Need suggest for TR Carbines

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by ackerx, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. ackerx

    Hello guys.
    I'm a return player that using Trac-5 with HS/NL + Laser + Suppressor atm.
    But SOE give me few SC as a return player so I'm thinking upgrade it.

    I've been searching that T5 AMC is a great carbine with advanced grip. But when I launch my game.
    it only have normal grip. Did they remove it?

    If they remove it. I guess Lynx is only way to go? I prefer high damage in CQC or controllable recoil at mid range. But I have Nighthawk and FA already.
  2. LibertyRevolution

    You have to cert forward grip for the advanced one to show up as an option to cert.
    HVA is getting a buff today.

    Have to tried the jaguar? adv. laser and suppressor, it is a better than the trac5.

    I use the jag for CQC, and the T5 AMC for longer range engagements.
  3. ackerx

    I tried jaguar before...but that was 1 years ago so don't know have they been changed.
    I just tried T5-AMC and it's great. And thanks about Grip/HVA info.
    Think it will be worth to upgrade after patch land. I'll try jag again after my trial on.
  4. GardenOfSilver

    The Jaguar is a great carbine. Or at least as great as it mostly gets for the TR in the carbine depatment at the moment - a good balance between RoF and accuracy, run with adv. laser and suppressor for close-range work or grab a fore-grip if you ADS a lot and want the stability for longer shots.

    The T5 AMC is good as well, and it still have the adv. foregrip. It sadly feel rather interchangable with the NS-11C however since they share the same bullet damage and RoF, the NS-11C feel a bit more controlable on horizontal recoil with a foregrip compared to the adv. foregrip on the T5 AMC and got better reload speed. Loses out on five extra round and velocity though, still it can slap on HVA and still handle better.

    The handling thing is not nesecarily an absolute statement with the attatchment though, mind. Mostly personal opinion. Both really requires consitent headhsotting to make up for their RoF and low damage, though.
  5. bulletchaser666

    the jaguar is far more reliable in all situations with the exception of longer range engangments, but thats a simple change of cover really. the T5 amc will deffenatly not lead you wrong but the jag is the better gun.
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  6. Copasetic

    The AMC feels great to use since the sound updates, it's my go to gun when I'm not trying to aurax the few SMG/shotgun variants that I haven't done yet. It's just quite bad in CQC.
  7. Hoki

    What others have said.

    Get a Jaguar with adv laser, soft-point, do not silence. (this gun is about extended max-damage, which silencer ruins)
    1x irons or reflex is best imo (i prefer irons)

    Get a T5-AMC with foregrip, compensator, do not use high-velocity ammo. (this gun is about accuracy at range, which high-velocity ammo hurts)
    2x reflex is best imo
  8. bulletchaser666

    the jag and T5 amc, are really the oppisite sides of the same coin, the jag specs in CQC and the T5 specs towards ranged fights. simple.
  9. ackerx

    I think Jaguar will be my favor gun for a while. I love it after trial and bought it immediately.
    Right now i'm running it with HS/NL,adv laser,flank suppressor and will pick up soft-point after I got more certs.
    Thanks for suggest picking up Jaguar.
  10. bulletchaser666

    with the grip the jag has almost no horizontal recoil, very accurate. adv. laser sight is awesome to but i'd get both for fights over terrain.
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