So i played nc for the first time and....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by terranhawk, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. terranhawk

    I got the jackhammer few days ago with that cant remember pretty cheap offer and created a nc char to try it out.....i killed so many people even some low br maxes with a BR1 character that i got several hate tells about me hacking and beign reported tldr nerf jackhammer thx

    PS: ive never recieve such tells with my TR character and i use shotguns too
  2. Cinnamon

    The regular shotguns used to be even better and they were so common that you didn't get hate tells.
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  3. XDDante

    wait, are you asking a nerf for a weapon that is performing as it should???the only thing Jackhammer has advantage has over any other shotgun is the 5+ mts range but that's about it,of course it is better than Lasher and Mini Chain Gun but even the AF-57 Piston performs better and actually sounds like a Jackhammer XD so no Jackhammer is fine as it is :)
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  4. KnightCole

    Naw JH is fine....I dont get how people 2 shot me with it..I can never do any less then 3 shot someone with it, even close range.
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  5. Stargazer86

    Myeh. Jackhammer doesn't bother me. Now, pair it up with a triple-shot mode and a surge implant, then we'll talk.
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  6. gobbybobby

    I had hit and miss results with the shotgun, and rarely can hold a positive KD when using it. In certain situations its great tho especially if the fight is around an enclosed base. I rarely play outside of TR tho, no idea how the other factions shotty performs.,
  7. Pikachu

    Stupid shotgun spam myth. -.- They are as common today as a year ago except for jackhammer which is popular since the tripple shot. Its not even in every battle that you find a single shotgun user. In close combat there will always be a few but 95% of people will be using other weapons.
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  8. -Synapse-

    April first was yesterday.
  9. Crayv

    Namely SMGs, which don't become useless the moment you are no longer near a corner to shoot someone as they come around.
  10. Flashtirade

    Imagine that every pump-action felt like how the Jackhammer is today.
  11. TheStonehawk

    Meh. Jackhammer is only okay to me. I usually use carbines. They are so much more consistent.
  12. GoyoElGringo

    Jackhammer is definitely the best shottie, but that's not a bad thing. The HA should be a high DPS class. They need to buff the chaingun a bit to make it comparable. It doesn't need to be comparable to the jackhammer in a 1v1 situation, it just needs something that sets it apart from the LMGs.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    Press B?

    Jackhammer can OHK at 20m.. That is why it is cheese and you get hate tells...
  14. Killerdude8

    Jackhammer is Incapable of a OHK at any distance.
    That video is depicting the Burst Fire mode, Where it fires 3 shots after one another.
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  15. LibertyRevolution

    When I say OHK, it means one trigger press.. geez man.. :rolleyes:
    Jackhammer is a 20m 1 trigger press kill. There, that make you happy?
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  16. Killerdude8

  17. Bankrotas

    This reminds me, I need to finish my JH auraxium.
  18. Cinnamon

    I suppose that it depends on who you were fighting. If you were just farming new free players you probably would of seen them so much but then many vets were using them like crazy. Especially when the pump actions came out.
  19. Vixxing

    I do that all the time with the mighty LASHER! When i dont do it from even further away with the even scarier PHASESHIFT! (it could happen i seen ppl AFK sometimes!)
  20. Phazaar

    Pretty sure that by the time you've killed ~4 people you don't count as BR1 anymore... ;)