Fix this game, Air is way overpopped

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paisty, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. xXGenesisXx

    If you are following the Zergs or at least large battles then yeah no Libs there ..... To dangerous for those "Heroes" . They are to busy farming 1-12 fights . Did you actually expect to see Libs doing the jobs they were created for ? Nah .....
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  2. WyrdHarper

    Respawn at the next base and have your squad get in the AA turrets and pull bursters/skyguards. You won't even render at that distance (so you can't be hurt), but the air does render (it has the longest render distance in the game). This is an extremely easy way to counter aircraft and push them away from a base. You keep saying that there is no counter to air, despite the fact that you have all of these other people who regularly play with their outfits on the ground who have no trouble whatsoever dealing with air, even en masse. Not only is it incredibly easy, but it's a hell of a lot of fun to do so with your outfit. It's like Vietnam, and it's always fun to hear people crowing as they light up those pesky liberators. Even if it's a lot of air, even a small squad of people can instagib an aircraft if they call out a target and focus fire it. Repeat until the air is gone (because again, as long as you take a minute to get in good position, you can always hit air before you render).

    Seriously. If we can do this when our public platoons are 15% outfit veterans and 80% inexperienced players under BR40, I'm sure your organized outfit can also manage it, especially since Waterson in my experience pulls a lot less air than Mattherson. Air has no choke points, but it also has a lot less cover, especially on Southern Indar and Esamir.
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  3. JohannesBrahms

    Mouse is best for fine adjustments, like aiming. Keyboard is best for maneuvering where pixel-fine control isn't required. That's how it for pretty much every flight game that uses mouse and keyboard. Which is why everyone is confused as to why you can't use it here.

    There is nothing real about the way ESFs handle, so you can stop mentioning real life as if it was in any way relevant to the discussion at hand. X Series, Battlefied, War Thunder, Warplanes, Rise of Flight, IL-2, even ACE COMBAT allow for or use Mouse Yaw. Hell, the first result in Google for "Mouse Yaw" is a thread on this very forum demanding it!

    In addition, no one cares what the joystick controls were for Ace Combat, since joysticks aren't what is being discussed.

    I'm glad you're here to arbitrate what control scheme works best for me.

    Which is why massive 48+ fights are a poor metric, because the sheer number of people there make judging effectiveness difficult. The mere sight of a tank or air and a third of them pull flak or rockets. What part of that isn't a mass pull? Because it's not intentionally coordinated?

    My Position: Air is overpowered in small fights. Please elaborate where I am wrong.

    I've never seen a Quantum Hill that is somehow cover for a tank but not for infantry. Any hill or piece of cover that a tank can use to hide behind can be used by infantry to approach said tank.
  4. Dante02

    "His/Her problem"?

    Cause, you know, the three-hundred threads on the forums complaining about Liberators isn't enough circumstantial evidence for you to figure out that ground pounders are NOT happy?

    When SOE figures out where the money is this is going to be your problem. Your best bet is to start advocating for a balance you can agree with rather than status quo, because it won't stay as is and you won't like what happens.
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  5. Dante02

    Seconded. I'm in the midst of trying to setup my joystick to help. It doesn't make it much better. X-Plane (you know, a _simulator_) has ruined my PS2 flying. PS2 flying breaks all the rules learned hard about UI and controls. It is completely opposite the tank or infantry, where they embrace those rules.
  6. Being@RT

    Fun fact: The Flash mineguard makes the Flash survive, but the driver still dies.

    as for

    There's another big difference..

    Mine guard only protects you from mines. Ground vehicles have composite armour as a separate option, protecting them from the rest. Infantry? They've got flak and nanoweave.

    Flak armour for aircraft, at the cost of not equipping composite armour at all? So long as it's visually apparent enough, the ground based AA could actually choose whether going with flak-based or direct damage is a good option.
  7. Goretzu

    If you stay inside when there's 4 libs above you're fine (deaths-wise)........ unfortunately you tend to lose all your bases as a side-effect of this.

    If you are trying to AA Libs you will die quite a bit though, no matter how good you are at it, because these days there no way to get AA off without standing in full view of the Dalton/Shredder gunner for about 10x as long as they need to kill you.
  8. McToast


    Another solution to weaken the airzerg is to increase skill requirements and skill ceiling for aircrafts... :rolleyes:
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  9. Bl4ckVoid

    Played AA on the weekend. But only once, since in all of 15 minutes I only got 1 vehicle kill (pilot bailed).

