Rammed to BR100.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laners, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Laners

    I was going to PPA dogfight or Redenzook, but this happened. At least it was a QRY member.....
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  2. Tommyp2006

    That's awesome actually

    Seems like a fitting end for a scythe pilot lol.
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  3. Robes

  4. Akeita

    Alternative way to get to BR 100. Good job
  5. Chubzdoomer

  6. battlebrot

    lol sth similar happened to me too. was trying to do some mlg-420-solo-dalton stuff, noticed my recording didnt work and headed back to wg to sort this out. Beginner pilot engaged me halfway, didnt deal anything close to critical damage but eventually crashed into me. i was like "noo go away i dont wanna fight youuu".
    That moment :confused:
  7. Codex561

    I want mine to be a massive c4 kaboom! Thats the way I got through most ranks.
  8. Nanomorph

    Time to go ram something and see if it gets me straight to BR 100 :D
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