I'm not amused...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Swisstanker, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Swisstanker

    Hey guys, this is my first and last post on this forum.

    I played this game now until rank 31 with the NC's. And what I learned in this time about this game is almost nothing good but mostly bad things.
    Here are the things I'm concerned about:

    - There is a huge lag input of the server (no not my internet, it's fine, really the server), which means that my first shots on the enemy never count.

    - There is a huge inbalance in this game... yes I mean the Vanos. These creatures are massively overpowered. They have better weapons (damage, bulletdrop), better Tanks (Damage) and better planes (in every aspect compared to the TR's and the NC's) than the other 2 Nations. Almost Always when the TR's and NC's fight there is a good, balanced and fun battle. But when the NC's meet a Vano army from about the same size the Vano just **** the NC's in every hole which is possible.

    - Last but no least, some weapons are clearly too weak. For example I just saved 1000 certs over a whole week and then I was very excited when I was able to buy the breaker rockets on the reaver. But now after some testing I realised a normal Max unit can take all the 12 rockets into the face without dying but still shooting with the very powerful flak at my reaver as nothing would have happened.

    Well that was it, my opinion about the games current state. You have here a game with really great potential but you don't use it, even worse you seem to develope the game into a very bad direction. I really hope you will be able to turn the corner and make the game good, but until then I won't touch Planetside 2 anymore.

    Swisstanker signing out!
  2. Ronin Oni

    You played to rank 31 and think the Vanu's tank has better damage?


    That's pretty darned funny
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  3. IamDH

    Generic "I quit" post.

    Probably is from your side, press tab and tell us your ping.

    NC have higher damage than VS in weaponry, their tanks have less damage and higher drop in addition to a 45 degree angle of looking up. So those points are completely wrong, lets move on.

    --Some weapons are weak
    This is why you have a virtual reality room or the ability to trial a weapon before wasting your certs on it. That being said, i disagree that rocketpods are underpowered strongly but i dont have any evidence for that.

    Sorry for being harsh but you havent stated any valid points. Also, dont think im defending them because im a vanu....my main is TR. These are the facts. The only thing prone to negotiation is that VS scythe is the best because its more of a preference thing.

    My end suggestion is to actually play vanu because i dont think you have
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  4. Rook262

    You must be loljoking about the third thing. VS is not imbalanced. Their weapons are just different from NCs, as NCs are from TR. The bullet drop does not do much and their damage is not very high. They are just controllable. Have you ever actually used VS weapons/vehicles or looked at the numbers before this? Either you are running into just good outfits, or you are not running with good players.

    On to Breaker Rockets. When they were more powerful, the dominated everything. The point of them is not to one-on-one an AA MAX. You are going up against something literally designed to kill your type of vehicle. Why should you be able to wreck them? The Breakers are better for wrecking small units of unaware infantry, or taking out vehicles with support from allies.

    I think your biggest issue here seems to be not running with a good number of people. Your outfit is small. In order to make a larger impact ton the battlefield, you need some more support, either through combined arms, or working with other people who are willing to run with you.
  5. Tar

    This game has problems but you didn't really name the real ones. Those you named are in your head only
    Faction balance overall is pretty good, I would guess you play on a server where VS dominate (Woodman?)... On other servers, other factions dominate, or they are even.

    Rocketpods are a solid anti-ground weapon but it's not the killall button you may have been looking for. There's no such thing.
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  6. Masterofm

    Grass is greener.

    1. Any lol podding will not always insta kill a max especially if they use flack armor, and if they are flacking it up they will have flack armor to protect against air explosions. Because that is basically what you are going to eat about 90% of the time when using a flack max.

    2. The VS are the most radically different from the other two factions. Their infantry weapons are really good, but they are not crazy OP beasts of death like back when the ZOE was an actual thing. Damn those things were scary. Like a single ZOE max killing 12+ people like it wasn't a thing scary.

