To the developers: I am slowly leaving Planetside 2. Here's why.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Owen W., Apr 5, 2014.

  1. khai

    Aside from the fact that people are getting bored with what we have and even the remade bases have less effect on morale every time they do it. So yes an entirely new lands to fight in will help retain the existing player base more then another set of carbines or camo.
    Furthermore with the release of major new content just like any other MMO we will see a resurgence in the number of players as some of the people who have already moved on come back and try it out and some who never got around to it hear about it again through the marketing of the game getting 25% bigger. Assuming of course it comes out before people have given up on the game entirely. This will increase not only the new continent but the existing as well.

    But for that we need content big enough that those former players will hear about and decide to try out. Not another set of carbines. The thing about population is the game is free 2 play that sets a low bar for playing especially for coming back after an absence since the main concern of will my rig play it should be void.
  2. MasonSTL

    That's not the point. The point of Hossin comes along with the battle islands. Without those you cannot have continental lattice. Continental lattice will add more depth to the meta game and maybe something towards an "end game." It is also needed if they want to add more continents to keep the population from spreading too thin across the planet.
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  3. Revel

    Yep. Pure laziness.

    Planetside 1 launched with 10 continents.
  4. minhalexus

    I say that SOE needs to focus more on making a stable game and the x64 bit client, than new content.

    There no point of rushing if you break things that were working fine.
    New content can come eventually, a stable game is the most important part.
  5. GoEErs

    Can we split his stuff? LOL:)
  6. GoEErs

    Those that left did so according to their free will. You are free to exercise yours as well.:D
  7. Pikachu

    Firefalcon124 did I see you today on PTS in the big red vs blue battle on Esamir? :eek: While I was checking out what Nexus sky looks like on Esamir. Crazy fog in the evening.
  8. Moises J.Ramos

    The " BIG laugh" is that Planetside 1 launch with all continents. Meanwhile it's been 1 3/4ish years, and we only have 3 1/2 continents. Just imagine when we are getting continent locking.. In the next 10 years so 2024 porper Continent Lock with all continents.