Infantry Accuracy Stat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Planetdoge, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Planetdoge

    I was looking on my player profile page when I noticed that it said my accuracy was 10.8%. I thought to myself, am I really that bad? So I looked at the weapons stats page and concluded that the "accuracy" stat is calculated incorrectly in that it includes "shots fired" from repair tools and med tools. Basically, the more you play support, the more deflated your infantry accuracy percentage.

    With 53% combined play time as Medic/Engineer, my infantry accuracy goes from 10.8% to 20.3%--almost double--when those nanites fired are excluded. How long has it been like this and are there plans to change it? Not that it's a big deal or anything, but still...I wouldn't want people to get the idea that I'm a complete scrub when I'm only a moderately scrubby scrub. :p
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  2. KnightCole

    Which is odd considerig when your healing and repairing, you dont fire unless your hitting the target...soooo.....SoE...really?
  3. Planetdoge

    True lol. If anything the med tool and repair tool should be 100% accurate, not 0%.
  4. Liberty

    Mostly we know that infantry accuracy is a "bad' stat to look at. If you check your character page on the player site, you can see your shots fired for each level of the med and repair too as well as for each weapon.

    From what I understand, hits in this game are basically "shots that do damage" meaning you can mag dump into a hacked terminal and get great accuracy.

    Most people who look at stats, know to look at individual weapon stats rather than infantry accuracy so you are probably safe from being dubbed "Scrubby"
  5. Paragon Exile

    Accuracy in this game is a pretty worthless stat, considering the RoF of many weapons, and the range at which fights can happen.

    Score per minute is more useful
  6. Robertooooo

    But that stat can easily be improved by buying boosts and UPGRADE NOW.
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  7. AzureKnight

    Well, the repair tool technically is always firing as can be seen by just holding the button down. When you do that its heat rises regardless of if you hit anything or not, so technically you are firing. I'd guess something similar happens with the medic gun.

    Just, since your "bullets" aren't hitting an enemy, it doesn't count.
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  8. DJPenguin

    Did you test this by making a fresh alt? Having 24% of my time played as Engineer my infantry accuracy is sitting at 26%. I can only imagine my accuracy would be much worse if what you say is true.

    edit: logged in, used the repair gun and didn't notice my infantry shots fired total go up. Assuming it gets updated instantly like the killboard.
  9. Planetdoge

    True. I don't really judge other people off their spm and I don't expect them to judge me off my spm. But my own spm is an important stat to me because it tells me how fast I'm earning certs. I like certs lol. If someone has 750 spm, of course I'm going to be impressed(/jelly) and think, damn, I wish I could get 3 certs per minute.

    Yeah I'm using my week-old BR 24 account for reference (though it's my main and not my alt now that I've defected from the NC). I just went to the weapons stats page and calculated the weighted average for shots hit/shots fired for all actual weapons.
  10. KnightCole

    It shouldnt affect accuracy in any direction, its a tool, not a weapon.

    I can see people stat padding with it if it helped acc, so I can see why it does that maybe...but it shouldnt do anything.
  11. Fubbles

    I normally just compare individual weapon stats if I want to see how my accuracy is faring however I do wish when I used recon darts for crossbow on my engineer it wouldn't impact the accuracy stat, makes it hard to see if I am improving with the crossbow as I spam the recon darts like a mad men on my engi.
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  12. Mustarde

  13. Planetdoge

    Speaking of which, can anyone tell me what "DasAnfall" means? The only thing that comes to mind is the German word Anfall, in which case the article would be der, not das...
  14. Bl4ckVoid

    Accuracy is meaningless. Be 100% accurate by shooting up terminals at empty bases if that is your thing.
  15. Prudentia

    It is German. Ender already admitted that he is a scrub who is bad at german and didn't understand the grammar of the most important language of all time (what else would german be?) at the time he created the outfit.
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  16. JonboyX

    Infantry accuracy (from DasAnfall) is just one indicator of ability, but I wouldn't get concerned about it. If you aim down site more often, you should naturally have a higher accuracy. If you hip fire, it's likely to be a lot lower. Really, it's heavily influenced by the sort of fights you put yourself in.

    Shotguns also skew the PS2 stats which I would think is why DA exclude them from their infantry data (you get a hit if just one pellet hits iirc which has a tendency to "flatter"), and as you've noted, repair + med tools make the PS2 overall infantry accuracy useless.