Scheduled Maintenance April 1, 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. JeffBeefjaw

    Indar on Miller just went pop. I'd like this to be an April fools troll but somehow I think it's just more terrible patching with zero testing. Keep up the great work, retain the player base...
  2. EazyDuzIt

    Played 10 minutes, server crashed. Logged back in, played 10 minutes, my client crashed. Awesome. Standby to hurry up and wait for another patch, re-patch day.
  3. Goretzu

    If 2 patches a week every week are necessary they are necessary........ that's not to say that they shouldn't therefore be done at the worldwide server minimum though.

    Four times in a row I've not managed 5 mins without a CTD, not looking good. :(
  4. Robertooooo

    Is it just me that gets instantly killed alot after this patch? On my screen even carbines have the same effect on TTK as a sniper headshot would.
    And my fps have dropped even more.. from being able to run on ultra with 45 fps on bigger battles to running on medium now with 20-30 fps. What happened with that? I know it's not my computer that's the problem.
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  5. Tommyp2006

    It's Tuesday bud

    And don't forget, there will be a patch on Friday to fix whatever they do on Thursday, so 3 patches a week.
  6. Wobberjockey

    15 megaHigbies.
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  7. Rohxer

    Was hoping this was an April Fool's...

    SOE's Everquest 2 had a /cutemode command that gave everyone giant heads. That could certainly affect hit detection! Everyone would roll as sniper for a day! Anyone check that yet?
  8. OrthrusIII

    DIsconnected twice so far, but for what it's worth, hit detection on foot seems to be noticeably better to be honest.

    Granted this was in a smaller scale fight with a ping of ~50ms. Still, disconnects make me sad D:

    CTD 30 sec B4 end of alert............... Briggs

  10. FlR3

    Wow really, log in on Mattherson, spend resources on a Sundy, drive 50m and bam server crash. Yep great April fools on this patch when it don't even last 4 minutes.
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  11. eatcow0

    unnerf my outfit tag please <3!
  12. Goretzu

    6 times in a row now, giving up, it is officially unplayable™. :(
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  13. ddraig

    yeah I was annoyed because I thought you were special, too. NO PINK? WTF etc.
    The following got the same result:

  14. FlR3

    Yep logged back in and not even 3 minutes and crashed again. Call me when you get this fixed because it is unplayable. Nice April Fools joke
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  15. NoctD

    Disconnected from server on Connery.

    Fixes didn't work. And to add insult to injury, that issue when you get disconnected, you LOSE all your XP/certs/etc done in that play session is back too. I didn't do any unlocks but I bet if someone did, they'd lose their unlocks too.

    Game is just beyond broken and useless right now. Take the servers offline for a day to fix them even, it doesn't matter anymore, its just that badly broken.
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  16. bracebg

    when will we get the x64 launcher it works fine on pts
  17. Botji

    Just got disconnected from Miller.... anyone suprised? -_-
  18. CardinaI

    Crashed 2 Times and got Disconnected two times in one hour of gameplay.

    And I don't know if it's just me but it feels that you have reintroduced the mouse input lag. I had around 50 fps in a 48+/48+ battle but aiming felt like i had 20.
  19. Predator01cz


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  20. jackjt8

    Getting DC'ed and CTD'ed a lot this patch. Hit detection feels better.
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