Upgrade now! the chat filter

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wezdor, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Wezdor

    I think all of this UPGRADE NOW nonsense along with the new chat filter is actually an early april fool's day (week). It might be worth to wait until after then to see if they actually intend to keep it, but so far im finding it all pretty hilarious :p

    And i actually upgraded. Dem super sale.

    Here is the new chat filter if anyone is interested http://hastebin.com/witicatute.txt . Its. Priceless. I mean seriously. Look at the damned thing!
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  2. HadesR

    Shame it's bad luck to make April Fool jokes on any other day than the 1st ..
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  3. Ryme

    Only if they set the chat filter to replace swear words with "UPGRADE NOW!"
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  4. Wezdor

    You have set times when you can patch your game, so you make do with what you have.
  5. HadesR

    True .. But most Dev's are capable enough to put certain things on a timer, so they only come into effect on the right day or time regardless of when the patch was.

    But goodluck with your wishful thinking :p

    Since April Fools is supposed to be humorous I Can see the chat being part of it but not the Upgrade message's
  6. Turkeys!

    First entry in that chat filter is golden. #54 is pretty appropriate as a replacement word as well :p
  7. K2k4

    I'm still laughing that every instance of the f-word is replaced with Higby.

    And +1 for bumping magriders LOL!
  8. SirJMD

    Thought I'd give the new updates a try... met by "UPGRADE NOW!" everywhere. Oh well, might as well grab a mossy.. nooooooooope! "Disconnected from server".

    Time to uninstall this crap.
  9. -Synapse-

    I hope it's a joke, because I'm laughing pretty hard.
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  10. gigastar

    Tried to test the limits of my volcabulary against the filter in an empty base. And i only happened upon one of those.

    And i also wanted to personally see something for myself regarding the UPGRADE NOW! prompt, but i got DC'ed before that could happen.

    Oh well, back to Warframe.
  11. Atis

    Is APRIL a swearword or just want to prevent ppl warning each other about April Fool?

    Also, Higby you, whoever is in charge of this update.
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  12. Copasetic

    I think they missed quite an opportunity with that filter, they could have mapped every bad word to UPGRADE NOW!.

    Bet the marketing department didn't think of that.

    There's plenty more good ideas where that came from SOE, I'll send a resume.
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  13. Akeita

  14. locowolf

    so the servers disconnect everyone when someone types a bad word now?
  15. AdamRah

    i hope it isnt permanent
  16. Wezdor

    Y u do dis :(
  17. Ivalician

    I can't get ingame because I'm not at home. Is that list seriously the new profanity filter, or are you guys just dicking around? Because if that's the new profanity filter, the moment I get home and log into Planetside, I'm turning the profanity filter on.

    "**********" == "Reddit." That's seriously too good to pass up.
  18. Ttariel

  19. SgtRitaPoon

    Notice how words "april" and "fools" translate " "Everything is fine" and "please remain calm"?
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  20. MajiinBuu

    I am logging in to say YOLO