
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dante02, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Dante02

    Fix this SOE. It isn't much fun to pick a continent and decide which one you want to be warp-gated at.
  2. Nanomorph

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  3. sustainedfire

    Your locker combination is supposed to be secret. :eek:

    How are they to fix that exactly? Give any faction that has a >10 percent world pop disadvantage access to Orbital Strikes?
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  4. NoctD

    Connery? It seems everyone decided to start an NC alt and do it on Connery lately.
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  5. WyrdHarper

    Also called "even population" on Mattherson ;p
    Seriously, 28 isn't even that bad.

    As for warpgating, maybe make dynamic base timers, so it's easier to take bases near your warpgate, but harder as you move away (Eg Barrick Electrical might take 2:0 minutes to cap from the southern warpgate, but seven from the northwest lane. Have a dynamic +/- cap time based on relative population using both continental and global population. Voila!
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  6. AzureKnight

    On Connery, TR has had pops like that for a very long time. only withing the past few weeks have I seen it more balanced. Most TR stick to Indar which leaves Esamir and Amerish open except when land grab alerts happen. NC and VS decide to make those places theirs. many still obsess about the Crown so I've never seen TR warpgated on Indar.
  7. Accuser

    Terrible populations, great measurements though.
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  8. TheFamilyGhost

    Its no wonder we get no new content. The devs are too busy keeping up with the people that want an easier game.

    As Connery TR, I am here to say that if one can keep their head out of their backdoor and find a platoon that wants to succeed, then there are plenty of targets and plenty of certs.

    Balance is boring. Want a challenge? Here you go. Don't want it? Go away...
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  9. Modern Ancestor

    Yup 5 people against Tank zerg and 32 aircrafts. The challenge? Choose 1 tank or liberator your challenge is catch that single targets shot in your mouth. Takes skill all right it really does. Oh wait... did i start playing for this? umm.. pretty sure that wasn't exactly what i had in mind challenge ways.
  10. libbmaster

    Welcome to the life of waterson VS.

    Cert AV mines, cert ejection seat, find a sundy with your ESF and go to work.

    And quit yer cryn'!