    Everything else I shot at with AA MAX simply just flew away smoking, then came back intact in 2 minutes. I was not the only AA in the area, but we did not reach the required saturation level (after which AA disappears completely never to return).

    All the canyons and hills where AC can hide makes this even harder.

    Organized outfits obviously do better (at anything), but that is the exception.
  10. Paisty

    This again.

    You realize this strat has been spewed since at least December, correct?

    The pilots on Waterson have realized it. Once the defenders are pushed into spawn, there are always a couple of smart pilots that realize the next territory over will have some action. Specifically people pulling AA.

    As the title of the thread points out, we are talking about air zergs. Enough aircraft in area that they are bouncing off one another.

    So maybe this works on your server but it has not worked on Waterson since the WDS debacle highlighted the easy of cert generation with little risk to a pilot from the ground.
  11. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Air is perfect where it is. Dalton should destroy infantry better actually. Problem is no one teams up and makes squads designed for AA . Make a AA squad and watch aircraft melt from the sky. 6 bursters and some annihilators make quick work of any air division. Air has always dominated every battle field since beginning of the air plane. When attacking a base have AA in place to keep out the riff raff !!! One squad for AA in a platoon will help your assault . Plus the amount of XP i make with my Dual extended mag bursters is well worth the investment.
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  12. Paisty

    Actually, if you bothered to read the first post, you would see the complaint is moving from AA nest to AA nest, due too the sheer volume of aircraft.

    AA nest = dedicated AA group.

    As the title of this post makes clear, there is presently a volume of aircraft problem.

    Also the Dalton is an AV weapon and it should take at least 4 direct hits to kill infantry just like max AV weapons.
  13. Niller

    I agree that AA should give more xp.
  14. Radiant Stranger

    Anti Air giving more XP is indeed one part of the solution to the current problem.

    Liberators and ESFs shoot at anything (Air, Vehicle, Infantry), and the Certs come in steady.
    AA is giving two kinds of XP (mostly):

    -) Deterrant XP (Ground Air Damage XP), comes in very small packages (Engineers with Ammo Packs get more, because there are much more ticks)
    -) Air Kill XP - once in a while

    If all Ground to Air XP would be scaled up, then people might be more motivated to do it.
    As it is now, using Air gives much XP, which is why people do it,
    Anti Air does not give much XP, which is why there are few who do it.

    Simple, really.
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  15. Eyeklops

    This can't be said enough. Since the Amerish re-work I can't bring myself to play on Indar. Amerish is hands down the coolest map I have ever played on, in ANY shooter game.
  16. Paisty

    Why are you people thinking this is on one continent?

    I played on Shrouded Skyway on Amerish Friday, one of the most covered bases in the game. There was many libs, galaxies and probably esf's (but you cannot see out so not sure on the esf's) simply flew around the outside "Q" spamming and shooting anything that was spotted.

    Also cover like that works in both directions, so all the bursters and skyguards could only shoot at aircraft that were spotted.

    Lastly, why is it that AA weapons (bursters and skyguards)can die to enemy ground troops, enemy ground vehicles and enemy aircraft, aka...... combined arms, but only aircraft can kill aircraft?
  17. Eyeklops

    Shrouded Skyway is an incredible base for infantry cover, if you had problems with air there...dunno what to tell you.

    I do on occasion play AA duty (I have a fully certed AA max), but on Amerish I find the need to do so much diminished as I can usually find routes to objectives with adequate cover. Sure there are a few bases on Amerish where airpower can lock players into the spawn, but those bases are rare.

    Amerish is really the first continent to "get it right" in this respect. Air power can be strong, but in order for that to be so it must have limited targeting ability, hence what ground cover provides. If the current Amerish was the first continent released I would guess that many of the air/tank nerfs would not have been needed.
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  18. Coffee Hound

    I'm pretty sick of how overpowered air is compared to AA. I think it's time to take another break until the air-power pendulum swings back to a reasonable balance.
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  19. Paisty

    Exactly, there is a massive problem when infantry cannot even see the sky from a base and are still shelled from the air.

    And during that fight there was a massive amount of AA, but like I said in the other post, AA can die to anything on the battlefield, air does not.
  20. DQCraze

    Thermals, its all about the thermals on explosive weapons. Its to easy to find infantry with these equipped, infantry needs a way to distort thermal imaging.