    3. Don't dis the NC's lol pods. They are actually quite good for what they do.

    Currently the NC are the best of the 3 factions, but honestly not by much. Not by some crazy insano degree like the TR with vulcan/strikers back in the day or when the VS had snipe sauron no damage drop off, but they are almost always top pop for a reason.
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  7. Swisstanker

    Look guys me and some friends tested this out. These are our opinions and this is how we experience the game, the Vano almost always dominate if it comes to a battle and you cant change our experiences just because you write here, because we experienced this ingame like I wrote here. And I also played the Vanos some months ago and they were already very strong there.
  8. ChampagneDragon

    My guess is he played on Mattherson. On Mattherson it *feels* like the VS are OP. They CLAIM it's because they're more organized, but having made an alt to test this I can assure you it's not the case. I think it's because the VS on Mattherson are lemmings. Where one goes, they ALL go. It's rare to find a fight that you don't see all three of the large VS outfits fighting in together.
  9. ColonelChingles

    The NC have (or are supposed to have) the highest damage per shot, and the TR have (or are supposed to have) the highest Damage Per Second. Sure the VS don't have bullet drop on some of their weapons (and it helps more than they will admit), but it's not an overpowered faction trait.

    Statistically the VS have the most survivable tanks, but this doesn't make them "better" and for sure they don't do the most damage. The NC MBT has the highest damage per shot and can take the most hits. The TR MBT has the highest DPS and is the fastest. The VS MBT has a stabilized main cannon (which again is actually more useful than most VS will admit) and is the most agile.

    The NC Reaver has the best thrust and afterburner speed (though a much larger hitbox). The TR Mosquito has the best cruise speed and a small frontal profile. The VS Scythe has the best maneuverability and a small frontal profile but a larger top/down profile.

    ESF rocketpods are some of the most overpowered weapons in the game right now (pre-Liberator update at least). The top three players on all factions almost exclusively use rocketpods to farm.

    An AA MAX should be able to withstand your rocketstrike because it is the direct counter to your ESF. If you attack a unit that was designed to be your direct counter, of course you should lose.

    I mean I'm NC mostly as well, and while we do have some valid complaints (shotguns on tanks for example), I really disagree with pretty much everything you've said.
  10. Rook262

    So you and 4 people tested it out? Fine. We are other people letting you know our opinions.(There are a lot more of us) On a server generally dominated by the VS (Mattherson) I can safely say the factions are balanced. Player skill is also a factor so maybe you are just running against good players.
  11. Masterofm

    Yes they can dominate. They are one of the strongest factions on defense compared to NC or TR. Taking a biolab from 60+ VS is basically impossible.

    If you played and liked the Vanu have you considered just playing said faction?
  12. KO-tic

    I'm sorry one thing I can say is that most infantry weapons across all faction are mostly very well balanced, I have yet o find any weapon in the game OP, specifically And vs weapon either,

    One thing I can agree with is with the sythe is clearly a better than the mossie in every way and mostly at par with the reaver, as for rocket pods they are gr8 always was and always will be buster maxes shouldn't be your target anyway, just thinking u can 1v1 then is the wrong mentality

    As for input lag it must be ur ping switch servers to a one closer to u and see if it works out

    in the end u leaving is nothing much considering ur a br 31, which mean u have spend very little time in the game, thus invalidating ur conclusions and the fact that u play only 1 faction
  13. Brewery

    Sorry you got wrecked, this game isn't for "everybody." Most of your opinions are wrong, besides the fact that they aren't backed up by any information at all.

    Off to BF4 or COD with you and your friends!
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  14. NoctD

    You do realize that splash damage doesn't work in VR right?
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  15. KnightCole

    Yeah, Rocket pods have been nerfed..they used to be ********...pew pew..kill a squad...now you gotta actually shoot a bit.

    Yeah, a MAX can take all 12 or 16 of them.....yup.

