damage increase and was considered to be underperforming for AV. Currently, Vanguards use the Enforcer and Halberd about 50/50. Those who want a little more DPS choose the Enforcer, those who want alpha strike and superior AI choose the Halberd. I don't understand the reasoning behind these changes.

    3.) Good! I've used this weapon a bit, and the changes it received are exactly the ones it needed. It isn't a AI farming weapon (that is impossible for a shotgun). It is a tank defense weapon. The problems it has are:

    - Can't aim down far enough, so infantry can move up and hug your tank.
    - Too few shots in the magazine.
    - Spread is far too wide and unreliable.

    All three of these are relatively fixed.

    Although, it will still be an niche weapon. It is now good at one thing, but it still has no versatility whatsoever.
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