NC Mentality on Woodman Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mianera, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. KnightCole

    The Woodman NC are not unlike the Mattherson NC.

    24 guys, 6 are MAX, 4 are Infil, 4 are Engi the rest are HA, but none of them really ammo, none of them radar dart...not in support anyway and they cannot beat a small squad of like 4 guys, despite the hilarious numerical superiority they commonly have.
  2. KnightCole

    Battlefield noobs...its ok to be a BF noob. Maybe BF2 anyway. CoD is just a bevy of 10-14 year old hormone ridden yo mama joke telling kiddies whose only goal in life is to shoot his virtual gun at anything and everything. Screw rezzing guys, screw L2P, TK? Oh well, lol, its funny. Did i just crash my jet and kill 20 guys? hahahahahahtrolololololroflmao

    Yeah, CoD is the noob dudes.

    BF guys play better. You can somewhat expect some degree of competency from them.
  3. Radioactive Bomba

    Yup played both franchises since, yeah for me since BF 2 and everyone up until 3.

    For cod it was for me since yeah it started in 2003 and up till Black ops.

    But in those years, you could kind of see how the game franchise developed, turning it to be a more casual, no characters are truly memorable anymore, small 13 year old kids yelling in mic, it's sad to see such a good game turn into somehting like that, same goes for Battlefield, and that's exactly what i have against that franchise, and it's not different, many PS1 vets complain about this game being more casual friendly, and so on and so on, even people who likes movies mostly says that 2 and 3 isn't as good as the first one.

    But that is only something devs can control, we as players make the game it is, and that's true, but CoD and Battlefield after the 3rd encourages solo runs. 360 no scope thing and ****** montages, and when they come from such a game, they'll take their Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty multiplayer mentality with them, and yes, run solo, TK, and just being a ******, But of course, most don't do that.

    Else i won't mention Quake and stuff like that. And we should all have the rights to play this game, however we also should learn to adapt to that new game, when i see engineers or medics who take those classes because of AR's or Carbines and simply refuse to do their intended roles, even though the dead team mate might be laying next to them, CoD also lays a heavy focus on KDR and other stats stuff encouranging solo game play and personal stats, which really shouldn't be the main focus in this game.

    We can all do that, it's also ok to be in it for the stats, as long as the game doesen't encourage stats stuff, because that turns players into those "Oh id rather have that kill than revive that guy next to me, with the skull flashing above him" people.

    And i would even dare to say this game requires more team work than Battlefield.
  4. Stew360

    The average player will be better in both TR or VS , VS been the most easymode of all 3 empire , No matter whats you could say its a fact , piloting a Scythe is easymode for low skills players , dealing with a mag rider is easymode , Orion is easymode , most VS weapons are as smooth as butter to handle , its a fact , so the effect of this is since 80 % of the player base are lower skills players when 80 % of an empire player base do a little better than other you crank up the overall empire efficiency

    Equally high end players will be as good in all empire for the most part , lower skills player will be better as VS and TR , its factual denying it is denying the reality
  5. Tecbunny

    Woodman NC are crap for one simple reason.

    KOTV drove all the good players away with their dominance over the server.
  6. Bvenged

    No. NC does not go for VS any more than TR. It's a false bias perception you have being a VS player. Everybody has it. Pluck any random TR or NC from Miller/Woodman, and check their player site's faction-kills ratio. I've killed 65% TR, for example.
  7. Kumaro

    Woodman... as i notice it when i play the game
    TR has alliance thingy. it expands and adapts
    NC has Alliance thingy. it expands and adapts
    VS has KOTV...uh ZOE nerf other outfits stepping up their game???

    General zerg game play.
    VS is good with medics lots of revives and support to specific classes. Generally okay pushes with sundies and overall vehicle presence. weak and sustaining an attack easily leaves for easier prey. Loves grouping together to attack and gives great support to each other in general during combat. And of all factions i see them utilize all the resources in the game the most.

    TR is a mixture of chaos and organisation. Lots of engineers and light assaults backed up by heavys and medics and the occurring infiltrators. They are very stubborn and zergs often dies due to mistakes or being overwhelmed for neglecting to FLANK!!! But are good at catching onto ideas trough observation and following the bright head that came up with it.

    NC has a mix of the two above though they don't know what a sundie is they prefer to charge on foot. until someone remembers that a sundie is a transport vehicle with spawn capabilities and then places it in an awkward position. Also being quite stubborn they can slam their heads towards a wall repeatedly. But in groups they tend to be the best listeners to requests and commands although it easily gets colourful in the words. (my god NC command channel is filled with cursing in a way i never hear in TR or VS) XD

    ______________________________Extra on NC since this thread is mainly about that
    The only thing NC is really horrible at in my eyes is the frigging sunderers THEY RARELY EVER PULL ONE!!!
    Want to kill an attacking NC zerg on woodman find the sunderers and kill them and watch the flood die out.
    TR and VS will mostly bring more and try to push on. But NC just wont.....Heck most of the time you can watch an infantry flood just die out. then nothing and only wonder. "what they didn't bring sunderers??"
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  8. Mianera

    - Blacklight Retribution (probably the best urban fps in existence)

    ...also where I came from :p No vehicles though and only small scale battles.

    You know.... I have to agree. I mean try the Pulsar C, incredible weapon. No downfal and you can just hold it down and every shot will hit your target.

    VS is probably the most spray n pray friendly Empire. NC is really punished hard for spraying, too hard if you ask me.

    I still honestly do not know why most NC on Woodman haven't figured that out by now.... 100% true.

