Air is not OP, they just doing the wrong role

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Akeita, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. SolLeks

    His view is the one I have been touting for quite a while.

    We need less lockons and more skill shot weapons. Skillshot weapons provide a back and forth that can be fun for both players.

    I would love to see a large, slow fire flack AA weapon that took some good skill to use but would do massive damage. I would love a similar weapon in the air, not lock ons.

    and you are also predictable, "I only play ground so air should not be a factor in my game".

    Face it, Flying is harder. How many times have you seen people take off only to die to random trees and the ground in aircraft compared to infantry dieing to anything that was not being shot or run over? I have never tried to argue a point that I think would make one side OP over the other. There is as much of a ground entitlement as a pilot one.