Todays update

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RMSjael, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. RMSjael

    So the 64x is now in.
    No higby idea if its already running.
    But the game is really slower for me now :/ stutters alot more. While for the update everything was smooth.
    Someone have the same experience ?
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  2. Bankrotas

    It is running. **** knows why it's dropped my performance about 50%, went from custom with lot's of medium graphic stuff to low and it still taxes my GPU, while before didn't have those issues.
  3. Santondouah

    Performance is fine or even slightly better for me (less FPS drops in big battles, otherwise 60FPS capped and constant).
  4. Cinnamon

    Performance doesn't seem to be worse for me but it crashes to desktop very frequently.
  5. iPlague

    Memory sorting seems better, no constant FPS drops at particle stuff like smoke and lol pod explosions - Or less of the spikes at least.

    • Hit registration seems to have been reverted back to before yesterday's change, it's now not consistently working.
    • Reavers are not rendering outside of 400-600 meters, they are practically invisible outside of that, and in some cases, still are. You might notice them on the minimap, hear them, but you just can't see them. THIS was reported on PTS, and I'm disgusted you implemented it before fixing it.
    • Reaver's hitboxes are also wrong, it's bigger than the actual model as of right now.
    • Servers are currently not working as intended, a whole wide area of Indar Miller was having hitches / desyncing for something like 1-2 seconds in a 30 second interval.
    It's sad that SOE didn't bother to address the bug reports they had gotten from the players on PTS about some of these issues.
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  6. IamDH

    I'm still patching and taking a quick glance at the forums.... not looking forward to it
  7. LanceHavenbay

    Performance is about 65% worse fps wise, plus there is so much stutter that it is pretty unbearable to play.
  8. Kristan

    Not even updating completely. You lucky buggers. :eek:
  9. Bankrotas

    Ok. Fixed FPS issue. Since I have intergrated graphics card, it defaulted to it to play the game. Fixed that, now I have crashes every 5 minutes :/
  10. Bankrotas

    If you have 2 video cards, check if it running on your main gaming one. Got back more performance, than had. Let's say 10-20% better performance.
  11. Robertooooo

    My fps have increased alot, but I would rather have lower fps than constant crashing.
  12. DQCraze

    In between 15-20 fps better for me but I'm sli.q+
  13. LanceHavenbay

    It is set on my primary, Nividea GeForce GT 740M.
  14. RMSjael

    Yeah i forgot i had 2 video cards so i switched to the other one and fixed the sluggish gameplay
    But now the game keeps crashing and freezing every 10 minutes and forces me to shut down my computer :/
  15. Traxiconn

    So it's a solid avoid for now?

    Naval Strike came out... Hopefully the carrier thing is as fun as the first Titan mode. :/
  16. Spiritualised

    Lets see how you get on with that one. Its far from titan mode. In fact the whole mess is far from a BF title
  17. RMSjael

    atm for me yes

    ( laughed at your gif :eek: )
  18. Traxiconn

    Figured. :/ Eh I didn't buy the game at least. Twas a present so I don't feel cheated. Just something for that FPS fix I guess.
  19. Spiritualised

    Your just trying to make me jealous now lol
    great gif btw
  20. PastalavistaBB

    Game still keeps crashing for no reason.
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