    I have a theory, correct me if I'm wrong. But I believe that is because since so many NC players are beginners to the game itself, they don't exactly know where to find it.

    I mean same goes for Squadleader and Command/Region chat, they don't know how to unlock it because it's not very clear where to find it. Same goes for the beacon.

    I mean on the class select screen, you see your guy and can change guns, weapons, upgrade tools etc etc, but you don't see everything. And I don't think they are aware that they need to dig deeper and look through the *Class* Certification slots.

    Same goes for Amp and Tech Plant tunnels, most NC don't even know they exist or how to get there or where they lead.
  9. Mianera

    You mean the VS guys that sit on Esamir all day every day on their lvl 80+ characters in their Libs just camping anyone who comes to the continent?
  10. Kunavi

    Full(Metal) ****** : IQ Zeroes

    You are drunk Mianera. Home it is, for you.
  11. Ketadine

    From a TR player's perspective:
    "TR has alliance thingy. it expands and adapts" - True, if most of the outfits work together we're basically owning, true story, but the issue here is "IF" as most leaders have their own agenda.

    "NC has Alliance thingy. it expands and adapts" - Really ? I assumed they do, but it is not very visible, at least for me. If I assume that some battles were part of the alliance, then all I felt was an increase in NC numbers on a hex and if that is true, they need to work on their tactics. More so, they need some leaders that are willing to invest time and effort in their faction alliances.

    "VS has KOTV" - Yes and for those who don't know this is a mass invite outfit => other outfits are more specialized, smaller in numbers and kinda gravitate around KOTV "led" fights. That has made them more organized because of their small numbers and they need to coordinate a lot more in order to achieve something.

    On a site note, NC really needs to start pulling more medics and engies. The times that I played my NC alt, I think I was the only medic or engie on the hex :)
  12. iller

    NEWS ALERT!!! NC are easy to farm... OMG, this needed its own thread

    PS: the reason medics are rare is not because everyone hates to heal & revive. It's b/c most of them haven't figured out that AR's are the best class of highly accurate Close/Midrange high DPS (but small clip) Rifles in the game ....Not sure why most people don't know this, since it's pretty much the same story in every game that's ever had a Medic class since...what... RTCW / TF1 ???

    Most people never admit it either.... but whenever I run into "famous" players/streamers who I know for a fact are padding their Stats/Auraxiums on Connery for some VS or TR weapons..... guess why I run into them? That's right, because I hit instant action and ended up next to all the truly clueless N.C. in the biggest most clueless zerg on Indar. I admit I'm pretty clueless myself at times, especially right after I login and get 10 deaths in 10 minutes or less. But wow, these other guys I watch getting farmed. Holy crap, I don't ever want to have a bunch of auraxiums if it meant I had to farm people who are that I.D.G.A.F.. I'm having enough of a moral dilemma as it is just going for kills with the railjack. I bet you could actually get Auraxium in a week with the DUSTER if you farmed the right NC o_O
  13. lilleAllan

    NC does have support minded players.

    When we were getting warpgate camped a few days ago, there was a engi just hanging out on the warpgate landing pads. Everytime I flew my reaver in to rearm, this guy was there, repairing me. Didn't say a word, just servicing incoming crafts. What a trooper.

    NC: only faction with warpgate valet service. Points for style.
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  14. Gnomemercy

    I've lost count the amount of times I've pulled my reaver with ejector seat as an engi and gone and killed the enemy sundy and then the NC can push in, so the "one player doesn't make a difference" is nonsense. I've played on Woodman since Feb last year and there is always a constant swing of power, and for all the things the OP'd posted every faction can complain of the same things. I've spoken to various TR people during a fight when I'm doing my infil/stalker thing, and they complain about exactly the same things on TR side, the lack of engi, medic etc etc.

    And maybe I am guilty because out of an Alert I just want to find a good fight hunker down and farm some certs whilst having fun chatting about random stuff on TS with outfit members, but come an Alert then it's time to play a more seriously. This is it for me my time and if I want to spend it out of an alert getting Auraxium on my crossbow then so be it.
  15. Sovereign533

    Actually, we don't. I'm in most WASP operations, and according to my stats only 40% of my kills are Vanu kills. My deaths are in that same region. I think this is a matter of perspection.
    Because I look at the map quite often, and I often see 12-24 or 24-48 enemies in bases where the TR and VS border eachother. Since they are both enemies for me, it means that it must be quite a small fight there. And if I then look at the NC VS/TR border, there's 24-48 or 48+ enemies in every base. So big fights everywhere.
    So from my perspective it's always the Vanu and the TR fighting the NC and not each other.

    The grass is always greener on the other side and stuff.
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  16. Mianera


    You say "players" yet you mention only this one guy. And this one guy appeared when you were warpgate camped. Only just then.

    Sorry mate :/ No points.

    That was never said, I mentioned that one player doesn't win a battle. And by win, I mean a total win, not just the ping pong that often just happens. First one sides pushes then gets knocked back, then the other side pushes and gets knocked back etc etc.

    The point you didn't get (apologies, probably didn't explain it clearly enough the first time) is that one player wont win a big battle but one player can make a significant action inflicting the outcome.

    But again, that's 1 player out of 100. The point is, that after you get past lvl 30 or 40, common tactics and behavior should have more or less soaked in, and by the time you pass level 60 it should just be common knowledge. But for some reason, for about 70% of the NC, it just isn't.

    They won't go for the sundy, they wont realize when they are being farmed, they wont pull-... ughr, repeating myself here. I'm pretty sure you know the rest of the list.

    What is being discussed here is why these standard things seem to soak in quicker for the TR and the VS.