    VS OP? Not really. When they turn off thier little......outside aids...the VS are quite scrub overall. Their tank is a weird thing to drive, I hate driving it.

    Their guns have no ADAD accuracy and bad damage...i dont get whats with em, but nothing dies when I fire em. They have really bad CoF Bloom as well.

    VS OP? Not really...seriously....
  16. IamDH

    Im pretty sure this was changed as well but im not certain if it was only shotguns or to all weapons
  17. ColonelChingles

    Their sniper rifles and slug shotguns have bullet drop. I believe that their battle rifles do not have bullet drop, but I might be wrong about this. Most of their other infantry weapons (pistols, SMGs, carbines, ARs, LMGs) do not have bullet drop.
  18. Degenatron

    Sorry you're giving up! I hope you check back in from time to time to give a try for a week or so to see if you have a better experience.

    There are some things you are missing. I don't experience the lag you do. What server were you playing on? I know the European servers were struggling.

    The VS have a lot of things going for them, but the real trick is organization. Many of the VS players are vets from PS1 who carried over to PS2. There are groups which are really hard to beat in a 1:1 fight because theyt have great communication and organization. The only counter to that is to be just as organized. To me, this is one of the best things about this game: team work trumps all.

    Now, I am a tank driver, and I know for a fact that the Vanguard beats the Magrider in a nose to nose trade-shots kind of fight. But there are things that can tip the balance either way. First and foremost, having a good gunner on top will give you the biggest advantage. But also, what defensive upgrade you run, what cannon your are equipped with, what chassis you have, to name a few. There are many factors. The main bonus the magrider has is their maneuverability; the slide around like a bead of water on a hot pan, and it makes them hard to hit.

    I always tell people to Upgrade FIRST, before dropping certs or Station cash on new weapons. Often new weapons aren't stronger and you'll be disappointed. New weapon help you address specific situations better - they help you specialize.

    But the biggest mistake I see you making is this:

    "this is my first and last post"

    You should have come here much sooner. Planetside is NOT an easy game you can just stumble around in and find your way. Especially now that there are so many good veteran players out there - it makes for a harsh, unrelenting environment to learn in. You needed to come to us sooner and leaned on the experience of players who post here. There are a lot of helpful people on this forum who would have gladly helped you have a better Planetside experience.

    I hope you'll give it another try sometime.

    Until then, live free in the NC.
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  19. Chipay

    Only thing you're wrong about, a great deal of people at the Europe side of life are getting massive lagspikes for no reason, I myself located in the Netherlands have 300ms ping ingame while i can ping SOE's servers at 7ms.
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  20. Chubzdoomer

    First of all, disregard the people who are bashing you now and will bash you eventually. PlanetSide 2 can be very frustrating at times, and when I first began playing I was tempted to make threads like this every once in a while. You actually have some valid points, too, like input lag which I suffer from from time to time (most notably when trying to enter/exit/switch seats in vehicles and activate terminals, even with good ping) and some potentially unbalanced weapons. That being said, I don't find the VS as a whole to be unbalanced or overpowered at all right now. In fact, all three factions seem just about perfect. There isn't one that has a blatant edge over another, at least in my opinion.

    The Breaker Rockets can take some getting used to. Unless you hit infantry directly with them, sometimes it can require a nearly full salvo just to do them in -- especially if they're equipped with Flak Armor, which quite a few people seem to run with to mitigate damage from the many forms of explosives out there. When it comes to MAXs, you'll usually have to do one fly by, perform the reverse maneuver, then finish them off with a second volley. Alternatively, you can unload most if not all of your rockets, then switch to your nosegun, which does tons of damage to infantry units, and finish the MAX off that way. AFAIK, your nosegun's damage is not affected by Flak Armor so you can use the same tactic for regular foot soldiers to kill them almost instantly.

    You really shouldn't stop playing just because of these issues. Give the game more time and improve, and you'll soon adapt and ultimately overcome most obstacles -- even those that are out of your control like network and input lag. :cool: