The enemy has taken a control console ...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by cyb_, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. cyb_

    Seriously? So hacking silently cannot be done any longer. Smart move.
  2. CardinaI

    It's not played after you hack a terminal but ever time a control point flips.

    Just played 5 minutes and it's already annoying as f...
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  3. Bankrotas

    Another thing, you can't turn off eh?
  4. cyb_

    Just noticed it. Well, that is even worse.
  5. veselie

    Set the dialogue volume to 0
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  6. maxkeiser

    They need to turn this down or stop it repeating so much. Really annoying.
  7. SenEvason

    It's not like it wasn't obvious when a CP flipped before.
  8. Chubzdoomer

    But... but... think of the NOOBIES!

    With this change and the Mission System, they'll finally be able to play in peace!
  9. Kunavi

    What motivates idio-PEOPLE to actually play the objectives more, even through such sadistic methods, is OK in my opinion. (I'm from a parallel FUTURE, where playing the objectives has a MEANING).

    Edit : If it's for Hacking I'd say the same, Infiltrators should ALWAYS make sure their side controls the Consoles.
  10. stalkish

    The only positive i take from this is they have called it a control console and havent called it a cap point or some other crap.
    Keep it Planetside!
  11. Tommyp2006

    sounds like a good reason for me to stalker cloak hide on cap points, to annoy the hell out of everyone in the area over and over again.
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  12. DJPenguin

    I'm defending our control console!
  13. Bankrotas

    Just wait till they get in line: "You've captured a control point! Good job!"
  14. cyb_

    Ah, well, since the game is crashing every few minutes for me, I do not have to listen to it so often.
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  15. e_z_a

    the pronunciation makes it sound like "control council", wondered whether new diplomacy options were being added
  16. IamDH

    Higby the noobies. There i said it
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  17. Astriania

    Without saying anything about whether this is good or bad, why the hell would you release it without proper testing on PTS?
  18. Casterbridge

    It does get under your skin after awhile that's for sure.
  19. M4L4CH1TE

    This does not add to the game it takes from the game.

    Stop with the ******* training wheels!

    Next we'll have big flashing 12 foot flaming arrows over every enemy and they'll show up through the walls with text below telling you which weapon in your arsenal will work best to defeat the m and a beep will sound to tell you when they have their back to you so you can safely enter the room and kill them! :mad: