dalton gunning, what am I doing wrong?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by testsample, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. testsample

    whenever I gun for a dalton lib, the projectile NEVER hits where I aim, it's completely off, even if the target is standing still, the projectile hits 10 meters away, what am I doing wrong?
  2. ThunderSock

    bullets do not inherit the velocity of the vehicle, so you only have to worry about drop, remember that if you are looking upside down or sideways at your target, gravity will still go down.
  3. Koldorn

    Sir, are you daring to suggest that there is an iota of skill involved in using the Dalton? :eek:
    • Up x 6
  4. Maelthra

    No way, man! Dalton is super-easy mode! Shooting down ESFs with it is practically like using an aimbot! Therefore it so totally needs to be nerfed against ESFs! I demand it be made a 4-shot kill!
    • Up x 3
  5. MorganM

    ThunderSock hit it dead on.

    Much truth here! To elaborate...

    If the lib is totally stationary and your ground target is totally stationary... the dalton projectile will go where you aim (within it's cone of fire). If the lib is moving AT ALL then you MUST compensate for this. Most libs are moving and I would assume this is where Testsample is experiencing his issue. It took me a while to figure this out myself. Wished someone like you had explained this to me a long time ago! Now armed with this knowledge apply it in game.

    If the lib is north (lets say that's forward; the direction the nose of the aircraft is moving) then you too must aim north or 'ahead' of your target. Even if your target is stationary! Now if your target is also moving you must facor in that as well. Say your target is moving west (left in this secnario) then you must aim north and west of your target (forward and left)

    There's also interesting things at play with ground vehicles I've noticed. If you have your lightning or MBT parked on an incline it will effect where your projectile lands. You must compensate for this in your aim to hit your target.

    So if your tank is parked on a hill and you are aming at, say, a base turret. If you put your crosshair right on it you will miss. I'm also assuming you aren't so close that it doesn't matter. Lets say you are 100+ meters out. So you have to compensate for the projectile drop AND left or right for it to hit your target.

    Again; armed with this knowledge apply it in game. You will need to spend a significant amount of time to figure out exactly what's described here and how to compensate for it. However now that you know how it works you'll at least have a starting point to get better from.

    Good luck!
  6. NC_agent00kevin

    Spot on. I main Lightning Driver and find myself sitting in precarious locations tilting as much as 45 degrees in one direction or the other. Not only do you have to compensate for drop but the ange the projectile is fired at.

    These mechanics make gunning Dalton libs pretty difficult unless you are moving very slowly or at a dead stop. Just keep practicing!
  7. PrimePriest

    Here I made this pr0 guide on how to hit non-moving targets with Dalton. :p Hope it helps. Point where you aim depends very much on the angle alpha.

    If anyone's interested I could elaborate more, with equations, geometry and math.
    • Up x 11
  8. testsample

    thank you and MorganM so much, I think I understand it now.
  9. daniel696

  10. daniel696

    I'm i'm studying to pass in the university USP, so here we go in physics.

    The gravity = 10 m/s
    The projectile speed = 600 m/s ? I forgot.
    Target distance = 1000 meters

    So we can say, at every second your shot will fall 10 m, if you are far away it'll fall more cause to the time. Let's see a target 1000 meters away.
    V = S/t
    600m/s = 1000m / t
    t = 1000m / 600m/s
    t = 1,66... seconds

    So the target 1000m away from you, you'll have to aim thinking that after 1 second the bullet fall 10m, then more 0,6 seconds the bullet will fall in total 16 meters, then aim 16 meters or just one finger up to the target.

    Thank you now you know how to aim.
  11. LibertyRevolution

    Now roll this plane on its side by 45º, and then add in the motion of the pilot pitching down so that you are circle strafing your target..

    Because that lib you have in your picture would be popped by that tank if it was flying in a line like that...

    Sometimes to hit a parked tank on the road, my sights will be on some building across the street. :p
  12. Gundem

    Implying that Dalton has a 600m/s velocity?

    I really, really wish you were right :p It's only 200m/s I think.
  13. IamnotAmazing

    it's 250m/s
  14. LIKE A BOSS!

    Idk know how but in my few times I am in a lib I managed to kill a ESF with a Zephyr..
  15. Devrailis

    Forumside post of the day.
  16. daniel696

    hmmm ok, let's do it again. I reduced 1000 to 800 because you can't get so high, the max I believe is 800
    V = S/t
    250m/s = 1000m / t
    t = 800m / 250m/s
    t = 3,2 seconds
    If you are really, but really high, you'll have a delay of 3,2 seconds and the missile will change his course/"aim" by the gravity for 32 meters. This if the gravity of the game is 10 m/s.
  17. Luighseach

    I remember the days when using a Dalton was extremely easy. It was perfectly accurate and almost impossible to miss with. The funny thing back then though was that nobody was good at flying and Dalton an ESF wasn't a problem.

    Also those where the dark days when all you saw was ESFs(usually mossies) all over the skies raining missiles which could OHK an infantry(I think that was true at the time).

    Anyone who played back then probably still gets a slight tingle when they hear pods going off.
  18. Pikachu

    When I first used dalton I had this idea I was supposed to shoot infront of target than behind it. :confused: Just intuition I guess from expecting tge shell to be affected by the liberators motion.
  19. Planetdoge

    I'd think the gravity would at least be in m/(s^2). It definitely feels like there's acceleration as you fall, instead of falling at a constant rate.
  20. DashRendar
