new lynx vs Armistice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ghost001985, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. ghost001985

    im not talk about this gun or any spastic gun, just in general.

    if a gun is terrible at the mid range, then how can it be called a close/mid gun? ? ?
  2. MostlyClueless

    It can't. Luckily the new Lynx is not terrible at Mid Range (It's actually really, really good at it) so it can be called a Close/Mid range gun.

    The Armistice is terrible at Mid Range so it can't be called one.
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  3. ghost001985

    since it has better accuracy at range, it has OP accuracy at close range! i have 284 headshots with it! after i auraxium the jaguar, and the new 167 carbine, ill be going back to it. if people dont try different things with guns or game play, and just use them as intended, there wouldnt be c4 flashs, sniping at 20 meters, or jumping out of your esf to rocket the guy behind you.
  4. ghost001985

    again! "im not talk about this gun or any spastic gun, just in general." ! ! ! ! !


    im just posing a question. if a gun is terrible at the mid range, then how can it be called a close/mid gun? ? ?
  5. MostlyClueless

    It can't. That's a stupid question, no one has said a gun that is bad at mid range is a Close/Mid gun.
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  6. salembeats

    Not... really...

    #1 - The differences in accuracy and TTK amongst guns at close range are extremely miniscule, and
    #2 - The T5 AMC gains its accuracy over range through increased velocity. (Not through superior CoF/etc.)
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  7. ghost001985

    with as accurate the amc is, head shots are key. which negated its low "normal" ttk.
  8. salembeats

    You know you can get headshots with the Jaguar as well, right...?

    Seriously, though, the only "accuracy" you're feeling is the low RoF. The Jaguar is actually missing the random horizontal recoil that the T5 AMC is plagued by, as a matter of fact. All other stats are identical to the Jaguar.

    The random recoil means that the T5 has better BURST fire accuracy against moving targets at range, but not better SUSTAINED fire accuracy at range.

    The T5 is a nice gun, but if your playstyle includes a majority of CQC, you'd be better served with another gun. The whole endgame of accuracy is dropping your targets more quickly, and it sounds like a CQC carbine would do that for you.
  9. Iridar51

    What are you talking about? As seen here, Jaguar has far worse horizontal recoil than T5 AMC.
  10. Pie Chasm

    Armistice hands down.

    ADS movement
  11. Goretzu

    Better RoF, much more bullet velocity, much higher minimum bullet damage, 33% more ammo per magazine.

    Or to put it another way it is a NS-7 PDW with better bullet velocity - 450 (from 400), 909 RPM (from 750 RPM), 40 round mag (from 30)

    Basically the new Lynx is like the love-child of the Armistice & NS-7 PDW.... only better.
  12. salembeats

    Hmm, I stand corrected -- The stats site where I looked it up apparently hasn't updated for PU02.

    Regardless, in CQC, a small increase in horizontal recoil won't really cause you to miss headshots -- that's the idea. I land them with my Armistice just fine, and its horizontal recoil (according to that chart you pulled up) is significantly higher.
  13. ghost001985

    plus the amc doesnt have that random left recoil like the Jaguar does.
  14. GrymMSK


    Would upload a chart of TTK, but its just saved on my HD, and i suck at forum.... I am most definitely a fan, especially if you can actually hit things at 30-40 meters. It is significantly better (in TTK terms) at 20m than armistice.
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  15. asdfPanda

    It does. It also loses it's moving hipfire spread of 1.5, which was the best moving hipfire spread. It was as good as SMGS. The new Lynx is pretty much better than the armistice in all aspects except for hipfire.