Please Help! Need to find a decent Duster loadout

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dopy7dvs, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. dopy7dvs

    I saved 6000certs for the new lib update, bought the weapons and can't find any loadout that works effectively for the Duster. I have everything Maxed out. Any suggestions? (besides don't use it).
  2. Killerdude8

    Buy the Zepher, That is the Optimal Duster Loadout.
    • Up x 1
  3. BengalTiger

    Try running with stealth to full and a non-faction-colored camo.

    That will allow to hover 10 feet above the enemies without looking suspicious, which should be close enough to fire a few accurate shots before they figure out what's actually happening.

    Then either use afterburners to get away quick, or have fire suppression to fix the damage the enemies will definitely cause when they look through your clever disguise.

    If you enjoy less extravagant methods, just grab a Zepher and stay within 180 meters of the enemies, or whatever the range of Thermal is.
  4. WyrdHarper

    There isn't one. It's a highly inaccurate weapon without the splash to make up for it. It really doesn't have a role, since the Zephyr is simply superior.